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Everything posted by Murray

  1. I've done some tests with 1.2.1 firmware and it seems that the HDMI out is in fact 422. I'm a bit surprised the author of this site seemed to imply canon was publishing untruths in regard to this.   I recorded to the Ninja 2 and compared footage with internal footage using scopes (FCPX) and also 300% crop on a red coloured object. With the 420 internally recorded clip, the red edges are jagged and stepped when viewed at 300% crop. The prores image from the Ninja 2 at same crop is smooth. Also when viewed with luma waveform and vector scopes, the internal recording shows cross hatching in some areas where as the Ninja 2 recording does not.   Looking at the 422 vs 420 clips side by side at normal resolution does not show a lot of difference. However one of the main benefits of 422 is more chroma information than 420 - footage won't degrade as easily transcoding between codecs. This is one of the reasons some broadcasters stipulate 422 as a minimum requirement.
  2. The 1Dc is no harder to use than any other canon DSLR.. has more useful video modes than pervious models. It's expensive, has some good features and some flaws and like most cameras. It's a DSLR so lacks features of a dedicated video camera. So what! It will be good for some & not others depending how people like to work and budget etc. No ones arm is being twisted to buy any camera.. plenty of good products out there and lots of detailed information to make an informed choice. Negative crusading and emotive terms is not objective advice.
  3. Wow this place really is canon bashing central. If you don't like their cameras, simple.. buy something else!   Whatever camera, your footage will look way better if you learn how to use it well. Learning to frame and expose correctly etc will make a lot more difference to your images than wasting time slagging off on forums & blogs.
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