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  1. How does the 60fps raw burst mode compare to the E-M1 ii? Does the G9 buffer cap out at the same 48 frames?
  2. Awesome shots! Love the look of that 25mm 1.2 lens. I'm going to try your DNG/Resolve workflow. Should be must faster than rendering the .ORF image sequence in After Effects. Edit: What settings do export as in Resolve before going into Premiere?
  3. Got the camera in the mail today, immediately had to test the 60fps raw burst mode. I used a SanDisk Extreme PRO 300MB/s card and was amazed how fast the bursts were being written to the card (over 48 frames of 5K raw in less than 8 seconds). Raw processing in After Effects takes forever, took about 2 hours to render ~34 seconds. No raw color adjustments, just rendered the image sequence and applied warp stabilizer to the shot of the power lines. Kept all the missing frame flashes as well as the frames it records after the 48 frames of 60p (pretty cool speed up effect it gives). I shot another 2000+ frames which I will render out and share here soon. Used a Speed Booster Ultra w/ Zeiss zf 50mm 1.4. Also, I tried to connect my Atomos Shogun via HDMI and was able to get clean signal for 4k 30p and 1080 60p but it says connection error when I try Cinema 4K. I have the latest firmware so not sure what the problem is...?
  4. Very interested to see how many seconds/frames the E-M1 ii can shoot in this mode. I still love the 60fps raw burst mode with my Nikon V2, been waiting for another small camera that could do it for more than 40 frames. I noticed the GH5 has a 8MP 60fps burst mode but can't find any details about it.
  5. Here's at least one source from B&H first look on youtube: https://youtu.be/OU3IgfaeG-A?t=202
  6. Yeah says Arri Alexa on IMDB www.imdb.com/title/tt0106179/technical
  7. See my above post. 5D2 prices are very low, I'd definitely consider selling your 70D and getting a 5D2. Craigslist seems to have the best deals but Ebay is another option. Good conditioned 5D2's going for a little over $800: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Canon-EOS-5D-Mark-II-21-1-MP-Digital-SLR-Camera-Black-Body-Only-2764B003-/131687684834?hash=item1ea9329ae2:g:7xIAAOSwYaFWdzd2
  8. Not sure if you've read Andrew's post about 7d raw: http://www.eoshd.com/2013/08/raw-video-on-the-canon-7d-super-35mm-raw-for-under-1000/ The 7D really needs the Mosaic filter to help reduce aliasing. With the filter it's a great camera for raw since it takes CF. Edit: All this 5D2/forgotten camera excitement got me looking on craigslist. I found a wedding photographer selling her used 5D2 body for $500. ~140k actuations and some scratches on the screen. Talked her down to $480, just met up and bought it. Maybe you should consider selling your 7D and getting a used 5D2 since prices are getting very low. The deal I just got is extremely lucky but I see another on craigslist for $700. Now I can finally do some 5D2 vs 5D3 raw comparison tests of my own. I can post the results if people are interested.
  9. Inspire 1 Pro and RAW models just announced: http://www.dji.com/product/inspire-1-pro-and-raw New propellers and motors (and color)
  10. The vimeo description says Minolta MC Rokkor PG 50mm f1.4 and the Minolta MC Rokkor 35mm f1.8 HH
  11. 5D3 has continuous 720p 60fps raw (and 1080p 60fps bursts) Also the ability to do uncropped full frame (1920x1290, ~3:2 aspect). The 2k crop mode is useful as well.
  12. Are you using the VAF-5D2b filter with your 5D II? So you still prefer 5D II raw over the 5D III?
  13. ​What I meant was how much more it crops on GH4 vs Arri. Through google I found that Arri sensor size at 4:3 is 23.76 x 17.82 mm. GH4 sensor size is 17.3 x 13.0 mm at full res 4608 x 3456, but in 4k 4:3 mode at 3328 x 2496 it equates to about 12.5 x 9.4 mm sensor recording area. Thats almost a 2x crop compared to Arri. I try to keep in mind that a GH4 costs $1500 brand new whereas an Arri Alexa costs around that for a 1-2 day rental.
  14. This new Anamorphic 24p 10bit mode is fantastic news. I'm curious how much more of a crop is there in this 4:3 mode vs Arri's 4:3 35mm sensor?
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