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Everything posted by Nikkor

  1. mmmh, wide open at 1/1.2 and on a 30mm wide sensor, that's not cinematic OMG.
  2. I would like to see some comparison with and without the fm module, preferably still shots.
  3. The "wedding shit" pays for a lot of stuff.
  4. Andy talks from an aps-c point of view. On fullframe they have bad corners.
  5. There are also Astrologists who believe the prices are written in the stars.
  6. Older CCDs and film needed filters, modern chips have these filters on chip (and modern coatings).
  7. The coatings enable to make lenses with more elements, if you remove the coating it will look worse than a lens designed without coatings. Obviously there will be lenses and lenses.
  8. It's like Paris Hilton acting as DJ charging 1millon $.
  9. The equivalent on Full Frame would be 24 2.8, but for APS-C you would have to go wider, there is a nikon 18 20 1.8, its new and expensive, there is also the sigma 18-35 1.8, but that lens is only for aps-c. Anyway, I think that look kinda got old in 2010 with the 5D and the 24 1.4...
  10. The nikkor 28 2 is pretty nice but not cheap. It's a typical vintage lens, sharp in the middle, soft in the corners. It has Close Range Correction so it focuses pretty close. This lens is much better than the expensive 28 1.4 af-d (which is only better at corners and when stopped down to f4)
  11. Cause there are no sample shots online and andrew hasn't reviewed them (the cameras)...
  12. The d750/d810 have no moire/aliasing and use a cousin sensor.
  13. I think the movie is about a boy being used in some nasty stuff and the girl is the beacon or even the bad one, but then the plot twists again,blabla
  14. It works with every lens, they just don't guarantee anything performance wise because they haven't fine tuned anything but sony glass.
  15. Girls are a big group of DSLR buyers, the nikon d5300 is the target.
  16. Buying a new camera these days seems like the worst deal possible (unless it permits you to make more money). The A7 is selling for less than 800€ on ebay and it was released only one year ago, that's a 50% price fall in one year...
  17. @Andy Lee How do the Nikon 28-70 2.8 and the CZ 35-70 3.5 compare? Specially "pop" wise. I've always wanted to try that one but I don't know if it's worth when already haveing the nikkor.
  18. It's totally serious, that school is some private place to rip off daddy kids. I wonder how much it costs per year, 20.000€? probably more.
  19. I wonder why Andrew never came up with the article about his cooke lenses + gh4 on a trip to asia, was looking forward to it. Now it could be A7s.
  20. As you can see the DR changes (it can go 24.2 stops) depending on the sampling speed, so my guess is that every single sampling cycle is done at different iso or readtime, therefor the DR and also the soft shutter Andrew linked to. Pretty amazing. The shape of the graphic also points into that direction.
  21. The nikon is not a vintage lens, it's as ugly as the rest of modern zoom lenses in that range but with bad corners in fullframe.
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