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    stefanocps got a reaction from kye in new cam   
    Can you immagine now he accept even 1300!!i might say i get it and then in case resell it...but i don t feel like reset something that has a doubtfull provenience..
    That said all this, about bulky are just my idea, as i never see one, but i think it is not far from real
     And i terribly agree with kye speech about how people reactnin front of a big or small camera. Yes the real problem with s5 is 24 105...big heavy and expensive. But 1300 for combo camera and lens...i need to erase my mind from it😄
  2. Like
    stefanocps reacted to ade towell in new cam   
    Sorry posted at the same time. I always try and buy lenses etc 2nd hand so yes new prices will be much higher.
    I think whichever camera you choose will be great there isn't that much between them all. Just feel that the S5ii is the best deal at the moment and size and weight wise it is about right if you plan to use long zoom lenses handheld. And that IBIS is amazing
  3. Like
    stefanocps got a reaction from SRV1981 in new cam   
    i had to postpone because i got sick and meanwhile  i realize that i don't want to buy that s5iix only because it is a bargain. Lenses are expensive and big, also the body is big..so to have a bulky set i 'll finish spend more than my budget anyway. Then there is the crop at 50/60. Also one of the best feature, usb recording, i amnot going to use because it will need a rig! I want a light and quick setup, an that is not. Eventually is a deal i should have done with a very suspicious person... So xs20 or fx30 remains as choices
  4. Sad
    stefanocps got a reaction from PannySVHS in new cam   
    I have a suspect that this panasonic kit is stolen...the seller act as a someone who do these kind of business
  5. Like
    stefanocps got a reaction from PannySVHS in new cam   
    i have just founf a s5iix with 50 1.8 for 1699 euro. Can buy it by hand today!!
  6. Thanks
    stefanocps got a reaction from Emanuel in rode wireless go II or 2 wired lav + dr40?   
    Hello, help me in understand what is better solution
    Santa just brought me hollyland lark 150..which i am going to return as they have a huge static noise (unless i reduce the camera input of 25/30 dB). Don't like that much
    So i might get whte rode go II, which is a nice solution, or, to have even better spund quality, 2 rode lav mic to use with tascam dr40. In this case to monitor i will need to put a cable form dr40 (that should be close to persons) top my camera.
     It happens that i need to record only one persone often, other i record 2 person sitting aside. In both case my concern is..how to hide cables when i shot the full ambient, or the 2 full person, whith floor also?
  7. Like
    stefanocps reacted to newfoundmass in panasonic hc x1500   
    There's still a lot to be said for camcorders. I'd probably still use them if they retained their value. They are, without hesitation, my favorite form factor. 
  8. Like
    stefanocps reacted to EduPortas in panasonic hc x1500   
    Get the Sony. If you want a cheaper videocamera take a look at the AX100. One incher. 4K. Canon has one interesting 4K offering that is in the same budget range you are at (XA40).
    I find videocameras have a spot in any pro's rig because they magnify the image during recording with the press of a button, have unlimited recording times, and of course dedicated microphone and headphone jacks.  Only very few MILCs offer all these functions as standard.
    So unless you're recording caves for a new Werner doc you'll be ok. 
  9. Like
    stefanocps reacted to MrSMW in panasonic hc x1500   
    Only giving up the long end of the zoom for my purposes, otherwise I am using the ZV1 in 3 different ways:
    1. Static unit for long recordings. With power bank it's essentially unlimited recording only limited by card size and power bank.
    2. Gimbal cam. I use so little gimbal on any job and only for the same very specific purposes. I do not want any longer set up than 10 seconds. Using the QR plate means that other than switching on the gimbal and taking it off the tripod, it's around 5 seconds to transform from static to fully working gimbal camera.
    3: It takes 2 seconds to release the camera from the gimbal and it's a tiny handheld unit. OK, it will not fit in the pocket with the cage but the cage adds to the handling and on a pro job, makes it look less like a compact camera.
    I don't 'hate' Sony as such, but rather just find them a very functional but otherwise boring camera company. Ie, their stuff works, but I get no joy from using any of it.
    But the main reason I gave up the AX700 is the AF. It is not reliable and the ZV1 is about as a good as it gets. 
    The ZV1 just suits my needs better in the role(s) I use it for.
