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About tihon84

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  1. Thank you! Wow, Davids and your VLOG footage look so good without grading... I think something wrong with my exposure... I wish to know how he set exposure and wb for this shot.
  2. nice! I think it`s not only LUT applied? DO you know what was a postprocessing?
  3. And here is my grading of original footage.
  4. Hi! Can anyone tell me why UM4,6k is blue and GH5 is GREEN? UM PRO is the absolute winner here because of real colors
  5. HI! New off topic from me... Heh Roman post this video on Vimeo, and i think it looks amazing. Look at this colors. This is the look i`m searching all the time. Shot on URSA Mini pro Looks so nice! Reach and natural! Trying to achieve this look using David files. Sage, can you send me Davids raw vlog PNG for my personal tests only? If you don`t mind Thanks
  6. nice shots. JUST VLOG + GHA was applied? Did a little grading in photoshop:
  7. Hi, you are right. Your LUT is really accurate in terms of color e.t.c, I just posted my view on possible grading to achieve more 16mm look (like in video reference)
  8. Hi, maybe you can share you 16 mm grain footage, please? Also, i wish to know what opacity settings did you use? And one more thing. I think your stills looks great, but need a little CC and contrast. If you like it, here a PSD file with adjustment layers https://yadi.sk/i/qGqI558H3XBKJg
  9. Hi, Sage. Thank you, yes, this v2 is really what i need. Great lumiance level after transform LUT! one thing i have to chek: i think my grey card is not 42 ire:) i think its about 30... i will buy x-rite passport with true 42 and check it:)
  10. Yep, it`s in spam folder. Thank you!
  11. can you send me this v2 update, please? i got GHAv2 at 6 of may, so i dont have this v2 update yet thank you
  12. Perfect! Did you use white side of X-rite color checker for a custom wb? Correct wb settings is still pain for me... Here is a 2k PNG tests... I set exposureto 42 IRE using 18% grey card And custom WB using true white paper Heheh :))) I noticed some contrast issues using AE2018. If you set Color settings to none, you will have more flat image... Keep it in mind... So i change it to sRgb... Looking to Waveform i conclude, that with sRgb Color settings i`m in right luminance level, i guess. Next I attached the same vlog images, but with sRGB color settings I don`t know why, but after GHa conversion it looks really overexposed... Strange
  13. Thank you for V2 version! did you shoot this sample :"GHa Daylight Sample 8.jpg" in CINE-d profile? Doesn`t look like a VLOG
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