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About christrad

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  1. Matthere thank you so much, the focus button trick worked very well for me! Now my dear pocket 4k is fully working with the newfirmware! Love this forum, love my pocket 4k. Big thanks again matthere!
  2. Thank you so much for your quick answer! I'm not at home right now but soon I'm back, i'll try the focus Button trick and let you know...
  3. Hi, I'm an idiot! I thought the update was quick and did it with a battery! I know...and I hate myself. Of course, the update take a long time and the battery died during the process. Now when turning the pocket 4k on, the screen remain black and the update utility doesn't recognize it anymore. The blue light on the left front is blincking but that's all. So, I was thinking about maybe a reset of the camera but I can't find anything on the net about how to do it. Any help? Even for a fool like me?
  4. Great work but... Ian, if I may, forget the 8 bits and the shoppy h264 like I did and buy a Blackmagic 4 or 6k and your life will change! The end of the flashy unatural neon greens... Raw and anamorphic is THE great combo!
  5. Pocket 6K will be available in France next week! 2 699,00 €. French Digistore I just receive an email where they say it will be available next week but just few units... That was fast, and I'm not even registered on this site! (Well not that i remembered) If only I had the money , it could be a great update from my old but beloved NX1!
  6. I'm 100% with you Andrew! Shame on Blackmagic for not inviting you nore giving you a pre-production model for testing! (That being said, I surely will buy the BMP4k, just waiting for some reviews ; sadly not yours apparently...) I don't understand why so little eoshd users shows their support after all you done for us all these years! (I will never thank you enough for starting the anamorphic DIY topics) Let me be optimistic : maybe Blackmagic will read this topic and make it up to you...So you will do a nice and helpfull review and John Brawley will help you!
  7. What about anamorphic mode? (finger crossed!)
  8. It's a joke : a picture saying "oops april fools!". So don't waste your time like I did with mine, thanks to lucabutera...
  9. My favorite BW movie is "Tetro" by Francis Ford Coppola. Anyone who want to try shooting digital BW should see this imho.
  10. Sorry but it seems your player can't handle h264 4k smoothly like MPC-HC does. So I'm not even trying h265.
  11. One answer : 4:3 don't crop horizontal flares! I quit GH4 for the colors, now i'm happy with my NX1 except the 16:9 crop my flares :(.
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