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  1. For sale is a set of those 2 high quality and rare Voigtländer diopters - Focar A (+1) and Focar B (+2). They were produced around the 60's and are in a very high quality. Their large 95mm diameter make them a perfect fit for the Iscorama 54 or the Isco 16:9 video attachment I. The diopters are in a great condition and come with their original (yet old) boxes, as seen in the picture. Price 250€ + shipping (Paypal)
  2. Thanks Tony, I couldn't agree more. There is nothing new out there that can compete with the image quality and character that you get with this vintage glass.
  3. The fact is - that if you want to get this lens now, it's the best price you can find. Nobody that posts here needs to get your or anyones else's approval for the prices they offer... But I guess you simply have nothing better to do with your time. Good luck with it.
  4. This lens is in a new condition, that makes a big difference and the price is fair. There are MANY Kowa's which sold for much more. So please people (araucaria, ken) mind your own business, no one forces you to buy anything. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Kowa-Bell-and-Howell-Anamorphic-Lens-2x-Iscorama-Prominar-8z-16H-Tested-/181473190289?pt=Camera_Lenses&hash=item2a40a52191 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Kowa-Prominar-16H-8z-2x-Anamorphic-Lens-kit-with-Vid-Atlantic-Lens-Clamps-/151369767726?pt=Camera_Lenses&hash=item233e575b2e&nma=true&si=%252FvLUaT0b9WSuC4GL4HQP8mmYe5M%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
  5. Price update - 430€ includes worldwide shipping! Last call before ebay....
  6. This Kowa looks exactly like the 8Z / 16H models, which I both owned. However it doesn't have the 8Z / 16H marking. Its condition is like new, seems like it was never used (I also never used it). Glass is perfect! comes with both caps. Price is 450€ for Paypal. Free worldwide shipping. Please write me with your email address if you want a better quality pics of the lens.
  7. That's true - the 8Z that i'm selling is x2. There is also a Kowa x1.5 which is extremely rare.
  8. The Kowa was probably barely used. Amazing lens in a great condition. Comes with a front cap. Price for the EOSHD community: 440€ including free worldwide shipping. Pictures here: http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=291195657355
  9. SOLD! Best luck and fun to the buyer!
  10. Thanks Häns, I really think that in terms of image quality, this glass can pair with top anaorphic lenses out there. Here you also have the advantage of flexibility with the choice of the taking lens, naturally the disadvantage of convenience. But If you think about it this way, the price really makes sense (compare it with a price of a set of Kowa anamorphics...) So you would pay as half as what you would pay for an Iscorama these days, and get a great lens that works also without a frequent hassle of diopters (better minimum focus) and most likely has a better image. I've actually seen a bit more of the inflight x1.75 out there, but they're indeed very rare as well. I have a feeling they were made in a later period than the c35 x1.5, just because of their design and the fact you can often find them in a good shape.
  11. Thanks for the feedback Yannis! And you're right, the Nikon is really f1.8:)
  12. Yes, I think you're right about the sensor. but the problem is that almost all the manufacturers don't allow the option of 4:3 video shooting. I'm not sure why, but that's the reality. The lens in that link is a joke compering to the Kowa. I tried it so i know exactly what i'm talking about. The one there is a focus-through lens which you might be able to adjust with a screw driver only (!) and...while adjusting it, it actually slips from alignment and you have to re-align with your feeling. very unprofessional... It might give you some nice footage if you use it right, but never ever a clean professional look like the Kowa. It's like compering an old mobile phone to a canon 5d mark 3 because they both make pictures. This adapter in this link is from a small unexperienced british manufacturer, and I wouldn't put this glass in front of my lens if I want a quality image. Maybe for fun or for the sake of experiencing. Anyway, i'd be happy to answer you privately for further similar questions, but let's keep it here a relevant discussion for the lens that I'm selling. Thanks!
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