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  1. enny

    Sigma and BMC 2.5K

    As you can see speedboster made for this camera has contacts in the back of it
  2. So I have MfT black magic 2.5k and sigma 18-35 on the way with speedboster made for BMC now I just found out I can't control aperture on my sigma with dumb adapter. Since BM don't have those control contact point how is aperture controlled by camera?
  3. enny

    BMPCC 2.5k or RED MX

    Hi there still debating which speedboster to get did you get any?
  4. Hi guys can Pocket Cinema Camera OG -Metabones Speed Booster 0.58x Canon EF Lens to BMPCC OG work with black magic cinema camera 2.5k any issues you see here ? I was looking also at new BMC 2.5 speedboster specifically made for BM 2.5k
  5. enny

    Power for BMC?

    Ibis be bmc 2.5k I have those batteries can anybody recommend power adapter that’s I can use with those batteries thanks
  6. What about metaboones speed booster with yashics ml 2.8 lenses
  7. Would EF - MFT mount Speed Booster XL 0.64x work on old BMC 2.5K camera ? Metabones says The Speed Booster XL 0.64x is similar to the Blackmagic-specific 0.64x BMCC Speed Booster (MB_SPEF-BMCC-BM1), but has been completely re-designed to meet the following requirements) also I can see in the chard circles that’s it will work what do you guys think I am thinking of using this new speed booster with adapter for my yashica lenses
  8. Would you go with Laowa over speed booster ?
  9. I have few yashics ml lenses can I use my yashics glass on ef metabones with adapter ? thansk
  10. Hi I have OG BMCC 2.5 k I am looking for wide angle MF3 cinema lens. I am so far looking at Meke 12 mm 2.2 around 600 dollars any other recommendations you guy might have that’s I don’t know off thanks
  11. enny

    M43 Speedboster BMCC

    Hi I don’t need electronic option since my lenses are vintage
  12. Can any m43 speedboster fit on black magic cinema 2.5k or I have to look for specific one for my bmcc2.5 k
  13. I did some digging and I found this article using xl speedboster EF to m43 with adapter Here’s a 2021 Update: You don’t have to do this for modern speedboosters like ULTRA and XL, mine fitted perfectly on the viltrox EF to MFT with cheap ebay CY adapter (Except I had to turn the glass of speedbooster to fix infinity focus) but that’s a seperate issue. On the Metabones some lenses might scratch the velvet side only slightly so maybe if you don’t want that you can trim the pins just slightly but not the whole way using a professional or at home with metal cutting plier. I think author uses old gen speedboosters since it’s 2016 but I also read this post while my lens is arriving by post and I panicked a lot and this post made me panic even more having to do this to a rare lens.
  14. Can I use adapter in front of speedboster since I can’t find a specific one for my camera. I have old BMCC 2.5k m43 but can’t find specific one for my yashica mount can I just purchase EF to M43 camera mount then use EF to yashica adapter is this recommended or big NO Thanks
  15. Won’t work for me my is M43
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