  10. Like
    stefanocps reacted to MrSMW in panasonic hc x1500   
    I had the AX700 and used it as a workhorse every job but last year, swapped it’s role for a ZV1 and sacrificed 70+mm range for:
    Size/weight/genuine pocketability.
    Faster aperture lens.
    Better AF. (The AF on the AX700 can wander off and stay wandered off if you don’t keep an eye on it).
    It’s not a camcorder.
    I have mine ‘rigged up’ with:
    Smallrig cage
    Rode Wireless Go
    Lightweight tripod
    Crane M3 gimbal
    File output tweaked as close as I could get it to match my full frame Lumix cameras.
    Obviously it does not have the same outright image quality or DR but it’s very good in it’s role as my principal static full duration single wide angle ceremony and speeches unit, but then the gimbal whips off the QR plate and it becomes uber-lightweight gimbal cam for the few times I need such a thing.
    The only thing I don’t love about the ZV1 is that it’s branded Sony. Maybe I will get a Lumix sticker for it…
  11. Like
    stefanocps got a reaction from webrunner5 in sony zv1 or alternative?   
    just playing with the machine..very nice, little jewel..need to understand quickly if i can bear that screen 😃
    Btw, it is not light, quite heavy. Looks like it need a stick, (may be the sony one?) to carry it, expecially n selfie style
  12. Like
    stefanocps got a reaction from kye in sony zv1 or alternative?   
    i am sorry for that little friction that has been goin on
    As i said, i think forum are really valuable option to search infromation,  a part of google and youtube, because direct feedback from users are gold.
    Even the Kye's focus on a interchabgeable camera was important, as i made some reseacrh to see if there could be one as samll as i woul'd like and that helped me in making my mind up about the compact choice
    Eveb what webrunner said..i tried to understand more, and i was stimulated for a deeper search on action cameras, but i just could not underttand his suggestion.
    What i have pointed put is that sometimes in forums, people are quickly and easily pointed in frames, generico ones, making the user just like another one, because they seem. I know that nowdays lot's of people just wake up and ask without making a little effort, ignoring that the seacrh is one of the nicest part (and acknowlediging) of the process..but not all the people is the same, even if sometimes might look like
    It is easy to get carried away from this disturbing feeling in a forum, given the hundreds of contribute that are the same..but also is important to be always aware of who you you are talking to, as a person might seems like many another one, but t is not...
  13. Like
    stefanocps reacted to MrSMW in sony zv1 or alternative?   
    Well the two never crossed paths for me because I sold the RX100 5.5 years ago and picked up the ZV1 about this time last year.
    But without consulting spec sheets, I’d say yes.
  14. Like
    stefanocps reacted to MrSMW in sony zv1 or alternative?   
    I like the Lumix 100ii and considered it myself but if I remember correctly, the ZV1 had it beat for video work.
    I loved that fiddly little bastard, the RX100v and filmed entire weddings on it.
    Mostly on a free-standing monopod and only 5-20 second clips without any dedicated audio.
    More to make little highlight freebie video pieces to help sell my destination wedding photography.
    Drove me mad as a photography camera however as did the ZV1 when I tried it on vacation last year!
  15. Like
    stefanocps got a reaction from kye in sony zv1 or alternative?   
    i have been looking around for similar competitor(compact ones, pocketeable) ...lumix lx100 II, or tz200, or the various canon g1x, g5x,g7x..also the previous sony rx100
    But it seems that zv1 in that segment is just unbeatable...even if would like to spend more money zv1 remain the first
    That's for what i have found...If there are different opinino or suggestion welcome!
  16. Like
    stefanocps got a reaction from kye in sony zv1 or alternative?   
    this is what i have started doing...also i would not mind to have direct feedback form who have alreday made a similar choice!
  17. Like
    stefanocps reacted to kye in sony zv1 or alternative?   
    It sounds like you're set on a point-and-shoot and seems like you have a budget range to work with.
    I'd suggest doing some reading and working out what the options are.  Any good review of the ZV-1 will list a few competitors, and their reviews will list more.  Build a list, read about each of them and eliminate any that don't meet your preferences, then search to find low-light tests and simply compare them.
    A few hours with google should give you at least a pretty good guess about what your best option might be.
