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About jasonmillard81

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  1. Thanks for the link Django and Jonpais great stuff...yes I am not sure about shotgun mics but since they are the least invasive and easiest run-and-gun mic I'd love to hear some examples. I would be open to investing in a decent lav setup for controlled environments. Any good suggestions for both shotgun mics and lav mics? I have the Rode NTG2 but not sure if that will be good for this camera. I'll check this holiday season with that.
  2. Looks great jonpais!!!! a few questions/points: 1. His skin has a bit of added green. Is that more of a white balance adjustment or post CC? 2. Highlights are blown out, wonder if pro neg would help recover those. 3. Would be curious to hear what a shotgun mic in the hot shoe directly into camera sounds like for interviews. Well done and no visible noise for 6400! If you get a chance to do 6400+ at night that would be interesting to see. Cheers!
  3. Jonpais I was actually looking at both the 35 f2 and 50-140 2.8. I have the 18-55 (2.8-4) currently. I'd be curious about the 35 f2 lowlight performance for both photography and video.
  4. Jonpais! Love the SOOC look with the 50-140 :)! I just got my x-t2 and am starting to shoot a little with it. I have to say it is excellent! I need to look at other lenses for lowlight options. Could you take some video shots and night and indoors with limited light? I recently invested in a c100 II because I'd like to do some video/doc. work for my students and myself but I am having major buyer's remorse now that I see how great of an image x-t2 is achieving. I'm actually strongly considering selling my c100 II and 24-105 with less than 2 hours of recording time.
  5. Maybe shoot 1080 and boost sharpening a little then compare to 4k with -4
  6. I am quite aware of the learning curve involved in all cameras, but particularly when switching from basic DSLR's to cinema line cameras of any brand. That being said, is anyone able to pass on basic information alongside websites/companies to reduce the learning curve for this camera? I'd like to start with loading Color Profiles that bring great colors out of the camera that need minimal CC (similar to the SOOC look of the X-T2). I say that because being able to work with long also means the learning curve on NLE programs that I am still trying to learn (I have FCPX and Resolve, but the latter seems way more complicated and I feel I should learn FCPX first). So again, any good CP and/or websites/tutorials etc. would be greatly appreciated so that when I post my next "critique the hell out of me" there is a semblance of improvement! Thanks in advance!
  7. Just pulled the trigger and got my A-Cam for Photography (now paired with a c100 mark II for video) I am a happy camper. I've yet to get a chance to shoot more than 5 minutes with it but already the codec and video's intrinsic characteristics are way more appealing than my GH4 and to be honest the SOOC colors are better than what I'm able to do with my C100 II. That being said, I'm very amateur in my knowledge and experience and have seen phenomenal C100 II color, I just need to learn how to use it. I went with the 18-55 lens and will use that until I decide what focal lengths and speed I desire most. I was very attracted to the 15-140 (2.8). Again this will be probably used more than the C100 II (which will be relegated to more projects/mini docs). Any good forums for photography and fuji cameras?
  8. Wow! I am really thankful for the feedback. No need to preface it with apologies. I see there are two main arguments: 1. Composition/Movement 2. Editing/Stylistic Choices And yet I have been focusing on the trees instead of the forest (settings, etc.) I will look to do the following the next sports edit: A. Be purposeful in the composition and choose clips that accentuate the storyline (6 min to 2 min) B. Use a storyboard that has a beginning, middle (crescendo), end C. Expose properly prior to shooting or at least grade for proper exposure + higher shutter speed/FPS I'll give a second go at it and report back. Thanks for being helpful and look forward to more improvements. I still, however, am concerned that I'm not getting the best detail/sharpness or color from my current video/settings and any advice on that front would be greatly appreciated.
  9. I'm seeing lots of love for the X-T2 and A6500. If you were looking for a main stills camera to edit and print with as well as want the ability to record b-roll or video on small excursions how would you determine which best fits?
  10. So my first run-through with the c100 II was not so great. Admittedly I did not take the time needed to think through my settings (I even forgot to charge my battery). We were indoors at a track in NYC. The basic settings/equipment: Camera: c100II Lens: 25-105 (f4) @ f4 the whole time) ISO: 800 the whole time WB: AWB for the most part CP: CP9, which i believe is C-Log FPS: 23.98 FPS Shutter: 1/48 I ingested everything into FCPX and only graded a few clips and the rest were left. I was mostly disappointed with how "blurry" and flat the people looked and am not sure if that is because I tried to capture motion at 23.98 vs. 60fps (although the static shots looks slightly better but not nearly as good as I've seen c100II look) or if it is how I am capturing the image (settings) vs. transcoding/exporting the footage to YouTube (h.264 - though if I wanted Apple ProRess 422 it would be 4x the size file) Please critique the heck out of me and the offer any experience/suggestions as I'd like to take a stab at this again next Thursday!
  11. From what I've read and seen the x-t2 ode well up to 12,800 in both. Am I wrong?
  12. Have you seen this? I cannot get over how great the quality is...i'm literally stunned.
  13. I cannot get over how insane this image is from this video...is this an easily achievable look or is this heavy grading? I
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