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    Lumix S1 + S5

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  1. These are the camera's I have owned: - Canon 60D Then saw footage of the GH2 and was blown away. Since the GH3 was 'around the corner', I waited for that and bought it on the day of release. - GH3 - GH5 - GH5-S - S1 And later added S5 and S1H to the fleet because I need multiple bodies for wedding shooting. I'm happy for now. Shooting anamorphic. Great photo capabilities as wel. I don't mind the 1.5x crop in 4k 50p, I think S35 is the sweet spot for videography work. Shooting at f1.8 is still doable focus wise, but has nice separation and is better in low light than shooting at f2.8 in full frame mode. Image quality is virtually the same in full frame mode / s35 mode with much better rolling shutter in s35 mode. With the 1.33x anamorphic lenses and shooting in the 4:3 crop, I'm actually getting about 1.39x crop since the 4:3 sensor crop is a bit taller than the 16:9 s35 crop. So that's almost APS-H territory. 10-bit colors. V-log. Good rolling shutter. Small file sizes. Great dynamic range. Good low light performance. A great viewfinder (not the s5 though). Good IBIS and even compensates for anamorphic lenses. I'm done really. New camera's don't even interest me anymore. I got everything I want in a camera and more. The only things that could be improved in an S2 or so are: - Video AF, obviously, but I don't care about it since I use manual anamorphic lenses - Better rolling shutter in full frame mode. Again, I don't care cause I barely use that mode. - Maybe a ProRes mode of RAW mode for even better colors (won't use it for weddings though) - OLPF should be fitted on all S-bodies cause there is a lot of moiré / alliassing going on. The S1H is clearly the best in that regard since it's the only body with one equipped. - The 120 fps full HD modes aren't very good. Riddled with aliassing, low detail and noise. I now have 4 S-line bodies and I'm invested deeply in the L-mount so I won't change anytime soon. Very happy with the images coming out of them.
  2. Yea I heard / read that many times before but I simply don't believe it. Never have. I have both by the way. When I don't know which clip is shot by which of the two, it's impossible to tell. The S1H does suffer a bit less from aliassing though because of the OLPF.
  3. At € 2500,- it's gonna be a hard sell I think. Especially when you can buy an S1 for € 1700,- these days... I have no doubts that the S1 has a better sensor with more dynamic range and better low light performance. And full frame DOF when you need it. And even in the 50p/60p and anamorphic 50/60p modes, the crop factor will be 1.5 as opposed to 2.0. So the only stuff that the GH6 would do better is: - 6k at 60p - 120 fps in 4k - Probably better rolling shutter - Better IBIS I mean, those are worthy advantages and should not be overlooked, but for most filmmakers I think the S1 is still the better choice. And very likely, not long after the GH6 release there will be a successor to the first S-line camera's. So the GH6 will probably appeal to people who have a bunch of M43 stuff / lenses, and / or people who like small lenses and lower weight.
  4. Weird move frome Panasonic indeed. I wonder what the improvements would be but probably incremental. Panasonic has always innovated, always took the lead when it comes to video since the release of the GH2. And I have started using Panny since I first saw footage that compared the GH2 to the much more popular 7D / 5D Mark II at the time. I had multiple bodies over the years. First the GH3, bought on the day of release. The GH5 and GH5-S, same story. At first the S1 didn't appeal to me much, because I was shooting with a GH5-s with speedbooster already and the upgrade looked incremental due to a lack of 4k 60 fps in 10-bit. The S1H was too expensive. But I couldn't resist the urge to go for a better sensor, so after a year or so I sold off my GH5, GH5-s, G7 and speed boosters and lenses. Now I have S1's, an S5 and I recently bought a 2nd hand S1H for a very good price. It's interesting how I now have zero interest anymore in a new GH-camera. Or even new camera's from other brands that aren't major upgrades with tons of new features. I'm satisfied. I reached the point of 'this is good enough for years to come'. Finally. After all the camera's I own, I now no longer care about gear. I mean, I can now shoot 4k 50 fps in 10-bit LOG with incredible dynamic range in anamorphic mode with anamorphic preview and even anamorphic compensated IBIS. I got myself a set of Sirui lenses with modified L-mounts and called it a day. In 4:3 mode the sensor crop is slightly taller than the 16:9 s35 crop, leading to a crop factor of around 1.35x when shooting with a 1.33x anamorphic lens. That's close enough to full frame to me. And when the project calls for it, or I need to go a little wider, I can change to the 5.4k 3:2 mode. Amazing really. The camera's are a joy to operate. The buttons feel 'right'. The EVF's are brilliant (minus the one of the S5). I got a Sigma 85mm f1.4 DN and a Lumix 24-70 for photography and the AF is very good. More than good enough for the kind of photo's I take. Why am I writing this? Because I think many people feel like this in 2021. The current gear on the market is so 'affordable' and good and unlike 5 years ago, there is plenty of competition and alternative in the video world. I honestly can't see what a GH6 would bring to the table to make me enthousastic for even a second. I think GH-folks also underestimate how good the S1-line camera's are these days, especially ater the firmware updates. Much cleaner images. It's just a shame you can't use your GH-glass on the the S-camera's. But I think most of us were on some kind of speedbooster anyway. So nothing changes there. And Panasonic knows it. They can't release a €2000,- GH6 that is worse in a lot of things than their S1 / S5 due to the smaller sensor. And cheaper is probably not viable for Panasonic. They simply aren't as big as Sony or Canon and don't sell that much. It's funny how good Panasonic has treated us videomakers since forever, but marketingwise they aren't exactly like Apple. The product presentations with the old uncharismatic men. The 'Lumix' brand, which has as much appeal as a Toyota. I feel like they could have accomplished so much more if they had a more established brand. Or if people would take them more serious. And what was that cinema box release last year. Or that G100 'VLOGGING camera' with shitty AF and no IBIS. Video quality and feature wise, Panasonic always has been on top. And still, the competition (a7sIII / Canon R5) offer no anamorphic modes, overheat and lack a lot of monitoring tools. How many times I have heard from people 'What is that? A Lumix??'. 'Yea it's Panasonic'. And Panasonic is even a known name in the cinema world with their Varicams. The brand Lumix shouldn't have existed. The same goes for 'Micro four thirds'. Which man wants to have anything Micro in life? It always sounded like a compromise. Micro is better, until the 'Full Frame' (as in, the complete picture) steps up. And it has. A S5 or similar offerings from other brands is now under € 2000,-. I say it's game over for small sensors. And Panasonic has some work to do with their branding and future releases. Because I fear for their future as well. But as long as my S-line camera's keep working, I will be shooting 10-bit anamorphic slowmo in LOG with 12.4 stops dynamic range, in body stabilised, for years to come.
  5. Yea its most probably very possible. But no way they're giving the 'cheap hybrid model' internal raw, which their 'flagship video model' cannot. S2h might do that.
  6. Wasnt the sensor in the s1 and s1h made by TowerJazz? That name has been thrown around here a lot when the cams came out. Although it is a bit curious that the cams of that generation all have pretty much the same specs, i.e. Sony a73 / Nikon z6 / S1(h).
  7. Stab

