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About PeterF

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  1. For those of you who have problems downloading 9GB zip file, I have extracted 13 video files from that big file and uploaded them separately to http://fil.io/FL5kj/Samples%20from%20Grant%20Petty Premiere CS6 for some reasons opens them with lower resolution, but Premiere CC opens and plays it smoothly on my i7 notebook. I can even apply color correction filters, it still plays without frame dropping.
  2. I made 2 DNG sequences available to download: http://fil.io/FL5v4/Raw%20DNG%20sample%20from%20BMPCC
  3. BM Pocket Camera  ProRes 422 files. Ungraded. Shot with using Slrmagic 35mm 1.4, 7-14 Olympus 4/3, 14-35 Olympus F2 http://fil.io/FL5kh/Footage%20from%20Blackmagic%20Pocket%20Cinema%20Camera    
  4. The fastest card available at this moment is Toshiba Exceria Pro - 1066x - 150MB/s write, 160MB/s read speed. In Europe you can buy it here - https://www.card-discount.de/32gb-cf-compact-flash-toshiba-exceria-pro-udma7-1066x-160mb-s/speicherkarten/compact-flash/a-815/ In US - http://www.amazon.de/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85Z%C3%95%C3%91&url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=compact%20flash%201066x Please note that you'll need 32 or 64GB, not 16GB. 16GB has only 95MB/s write rate.
  5. Here are a couple of sample DNGs and videos from 5D Mark 3 - http://fil.io/FL5s6/Canon%205D%20Mark%20III%20RAW%20videos
  6. Original files have bitrate 30mbps and they have mjpeg codec. That's too low for this codec. With permission from Thorsten Overgaard I have reuploaded all raw files here  http://fil.io/FL5mh/Leica%20M%20type%20240%20video%20samples and also included 10mbps file from Vimeo
  7. Please register your account at www.fil.io. It has 90 day trial period and currently has unlimited storage/bandwidth Your download link will look like this one http://fil.io/fl4tc/nikon_v1_raw_test_2432x1368.mp4 or you can have folder with files like here: http://fil.io/FL5m3/Nikon%20V1%202.4K%20video%20by%20Javier%20Sobremazas >I would be happy to share the ProRes file if someone offered me the server space.
  8. I made a compilation of several raw files from  MBC and uploaded them here - http://fil.io/FL5i5/Blackmagic%20Cinema%20Camera They include videos of John Brawley  and two others videos
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