Btw, Virtual reality has a lot of possibilities for narrative films. I don't know if or when it will be something common and not gimmicky, but it certainly opens a lot of new ways of telling things.
There is the straight forward thing of putting people in the action, as if they were actually there. But soon filmmakers will notice all the things you can do to transmit mood meanings,etc through perspective,etc...
For example, a tele shot in virtual reality will be something epic, because it is a very different way of seeing. You start moving away from conic proyection into a cilindrical proyection, giving you sort of a god like point of view. The typical vertigo compensated zoom on the otherhand, will be totally crazy. But no need to overdo things, lets take the compensated zoom, you can have a scene where someone walks into a place and experiences something stressful, lifechanging,etc... During this scene the center of perspective starts shifting, beginning to be opressive, like people experience in real life (for extreme cases check alice in wonderland sindrome).
The only peoblem is that you could stress some people too much and make them puke