  18. Like
    stefanocps reacted to PannySVHS in What graphic card   
    I don´t know. I usually look for comparision charts of the models, comparing one to the other. 1070 outperforms the rx580 by a significant margin. I would go with a 1070 or 1660.
  19. Like
    stefanocps reacted to PannySVHS in What graphic card   
    1660 Ti should be about the same as a 1070. So 1070, 1660 or 1660TI would all be fine, 1070 offering even 8GB of ram.
  20. Like
    stefanocps got a reaction from PannySVHS in What graphic card   
    i was not looking for a fast videocard, but for one better than my gtx760 at a price that can be worthy doing the upgrade
    It never happened to me to have pc render all the night, and i think i'll keep working with proxies even with a better videocard as the rest of the pc is not a monster.
    My project are usually at 2k, with files shot at 4k, and on average are within 15 minutes lenght, or less
    I use some fx, not that much, some cc..So i can still work now, but if for a reasonable money i can get a better performance then it'is fine, otherwise i mighht wait till the price of vga become normal
  21. Like
    stefanocps reacted to MrSMW in what camcorder   
    I had the Sony AX100 for that kind of thing but sold it and replaced it with it’s tiny brother, the Sony ZV1.
    Same sensor, unlimited recording (if you set it to do so), constant faster aperture, but doesn’t have the same zoom reach obviously.
    If weddings start up for me in the second half of this year, it will be on a lightweight tripod doing full length ceremony and full length speeches.
    Next year however, it will go to backup as my S5 will take over that roll. 30 minute limit in 10bit I know, but that’s OK as I will just stop/start at an appropriate moment.
    Battery life is utter trash however, but easily fixed with a small power bank and a Smallrig clamp on the tripod.
    The AF is great and you cannot trust the AF on the AX100 camcorder…as I found out on one job! Manual focus from that point onwards!
    Unless you really need the long zoom, some of these compacts or bridge cameras can do the same job?
    In the Sony camp, the RX10 line is again the same 1” sensor and I had the last one before they went silly with the zoom for the same purpose and that also worked well.
    For me though, the ZV1 was ‘the answer’ all things considered.
    Makes a great personal travel camera also.
  22. Like
    stefanocps reacted to barefoot_dp in z cam m4?   
    As much as I love my ZCam (E2-S6), if you're not the type of person who likes to rig and customise their camera, then the ZCam's are probably not for you. These cameras kind of require you to be a bit of a camera nerd - if you know what you want and why, they are fantastic because they most likely will do what you need. However if you want something that you can just pick up and run with straight out of the box, then these are way off the mark.
    Lots of people end up having problems (and complaining on the very helpful user Facebook page) about things like skipping frames on SSD's or frying the HDMI port, because they did not do their research on the correct media, cables, power solutions, etc.
  23. Like
    stefanocps reacted to newfoundmass in Sell XT3 for XT4..or?   
    Yeah, I think I'd tend to agree. The X-T4's IBIS from what I've seen isn't very good at all. I can't say that you might as well not have IBIS but it's probably the worse IBIS on the market since Sony improved theirs. The battery life is a nice bonus, but you can take care of that with a Power Junkie or other battery plate. 
    The recording limit ultimately is what makes Fuji a no go for me personally, but until the IBIS gets better I'd probably need to add weight to the rig to improve stabilization even with the X-T4 to get somewhat closer to what I get with the GH5. I still though will use a shoulder rig sometimes with the GH5! 
    Really though I'd run the X-T3 into the ground before upgrading. I'm not a huge fan of constantly upgrading cameras to the latest model. To me, you should squeeze as much out of a camera investment as possible. The allure of new gear is real, but I'm using a 4 year old GH5 and my primary reason for thinking about changing is concern over the M43 system, not that my camera isn't capable of doing everything I need. 
  24. Like
    stefanocps got a reaction from Katrikura in Sell XT3 for XT4..or?   
    that's true!the point is how much more i should spend..for a little monmey why not, otherwise you are absolutely right
  25. Like
    stefanocps reacted to IronFilm in Sell XT3 for XT4..or?   
    So you want to spend more money so that you can then get a "XT4, rarely used"??

    No, that doesn't seem like a wise way to spend money at all!

    Wait until you have "XT3, well used" first!

    Make the most of what you have currently, before thinking about spending even more money. 
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