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Everything posted by iamoui

  1. You must have missed Ed David's post about this one hour ago, right above this thread. http://www.eoshd.com/comments/topic/18846-resolve-122-adds-support-for-h265-good-for-samsung-nx1-users/
  2. I read somewhere else that the HEVC H.265 update is only for the paid version of Resolve (Studio only on OS X), not the free version?
  3. I had the same problem with using Kelvin WB. Unfortunately the tint still changes like on Auto WB. I use the Daylight, Cloudy, etc. now and change the hue myself to suite the scene. As for Gamma DR I've actually been ADDING contrast to get a closer in-camera look. I will try leaving the contrast alone and keeping everything else the same (Sharpness all the way down, saturation -2 or -3) and see what happens. Also, your framegrabs look awesome!
  4. I remember watching Mattias' one NX1 video and noticing artifacts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YeReub7OQbQ Ice at :13 Sky at :17 I'm not sure if they are present in any of his other NX1 videos but I'll check. I haven't noticed any artifacts in my footage. Mattias have you noticed these artifacts?
  5. DIS does not work in 120fps mode. Make sure DIS is OFF and check if 120fps is still greyed out.
  6. I can't speak for anyone else. However, I reduce sharpness so that I can sharpen to my taste (if need be) in post. I would much rather have my powerful computer and NLE sharpen the image then having it baked on the image in-camera.
  7. in 4k there is no peaking. In HD with manual lenses you have to hit the OK button each time to re-enable peaking
  8. URSA mini 4.6k: Global shutter up to 30fps, Rolling shutter up to 60fps with 15 stops DR URSA mini 4k: 12 stops DR
  9. https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/blackmagicursamini URSA mini EF 4k is $2,995 URSA mini EF 4.6k is $4,995. Looks like viewfinder is sold separately at $1,495
  10. all info is available on https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/ new camera is micro studio camera 4k https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/blackmagicmicrostudiocamera4k
  11. Right! I'm planning on selling my FZ1000 to get the nx500 (I traded in a 60D and some ef glass for the FZ). I'm already used to the cropped 4k on the FZ and I'm planning on getting the rokinon 12mm f2 to help with the crop and also for astro photography so I'll be killing two birds with one stone. I like s16 look on the fz1000 but I'm really missing the low light (for video and photo), aps-c sensor for stills, and the ability to change and adapt lenses. Viewfinder is not an issue as I'll just use my lcdvf left over from the 60D. And the nx500 is smaller than the FZ, one of the main reasons I got rid of the 60d and lenses. I'm hoping they add the 2.5k s35 mode and focus peaking via firmware but it's not a deal breaker if they don't.
  12. ​I was thinking the same thing, Possibly an FZ1000 competitor. But let's wait to see what the price is...
  13. Well this is disconcerting. I was planning on getting an NX500 and samyang/rokinon 12mm 2.0. I was also planning on adapting some fd glass. I hope this gets worked out.
  14. The one head-on is the NX500, according to this post: http://***URL removed***/forums/thread/3818269
  15. ​I think what he's saying is, you can shoot on whatever expensive camera you want but if the story sucks and the acting sucks then he will say, "Hmm, imax, interesting." and move along.
  16. Samsung 10mm fisheye on nx500 4k crop mode
  17. NX500 review http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPlHtuJ_DZ4
  18. ​Hey, thanks! I'm loving the way the FZ1000 resolves detail. I actually traded in my Canon 60D and some EF glass for the FZ1000 and I have absolutely no regrets. It's so much easier to just pull out the camera and start shooting! I used the Natural profile with contrast and saturation down a little and sharpening all the way down! Only a touch of sharpening added in post. I know the color in some places could have been more consistent. I'll take more time with coloring in the future. Also re: the horizon. I've always seemed to have a problem with keeping a level horizon, even with the built in level! I guess I just need to be more aware of it while I'm filming. I thought I would miss the big APS-C sized sensor in the 60D but for the most part I don't! I do plan on buying a second camera within the year if I can save up enough $$. I was thinking something along the lines of an a6000 or nx500. Something small but with an APS-C sized sensor (for better low-light and thin depth of field when I really want it.) Thank you for the honest feedback. It means a lot!
  19. Here's an edit I put together from a trip I took in January to Cambodia. I'm not a colorist, it was done in a hurry. Anyway, it was super fun shooting with the FZ1000. Everything was shot handheld with OIS on and some stabilization in post. I was really trying to push the OIS with fake dolly and slider moves. Everything was 4k 24p except for slow motion (120fps 1080p). Edited in FCPX on a 1080p timeline. I did punch in and reframe some of the 4k shots, which was nice to have. Let me know what you think! All criticisms welcome.
  20.   The number of blogs or forums I run is irrelevant. However, if I did have a blog or forum I would act as respectful and professional as possible.   Who says criticism has to make sense? Couldn't all criticism be "annoying" depending on the individual? What makes sense to one person might not make sense to another. It's how you respond to it. You obviously responded negatively and with profanity. Good luck with your blogs and forums that you run.
  21. Wow, looks like someone can't take a little criticism.    Bruno in no way sounded malicious toward you yet you come back at him like a middle-schooler. He was simply pointing things out.    EOSHD I don't know how old you are but you come across as very immature, at least when someone else points something out about you. Good grief!
  22.   You can't support what BlackMagic are doing? Lines we've been fed? Blackmagic is clearly trying to put high quality motion picture capture devices in to the hands of those that can't afford higher-end cameras. Would Blackmagic purposefully try to sully their own name by not shipping on time? I think not. What it comes down to for me is that they're TRYING. They're TRYING to get cheaper, high quality cameras out there. They succeeded with the 2.5k, albeit with some heavy downfalls but, hey, that's part of the process! They were never a camera manufacturer. Now, they're trying. I can not fault them for that. There will always be shortcomings, that's part of life. I like AaronChicago's question, and to go along with that I sure am glad BlackMagic is trying to make cameras. No ONE is perfect and no THING is perfect. Let's just all take a step back and be glad that there is someone out there trying to put high quality imagery in our hands at an affordable price.  
  23. http://***URL not allowed***/news/?p=17976 Mark III RAW vs. BlackMagic RAW
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