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  1. This is a very good topic - It's a huge deal if it's possible to use our precious canon glass reliebly with AF on Sonys for video. It's very important that we factor in all variables here, and if Andrew tested the Metabones IV, it would be great to know how the latest fifth gen Metabones performs. According to the most helpful positive review on B&H the reviewer points out an important AF performance improvement between gen. 4 and 5 in photo mode. Very interesting if that also comes into play in video mode?
  2. For me doing hand held with the excellent Sigma 18-35mm really needs IBIS, and AF improvements looks minor (too early to tell, but still). I will probably pass on the GH5s, but will be interesting to see how much the image quality is improved. I applaud Panasonic for all the improvements they have done, pushing the competition especially on features, framerates, codecs etc. BUT i "fear" Sony will realease the A7S III, with "barely" good enough codec and framerates, still it will (likely) have superior AF and IBIS. And that might be the tipping point for many, including me. Will be interesting to see..
  3. Would be interesting to see if deep level formatting of the CF-cards would increase writing performance and stability aswell. Not seeing it being discussed, but from what I read elsewhere this can really can impact the performance.   I don't have these cards myself yet, and this example is measured when photographing, so not directly comparable. Reading from this review the performance hit with the Transcend 1000x CF-card after deep formatting seemes interesting (note: read the whole review amazon review. he tests without the deep level formatting first).   http://www.amazon.com/review/R30PLZ4AKGMFA6/ref=cm_cr_pr_cmt?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B009S61ADS&linkCode=&nodeID=&tag=#wasThisHelpful
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