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About bootsie

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    KA, Germany

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  1. A "Clear Look at the Issue of Resolution" comparison by Steve Yedlin, ASC. He offers an intriguing demonstration on how capture formats, pixel counts and postproduction techniques affect image quality and why simply counting Ks is not a solution when selecting a camera." End quote. https://ascmag.com/articles/a-clear-look-at-the-issue-of-resolution
  2. Please be cautious about the ebay seller “withheartforcanon“. He is selling fake LEXAR x1066 CF cards! The data rate says it all. The first picture displays his, the second the regular ones.
  3. Does Resolution Matter? || Geoff Boyle || Spotlight
  4. Thanks for the thrilling discussion. The camera is a 5D MKII with ML RAW and the lens a Zeiss ZF 35mm. @Zach Goodwin you got it right immediately!
  5. A still frame from an audition shooting two weeks ago. Low key lighting. Basic color correction in Davinci Resolve 12.5, no color grading and no grain added. Any guess on camera or lens is welcome!
  6. This shop did the declicking for 25 Euro per lens on my Zeiss ZF and they did a great job! http://kameralanger.de Alas, it's located in the south of Germany.
  7. You can try these from Helicoptersean on ebay: http://stores.ebay.com/Follow-Focus-Gears?rmvSB=true or the ones from Lux Gears, if you are located in the U.S.: http://store.cool-lux.com/collections/luxgears#_l_1o How about these? http://www.ebay.de/itm/FLEX-Seamless-Follow-Focus-Gear-for-DSLR-Lens-50-93mm-/291784263189?
  8. Well, actually Zeiss did not invent this. It's a rebranded NiceDice LensGear and comes a bit cheaper: http://new.studio-afs.com/lensgear-en-2/ http://www.videodata.de/shop/products/de/Objektive/Sonstiges-Zubeh-246r/NiceDice-LensGear-Small.html
  9. Canon 5D MKII or MKIII with ML-RAW on a VisionLOG LUT or Cinelog-C LUT.
  10. Well, did you look here? http://www.kinefinity.com/support/downloads/shots/?lang=en
  11. John Barlow has the following advise: "Yes some customers experience issues with the grease and some with noise. I have traced the issue to when the package is in the low pressure cargo hold of the aircraft. This causes some grease to be sucked away from the helical during flight. The noise or movement is because some part of the helical is without grease. Rectilux was designed for easy self-maintenance as shown on page 37 of the manual. Sometimes it is best to use a brush to spread the grease uniformly. Rectilux will be smoother after a bedding in period and will be a lot quieter - the more you use it the better it will become. Mobil grease can be obtained here: https://www.silmid.com/products/mob2800400-mobil-grease-28-390gm-cartridge-m "
  12. Not quite right: On a 5D MKII you can get continuous 14 bit RAW recording (MLV) with audio in 1:2,20 (1872x850 / 25 fps) on a Lexar 1066x (UDMA 7) card. I use it constantly without any trouble.
  13. I guess your basil needs some loving care…
  14. The same goes for http://www.coollcd.com. Great stuff and fast delivery!
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