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Everything posted by jonpais

  1. I haven't used that app, but if you don't get a response, you could always email Rose at Zhiyun Tech. She usually responds the same day. Here is the email address: service@zhiyun-tech.com
  2. @Neumann Films I don't recall anyone who's shot with the GH5 sharing a great deal of information about the new exposure aids, the vector scope and waveform monitor. Did you find yourself relying on them much during your shooting? If so, could you share any thoughts on your experience with them?
  3. You have good eyes, webrunner! In the menu on the Fuji, you can adjust highlight and shadow tones. The first couple of videos i posted with the Fuji had blown highlights and crushed shadows until I learned how to adjust the camera. If Steve Huff had set the shadow tone to -2, I'm guessing there would have been as much information in his wife's sweater as in the one shot with the SL. I can't know for sure though, since he doesn't share his camera settings.
  4. Beautiful work, Jase, and well worth the wait (I've been waiting for this anyway). I'm through with speed boosters for the time being as well, for the very same reason.
  5. If someone is going to claim that a stop or two of dynamic range is unimportant; if another accuses a website of bias without adequate proof; and another, without any justification whatsoever, attacks a working professional whose body of work would be the envy of many, you bet I'm going to respond.
  6. My god, you're right! I have to stop smoking opiates. All the cameras tested have identical values at ISO 1600.
  7. I don't believe I've ever seen a film in the theater shot in medium format.
  8. Hi Andy. I think the OP has just gotten used to the position of the button placement on the GH4, and when i started to think about it, I can see his reasoning. He's used to pressing record with his thumb, that's all there is to it. He'll just have to retrain his muscle memory or whatever. I did think however, that the red video button was for when you were shooting stills and wanted to record movies, but since I don't shoot stills, that button is pretty useless to me.
  9. They performed a test, they shared the results. No reason to give any justification. And the fact that they have not reviewed the GX85 or G85 is not evidence that Cinema 5D has a bias against anybody, from an epistimological perspective. Edit: I should add that I have no bias whatsoever against Sanveer, he's one cool guy. But shooting with the G85 and the X-T2, whatever the difference is in dynamic range between those two cameras, one or two stops or whatever, it's immediately apparent when I compare files from shots taken on the very same day, the same time and under the same lighting conditions, and it's pretty dramatic - I don't need to enlarge the images 400% to see that the X-T2 kills the G85 in dynamic range.
  10. I think it's incredible that a camera can record in light that is nearly invisible to the naked eye. How often do you shoot at ISO 51200 anyway? Oh, that's right, I forgot - you don't own a camera. Can you be more specific, providing details? Because after only a spending a couple weeks with a camera, I have a pretty good sense of its strengths and weaknesses. There's no such thing as clipping blacks. It's called crushing the blacks. And the reason the image is so dark is precisely because he's using the same settings for all cameras, and at ISO 1600, the X-T2 is probably in actuality closer to ISO 800. If you bothered to Google Jason Lanier, you'd see we're not talking about the same guy.
  11. Where are you supposed to hold this rig? Or am I missing out on the joke?
  12. Maybe I was wrong, if so, I apologize. But I think he already realizes that buying and selling gear all the time is a waste of time and money.
  13. I think you're missing the point of the post entirely. @Matt Kieley Great post, thank you. Heaven forbid someone were to suggest that instead of purchasing a brand new $2,000.00 USD camera, that you'd be better off investing in some lighting or sound gear, or, unthinkable, watching some editing tutorials online or taking a filmmaking workshop, it would be dismissed as the words of a fool. So many complaining about not being able to assign every menu item to function buttons or manufacturers crippling their cameras by not offering 4K 12 bit 4:4:4, not enough meaningful content being produced.
  14. No doubt the lens is good, but the OP doesn't need a new lens, what he needs is an a6XXX, which he could easily find used for little more than the cost of the Summilux.
  15. Just buy it. Nothing's more convenient than taking a Crane along in your carry on luggage. I've done it several times already, to Malaysia and Thailand. This from an email sent to me by Rose over at Zhiyun Tech concerning payload with the Zhiyun Crane: I just learn one thing that may cause the jitter. With 1.52 firmware and latest APP, there is one more choice in Stabilizer Setting page, about Strength( weak, medium and strong), this settings is related the gimbal performance with different payload weight. So far, i just learn the jitter cause from my workmate, but i didn't have try different camera and feel the difference by myself, so my explain may not very exactly, but I think you can know what i mean. the jetter is related the gimbal strength settings. Crane or Crane-M gimbal with latest firmware. Crane, 1.52 firmware, in latest phone app, users can adjust the gimbal strength( weak, medium and strong). This strength may influence the gimbal performance with different camera or payload, when you mount a camera with 500g, the gimbal need to connecting phone app, in stabilizer settings page, to adjust the gimbal Strength weak, but if your camera is about 1700g, the gimbal will need to setting the strength Strong, if with 500g camera, the strength is strong, the camera may jitter even with a well balanced camera. Hoping you can understand what i mean. Thanks.
  16. Can't be true. I don't know how it works, but you must be able to set the ISO before enabling the feature that changes ISO when zooming with a variable aperture lens. If not, like you say, it's sad and disappointing. And I would go so far as to say useless. Edit: it's quite amusing in my opinion to read the comments in your post about this topic over at DPReview. One commenter writes: The basic Auto ISO implemtation sucks, but I got the G85 anyway, and I quickly got used to setting aperture, shutter and iso manually. He set them manually! Fucking amazing! I'm not making fun of you, but setting aperture, shutter speed and ISO on the G85 is a piece of cake.
  17. Can we presume that if you're shooting at ISO 200 and zoom in from 12mm f/2.8 to 60mm f/4 that the ISO will change to 400? I don't find that so disturbing. Though it would be cool to see the ISO values changing displayed on the LCD, it is constantly changing, so I don't see the inconvenience. It's only one stop after all.
  18. I don't suppose anyone here is interested in why Mr. Ambiguous wants to know the size of the elements.
  19. hahaha. Sorry to say, but since you shoot in low light all the time, it's like buying a screwdriver to hammer a nail. Wrong tool. Best of luck!
  20. Still, if you're going to be shooting at night all the time, or in dimly lit interiors like parking structures, you'd be far better off getting an a6000, a6300 or a6500. No kidding.
  21. Which camera are you using Julius? What ISOs are you shooting at? It looks like you often shoot available light in poorly lit conditions. if I were you, I'd pick up a used Sony a6000.
  22. What exactly does serious video use mean? Blurry, contrasty, poorly exposed, grainy, poorly color corrected BMX videos?
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