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Everything posted by stefanocps
No i said the panasonic has the possobiliu to add.an.handle with xlr input, and this could help to have a better audio. BUT anyway this is not the point, the.point, as i have always said, is to have a tool that we ll be small(portable) and fast to use!neither i am looking for the bestbstandout product of course!
I had the zv1 for a while, got it from amazon amd send it back. I wanted time to decide if it was good for me.and get it used in case
Yes, no problem at all, i have seej it even at less of 400
It s a good while that i am thinking to get the ax700, that now it has become something like a dreamnto realize!:) In fact, though, j just can t take to pay stil such a nig money for such an old product, that s why i keep thinking the may be zv1 could be better solution., but, unlike you, i will want to use it more in a point and shoot situation, so may be for me all that rigging would not be so adequate. But yet, paying 1000 euro or more for a used ax700...that s only because is a sony, and for this i also dont have simpathy for the brand
Ahah why you hate sony so much?i am also debating if a zv1 would be a better deal than ax700.But tell me, with all rhat rigging aren t you loosing the main feature of zv1?Size, weight, portability?in rhi way you loosr all the benefit of using a camcorder;did you have more reason to give up ax700?how worste is zv1 IQ than ax700?
having already an aps c i can have smaller sensor for different use like point and shot/documentaristic style, where quality of image may count a bit less than if shooting a movie. But that panasonic has a lot more thing than an iphone that makes it interesting. Otherwise,again the sony ax700 produce very nice images, being in someway limited in certain areas
i know i know, quality of video seems nice though, at least what i have seen on youtube, but i woud know from real user. But this is why i was focuse only to 1inch camcorder like ax700. The fact that it is almost 5 years old,it doesnt have 50p at 4k and still cost enough makes me hesitant though, this is why i reconsider that smaller sensor, that at least offer many options, even the possibility to add an handle with xlr mic input
or to improve the performance overall, expecially AF, i should need to change system, and go to a sony for example a7 iii with a long zoom range...alsoa bulky and pricey solution
i totally agree with you about the quality, and this is the reason why i have been wanting a camcorder but i haven't bought it yet. My xt3 it is very good, i love it but when i need to use it it needs many prepare..plus i have 2 lens 18 55 and 55 200 and sometimes need to change the lens. AF is good but on camcorder we just don t need to think about it, stabilization also, though for me it is not a game changer. I have thought to buy a zv1 just to satisfy this need of point and shot, and it still might be an option. if i should do the way you suggest i would need to buy a big extension zoom for my xt3, abandon the idea of stabilzing(Wheter i would need it) and carry with me a machine which would be bulkier than an ax700. andall at the same price. Yes getting a big extension zoom and may be a zv1..could be somehting that will cover my need
i know but i have already a camera a fuji xt3...and anyway for around 1000 euro i wil not get a camera + lens better than ax700. I need something to use in a different way. So i know what i want, perhaps don t know exactly what model, but the type of tool yes
I am looking for a camcorder! no gh2,no gh6, those are not camcorder. Gh6 also is a totally different price range. I know i get what i pay..ax700 and panasonic x1500 can be found around 1000 euro second hand. This is my budget, and those are the kind of machine i am looking for
well i mean it needs interchangeable lens....don t ant a toy but a camcorder like ax700 is definitely another kind of use. And last, but not least, the jvc is considerably more expensive than sony/panasonic..and i am talking about second hand market
i heard about that, and i know it should be a very nice piece But i am looking for a proper camcorder, with all the facilities of use, for run and gun, also the 2 models i mentioned seems smaller than the jvc
Hello, it is a while i am looking for a camcorder. Till now, having decided that 1 inch sensor would be fundamental, i have focused on Sony AX700 as the best camera in that area, for money,size quality ecc. Now i am not so firmly convinced that 1 inch sensor it is a MUST..so i started to consider panasonic hc x1500 as it seems a really interesting camera. I like the size, the possibility to add handle with audio, zoom excursion, 50/60 p, 4:2:2..Those things are really actrattive. What i can't tell is the IQ, the autofocus and perhaps other things not good that i don't know. I would like to know from x1500 (or 2000 being the same) their experience with this camcorder...and if someone has a direct comparision with ax700, even better Thanks a lot
just playing with the machine..very nice, little jewel..need to understand quickly if i can bear that screen 😃 Btw, it is not light, quite heavy. Looks like it need a stick, (may be the sony one?) to carry it, expecially n selfie style
yes hopefully!
i don't miss the viewfinder at all for the same reason you said 😃 But the way the screen comes out in the va i think it is better, expecially when used in a selfie style...wathcing the screen will result in shot where you look aside, and it is not nice. This i think could be the main reason, and other minor like some more dials to operate, for what i have read. Zv1 also has a mic input and it is a good benefit, but for me it does not have much use in a camere which is supposed compact, as small as possible!
i bought sony zv1, tomorrow will be at home..only doubt is with rx100va...of course the version 7 will be the first choice, but price is another range I'll test th zv1 and see if better switch to rx100va
for video you find zv1 better than rx100V?
i am sorry for that little friction that has been goin on As i said, i think forum are really valuable option to search infromation, a part of google and youtube, because direct feedback from users are gold. Even the Kye's focus on a interchabgeable camera was important, as i made some reseacrh to see if there could be one as samll as i woul'd like and that helped me in making my mind up about the compact choice Eveb what webrunner said..i tried to understand more, and i was stimulated for a deeper search on action cameras, but i just could not underttand his suggestion. What i have pointed put is that sometimes in forums, people are quickly and easily pointed in frames, generico ones, making the user just like another one, because they seem. I know that nowdays lot's of people just wake up and ask without making a little effort, ignoring that the seacrh is one of the nicest part (and acknowlediging) of the process..but not all the people is the same, even if sometimes might look like It is easy to get carried away from this disturbing feeling in a forum, given the hundreds of contribute that are the same..but also is important to be always aware of who you you are talking to, as a person might seems like many another one, but t is not...
i have been looking around for similar competitor(compact ones, pocketeable) ...lumix lx100 II, or tz200, or the various canon g1x, g5x,g7x..also the previous sony rx100 But it seems that zv1 in that segment is just unbeatable...even if would like to spend more money zv1 remain the first That's for what i have found...If there are different opinino or suggestion welcome!
who told you that?i t was helpful, zv1 as you suggested is my main idea now!
i know that there is youtube and google and so on..but in internet there are forums also And what are forum for? Personally besides my internet search, i like to talk with people and have a feedback from personal experience I find this a bigger value, to add the the internet search, btw..who told you i haven't done that? 🙂 I don't know why you say i behave aggressive, i felt to have aggressive answer though...mainly because some answer seems not considering the question! That said..if someone get bored to partecipate to a forum, to answer to questions that are of no interest for him (and he has all the right..) well, , i'd suggest to do not partecipate
as you suggested it i though you know about it
this is what i have started doing...also i would not mind to have direct feedback form who have alreday made a similar choice!