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About nsfray

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  1. I was really surprised to see this lens featured, because I'm an owner of this lens, and I've never heard anyone talk about it online for video uses.    I lucked into it back in 2010, being my first vintage lens bought on ebay for video. (Bought it for $400)  I did have to modify it to fit. It works perfectly on a full frame sensor.    I found out about it from randomly stumbling on this video shot with the 28mm  http://vimeo.com/7028401 - thanks to Gonzalo Ezcurra for pointing me in the right direction!      The 28mm 2.0 is really quite an amazing lens.  It just pops, and wide open there's so much depth to it, yet little distortion.  It really is one of my go to lenses.    here's a couple of videos shot with this lens   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxNL_wtz3EY 100% Pentax 28mm      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsdyR5o9QA0&feature=c4-overview&list=UU987H1gwQUCAO3Iof2_60xQ   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwEk-yQihWU&feature=c4-overview&list=UUHPcn5GH9KuKkvxdB5mkKMQ - this one is a mini doc series my wife and I shot in our first year of marriage. All of the b-roll and man on the street interviews was shot with the Pentax.      so yeah, great lens. Good luck finding one!!  I've only ever seen 1 on ebay in the last 3 years at $800         
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