    Lens Weight

    Plastic vs metal. The expensive Panasonic lenses, the one with the red S on it, are partially metal and partially plastic. But I believe the newer, cheaper glass is completely made from plastics.
  8. Oh yea, and the biggest thing is actually the abillity to shoot 10-bit in 4k 50 fps / 60fps. Albeit 4:2:0, still a thousand times better than 8-bit. It makes shooting in v-log feasible.
  9. Yep, was waiting for that. Was really happy the day it was announced. My S1's just became baby-S1H's. But really, the last updates were all great already (shutter angle / red recording indicator, etc), and this one is for me all about the anamorphic modes. Good stuff.
  10. I had 3 different S1 bodies (now 2) and used 5 different cards. 3 of them were Sandisk Extreme Pro v30 cards of various sizes, and 2 were brand new v90 cards. One Adata v90. And one ProGrade v90. The latter was suggested and is an official 'supported' card by Panasonic themselves. I had camera freezes and corrupt files on the first shoot with both the v90 cards. All combinations of cards and and the 3 camera's have given me problems. So yea, basically proved it is not about the cards but the camera. Oh and those Sandisk cards were used in 3 different GH5's and a GH5-s for 2-3 years without any problem. People keep pointing to the cards, but it is the camera. And specifically, how it offloads the buffer to the SD-card module. That's all I know. Since I changed to the other slot, I have used both XQD and CFexpress without a single problem or corrupt file ever since.
  11. +1 for Sigma Art. They choose a bad name actually. Should have been named Sigma Perfect. or Sigma Clean. Also, my Panasonic 24-70 f2.8 is pretty damn perfect. But also perfect as in clean, sterile.
  12. Damn, bad to hear that. Yea it's absolutely a travesty. I have been in contact with various people from Panasonic before but there are no solutions, simply because they don't know (or at least that's what they say) the cause. They can't 'reproduce the issue'. My anger has subsided over the years because I started to use CFexpress and that has been great, but I would love to buy an S1H if I knew it was free of problems. But I just can't know. I use a 'dual-body' setup now during weddings so an external monitor / external recording all day is a no-go for me. Also, the filesizes. I shoot about 25-30 weddings in (normal) year and they are about 500-600 GB each. Backed up two drives makes for 1.2 TB per wedding. I keep the footage for a year. It adds up quickly. Can't imagine shooting Prores or anything similar for weddings with volumes like that.
  13. Yea, I would buy an S1H if it wasn't for all the people complaining about corrupt .mtd files, camera freezes, etc. I also had those with my 3 S1 bodies. Many times and I was furious when it happened during weddings. But since I changed to CFexpress recording, I have no more problems. The S1H does not have that option, only SD-card recording. Which frankly, I don't dare to use anymore on paid gigs. Especially weddings... Now there are many people without problems, but some never had problems and then all of a sudden, boom, a corrupt file. Did you ever have anything happen? The Facebook groups of 'S1 and S1 users' are full of those posts.
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