Looks very nice, little bit of noise in the deep shadows but I can handle that.
My computer is not happy about the files, resolve is stuttering.
I would need a new computer
What about enviromental temperature, yes in the desert you will overheat quickly, this does not mean it will overheat in a siberian winter too.
This should be tested in realworld environments to see how bad it is
Let's wait and see for this one.
Normal 4k does not seem to overheat only the 8k oversampled 4k
And if you want to use 8k for interviews you can affort an icepack for the back of the camera 😋
Same data rate as the sigma fp, but at 8k dci instead of 4k
Only time will tell if the internal storage will get cheaper soon, good thing they already have 2tb cards for it.
If you have a smallHD monitor it has a build in LUT for black magic 4k film, When you enable this LUT in combination with the "Sigma Color mode off" I get a great preview for monitoring
It may work well on a black-magic or ninja too.