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Everything posted by stefanocps
haven t really find one as i am at begginning and i see lots of option..need to get oriented first i see core 5660 seems most common, looks a good option, of course i mean 2x 5660 About the cost, i am willing toi pay no more than 350-400( and tyhen add a gtx card) for the whole system, otherwise if more i would go for ryzen 3600
and another thing..the monmey saved with used server, will go quicly away because of power supply requested and electricty bill Not talking about rack servers that have mad consuption, but also the rack ones have, i thoink the double electricity consumption
do you have some link? anyway for now i would like to understand if a 3-4 or 5 years old 2 cpu server can compete with an ryzen 3600/3700 pc based And for me the used server must cost the hal of a new pc, let's say 300 euro, because for the same price i would rather go for somehting newer that can be later upgraded
so you are using a server?what specs and what you use it for?
normally i would search for rack servers, as they have more possibility to have more cpu or better pèerforming harware. an old tower server would not be compaable to a modern ryzen or intel based pc
hello i just find out that there are lots of option for buy at cheap price refurbished server Generally they have 3-4 years old hardware, most of the time ddr3 as ram Processors are older and slower than the one we have now, but can be used multiple, 2 or more i wonder if that could be a good(anche cheaper) alternative to a ryzen 3600 3700 which i was planning to buy for my video editing I edit xt3 file 4k thanks
ahh really? it happened with the lens cap..yes..might look like an eye!
hello today i was playing with the camera and it happen that somehting that is very similar to tracking started (xt3 with 18-55) in AFS(video mode) pressing or dragging (or i don t know what) on the lcd near an object all of a sudden a green square come up and if i move the camera the square try to remain where the object is The green square is bigger than the white one Don't know exacvtly how to reproduce it, it come up few times, but everytime i could not understand how, and now i am trying again and again with no success.. Anyone know this feature?
yes i know this, i was wondering what i have to do different when editing. From transcoding process to export..
how it is the wotkflow when working in dci?any special?
can i use dci without anamorphic lens?
more than most probably i'll be using eterna too. I 'am just on the process of a good overview of all possibilities. That's why could be enough a post more than e detailed video!
Hello, being a new user with this camera, i am trying to understand better about these 2 option.Manual don't say much , i would like to know the difference, how they relate to other shooting parameters and format and what is the workflow to edit them thanks alot
you mean is sufficient for work in video editing h264 h265 4k? anyway seems like Ryzen is just the way to go, and 3700 would be fine It s a bit strange for me go ing back to amd again after 20 years! At that time, cpu was Pentium2 or Pentum 3, my use of working with Cubase. Because of cheaper price i bought an amd cbase pc (equivalent to pentium 3), But what happened? At that time CVubase will not run on copu other than Intel! What a big choc! I had to buy another pc!. From those time i never though Amd again
you mean is sufficient for work in video editing h264 h265 4k?
i am reading in other forum that most of my actual configuration is considered ok for work also with 4k i have intel i7 2600 3.4 ghz, 32 mb ram, gtx760 and ssd as system drive. Actually what is considered ok has a ti1050 gpu. COuld be that changing gpu , for now, would make a good difference?
so for me that i don t generally do serious grading, is still worthy to record in 10 bit?
Ok i see lots of answer, let me gather my ideas Yes of course i am ready to work with proxies, and from this starting point i want to assemple the pc. An 8th generation intel will be good i suppose. What about the security lack that required the patch ?some say limit resources.. And about gpu, most says that is not really involved inediting video.Other says to invest a lot on it...what is true? LAst thing, i need to understand about the 10 bit files I'll surely worky with my 8 bit monitor and a 8 bit gpu because are much cheaper But at this point, even if i'll not see the 10 bit on screen, will the files in color correction benefit from the 10 bit right? so it is still worthy to use 10 bit? also seems that the amd/intel debate is unsolvable if not clear in term of performance may be is it clearer in term of money saving?
Hello, may be this has been posted already many times, if so please link me some recent topic Need to assemply a new pc to use with Premiere and the files from my Fuji xt3, 4k, 200/400 mbit...possibily h265 I wanto to but somehting that will allow me to work trying to keep the budget as low as possible. Right now i canno even play back the files with my I7 2600 (3.4), 32gb ram and gtx760 The first question is INTEL or AMD cpu, then what graphic card Thanks
never heard about this lens before. Having this means to do not use 18 55 anymore though.what do you think?
about apèerture, i mean, if it could be assigned to a dial. it seems i can only adjust on lens you confirm zoom is not motorized? focus peak, a part of the colr i don t know when it is correct focus. There is a lot of yellow not only in one point when adjust focus on lens. There is a range when rotating the focus where yellow is there. So how do i know the best point for the focus?
right now i am finding difficult the use of the command dial , as it seems they change use changing other parameter, seems complex to get it undertang properly 2 questions which i still havent properly looked at in the manual the F setting, till now is adjusted only through the lens, a part when it automatically change in auto or shutter priority. Is it F assignable in som way? Lookks like zooming is not motorized, right? also a question about focus assist. I have set a red color for manual focusing. But don't know how it really works, I see different part with the red when focus, but there is a range within the color stay there, changing a litle ...how to properly read the color?
hello new user of Xt3, tryng to make my first steps with this camera About manual. I am reading it, can't say that is so clear, some part are really difficult to understand. Don't know if it is the language (english it is not my language) or just the way it is made Any suggestion or alternative way to learn?
hello @leslie am i wrong or you saying that i can record on an ssd from usb c? never heard this
i have 18-55, come with xt3 But i know il will need a longer lens I am thinking the 55 200, or may be one or two good tele primes?