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About mjfan

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  1. @deezid which camera will you buy next after you sell your s1h?
  2. @IronFilmdo you think the sound devices mix pre 3 mk 2 is better than any of the zoom products? I own this particular sound devices product
  3. godox vl 300 used for sale for $619 https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/802176263-USE/godox_vl300_led_video_light.html
  4. i like the nanlite forza 300 and the genaray powerhouse led lights
  5. these look promising too https://strobepro.com/collections/continuous-led/products/strobepro-300w-led
  6. @deezid Thanks man, I tried to see the music but the video is embedded only, it won't let me click on the video on vimeo, maybe it's set to private?
  7. @deezid What did you use to stabilize? what is the name of the song? Were you really in Egypt? looks GREAT!!
  8. did you have just one camera? which camera settings did you use? what did you do for sound? thanks and great job!
  9. @AaronChicago exactly which lights do you own? I'm looking to get some Aputure and Quasar lights. Thanks!
  10. This is a gh5 with a pro colorist, looks very filmic
  11. shot with a hacked gh2 and played in theaters across the united states
  12. I shot this Michael Jackson Tribute using Kholi's SLOG2 profile with the Sony a7s https://vimeo.com/128967990
  13. new vlog/anamorphic video up https://vimeo.com/125215026 shows how he shot the vlog/anamorphic video http://www.eduardoangel.com/2015/04/17/shooting-anamorphic-with-panasonic-gh4/
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