IBIS worked well enough for your video of Hula expert Roxanna shot with Olympus. At the time you had this to say:
One of the main reasons I like shooting Olympus so much in this platform is that their stabiliser is really world class. And the best thing is that because it’s built into the body itself, any lens you mount on their can be turned into a stabilised lens. Any vintage lens, and cinema lens I happen to adapt. Or the wonderful new APO primes from SLR Magic.
Curiously, no mention at all of IBIS only being good for locked off shots - if that were the case, it would be of no use whatsoever. Unfortunately, mirrorless cameras are more prone to jitters than heavy cinema cameras, so IBIS comes in pretty handy. It also helps enormously to iron out the wriggles in gimbal shots, as demonstrated in numerous videos online.
Which is the reason I like IBIS so much - it turns my Veydras into stabilized lenses that can be handheld at eqiuvalent focal lengths of 238 mm, allowing me to shoot in places where a tripod or gimbal would either be forbidden or attract too much attention.
Just in case anyone misunderstands, I could care less whether the Batcam’s got IBIS or not. And I’m thrilled it’s not going to have functioning AF-C either, because, as Mr Glencairn rightly points out, true cinematographers don’t need that shit.