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About ajay

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  • Interests
    Videography, Photography, Astrophotography
  • My cameras and kit
    Various Sony and Canon Gear

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  1. ajay

    Canon EOS R5C

    I had the camera in my cart at BH but after seeing these posts and witnessing other users comments regarding autofocus and no way to save different configuration settings I decided not to purchase this camera. Just too many negatives for me. I just don't get Canon's logic...or lack there of.
  2. ajay

    Panasonic GH6

    What the heck? That's a terrible promo video. I had to make sure it wasn't a hacked YT channel. Egads! Panasonic needs to take that video down.
  3. ajay

    Canon EOS R5C

    I just found that too. Maybe it's a non-issue. Thanks.
  4. ajay

    Canon EOS R5C

    From what I understand when using the R5C in video mode, the autofocus is not Dual Pixel CMOS AF II. it is Dual Pixel CMOS AF / iTR AFX. If this is true, will it suffer from the same autofocus issues found on the C70? I have not seen anyone who has/had the camera really test the autofocus to its fullest. It seems to be a spec that has been overlooked by all the giddiness out there.
  5. I've never understood Canon's logic. I once owned the 1DX2 and they never put Clog of any kind on that camera...their flagship camera. They did put it on the 5D Mark IV, but never on the 1DX2. That's about the time I switched to Sony and have been with Sony ever since. I had plans to switch back to Canon (since I still own expensive Canon lenses) with the R5 but what kept me from switching were record limits, overheating and the hard to edit codecs. I spend too much time already putting videos together and then to add transcoding to the workflow was just too much for me. I was hoping the new firmware would match the codecs of the A7SIII and A1 cameras. Their files/codecs are such a pleasure to work with. Makes editing easy.
  6. Being 4:2:2 h.265, I assume that the new codecs are still a PITA to edit? Still need to transcode or use proxies?
  7. I assume these lighter codecs for 4k still are 4:2:2 and not 4:2:0? I was hoping the 1.3 firmware would give 4:2:0 as an option. I prefer 4:2:0 as it is much easier to edit. Especially interested in this for 4k 120p.
  8. ajay

    Sony A7S III

    The "gyro magic" is nice but it requires added steps, crops in quite a bit and makes my face fatteršŸ¤”. I might use it occasionally.
  9. ajay

    Sony A7S III

    Can Catalyst Browse be used as a transcoder for ProRes Raw? This might be a solution for those using Davinci Resolve. Can someone try that has the Ninja? Thanks!
  10. I think it might now be the other way around.
  11. This has been a complaint with Resolve for two years now. I've given up hope. I will say however that Atomos is kicking butt with so many new cameras using their product that maybe it will force them to finally include it.
  12. I have the Sony 20mm 1.8 and I LOVE this lens. It's about the right focal length for vlogging and light weight and SHARP! I can't think of one negative with this lens.
  13. Yes, A7SIII. I'll do some checking on that as well. Thank you.
  14. I understand about the competition between the two companies. I'm not holding my breath for Resolve to accept the format. What I'm looking for is some kind of workflow and tool to convert ProRes Raw to something else that is lossless or close to it that Resolve can work with. I need a method and some kind of conversion software.
  15. Since more and more cameras are now using the Atomos Ninja V to record ProRes Raw I am curious as to what is the best way to bring the footage into Davinci Resolve since it does not natively edit Pro Res Raw. How painful or painless of a process is it? I really don't want to switch NLE's. I've put way too many man hours into learning Resolve and like what I've got. Thanks for any input.
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