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Everything posted by IronFilm

  1. Feel free to debate the content of the messages rather than attacking the messenger.
  2. Do remember, that "No Other Land" is packed full with lies from start to finish. It's not something you should ever for a second be looking up to and admiring. Back in 2021, this Oscar winning Pallywood star Basel Adra (from No Other Land) was filmed setting fire to Palestinian structures and telling people to shout "the Jews did it" for the cameras. They were busted red handed: https://x.com/GAZAWOOD1/status/1897363494263251107 Key facts to know: https://x.com/jonsac/status/1896689180178018400 https://x.com/GAZAWOOD1/status/1896867315544678717 https://x.com/JulietMosesNZ/status/1897511200369598729 https://x.com/JulietMosesNZ/status/1899713863509307406 ("Thereโ€™s only one state in the Middle East where millions of Arabs and Jews coexist" , yet they wish to eradicate it. Unlike the Arabs, the Jews truly have No Other Land for their homeland other than Israel. btw, their film's title "No Other Land" is yet another example of something that is plagiarised from Jewish history/culture, as it's a very famous Israeli song: "Ein Li Eretz Acheret" https://www.israellycool.com/2021/04/20/ehud-manor-i-have-no-other-land/) https://www.jns.org/the-truth-about-no-other-land/
  3. They don't call it creative accounting for nothing
  4. Am sure this is the first and last time I'll ever see rifles being used to construct a diff frame! As on the weekend I was working on a friend's little short film, he was the Director / DoP / Writer / Editor / Gaffer / DIT / 1st AC / "Everything" (even acting in some of it!), except for Sound (which I of course did. Although I helped out a little teeny bit sometimes in other areas too, such as lighting). Due to the nature of the shoot (almost no crew, basically no budget, and out in the middle of nowhere) we had very limited amounts of gear at our disposal. So while a couple of combo stands with a proper diff frame was constructed for the first scenes of this film we shot down at the beach (which even that took a fair bit of hiking through the bush to get to), later on when we went further up the hill/cliff, then the heavier stuff was ditched. As wasn't viable to keep on carrying everything with us (and even a little dangerous? A little further on up from here is where one of our actors ragdolled their way down when they slipped and fell. Luckily they're still ok! Pity that moment wasn't caught on camera). Thus you see the improvised situation here! Making the best out of what we had at hand in the moment.
  5. The "XPimage Locking adapter for ARRI LPL Mount lens to Leica M" adapter exists, US$365.75: https://www.ebay.com/itm/134641448107
  6. I'd love to get a Pentax 645D or 645Z, but even at their greatly reduced secondhand prices (vs their original RRP) I still can't justify buying one for what they're going for today. (just checked out their prices again, they seem to have gone up?? Has a youtuber/influencer started talking about them again???) Am also a little tempted to get the Nikon D200 or D2X, simply because it was "the best" CCD camera that Nikon ever got. But more realistically, rather than a 645D/645Z/D200/D2X, then I see the Nikon D700 as being the most likely old camera I'm possibly going to get this year or next, depending on if I can spot the right super bargain or not here in NZ. Yikes, their ebay pricing is through the roof! (especially so for a 2004 camera. At around two grand USD, or a little more or a little less)
  7. I'm going to keep on dreaming of "a FX60" (the FX6, but with the smaller/cheaper sensor of the FX30. Because S35 is still plenty!). Would also be competing against the new Fujifilm GFX100RF as well. Wonder if Nikon might bring out a full frame version of the Nikon Z30 one day. Might be kind of a competitior to the likes of the a7C mk1 / a7C mk2 / a7CR
  8. Yes, I did a short film recently and the DoP (who also works in a camera retail store) said that the high demand for the X-M5 has been going absolutely crazy off the charts. Thom Hogan writes really good articles, he's part of my regular rotation of websites I check out to read. https://bythom.com/newsviews/an-industry-problem.html
  9. Exactly. it's much easier today to make with digital a film today that's above the average quality of pre-digital film. Not every film in the pre-digital era looked like Barry Lyndon. Many looked every worse than what Roger Corman was making. Ditto 19+ out of every 20 films released in the pre-digital era I would not wish to see either. Bingo, most of us look back and remember only the films from the past that are worth remembering. (obligatory inclusion of an image of the most famous example of survivorship bias)
  10. Behringer is "a German company" but in reality they've been an ultra low cost dirt cheap audio company since forever ago, would have always been using China (or maybe perhaps something similar like Thailand or whatever).
  11. Fujifilm X-M5 would be the winning for top notch image quality and maximum discreteness / compactness. Don't forget the light you remove is just as important as the light you add! (especially these days with our very sensitive cameras) Is why I included a few floppies and C Stands from B&H in my previous post in this thread. Also, bouncing a light can often be just as good / better than adding an extra light. I get it, but you can fine tune almost any image in post, as long as you have enough light in a shot. 99% of people watching on YT can't tell the difference between a well-shot GH2 and an ARRI Alexa. An iPhone will be a sufficient camera for YouTube. Every point about audio, also applies just as well to cameras ๐Ÿ˜‰ We will have to wait for a FX30mk2 (or maaaybe a FX3mk2 might have a big enough knock on effect) before the FX30 prices will come down ๐Ÿ˜ž Because the professional range of Sonys are just in too much high demand. Or the Tamron 17-70mm f2.8 I reckon is even nicer, slightly wider, and even more reach while staying f2.8 https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1609642-REG/tamron_afb070s_700_17_70mm_f_2_8_di_iii_a.html Takes a lot to learn how to use them well though
  12. It's more the extreme mismatch in equipment that grates me, picking a camera with an 8 out of 10 image quality but choosing for audio a 3 out of 10 (as sure, 3 out of 10 is good enough audio quality for casual YT videos, but then again so is a 3 out of 10 quality video camera.... such as a cellphone or a T3i)
  13. I was going by what was said by OP in their first person: Usually when a newbie says something like that then this is a strong hint they lacked a wide angle lens, due to saying the sensor "limited my framing options". Which as you'd know, is nonsense! You can have any framing with any sensor. (Although.... there is the point about DoF, which is a bit of a red flag if they also think AF is totally irrelevant while expecting to shot at very shallow DoF???) Both of these pain me so much.
  14. @alsoandrew could use a remote record button to start / stop the recordings with, such as this: https://www.amazon.com/Including-Trigger-Compatible-Panasonic-Fujifilm/dp/B0CP1PGWPX That way they don't need to worry about their dirty hands touching their camera! Just a 50mm? Probably won't be wide enough for everything they want to do. Thus why I suggested they get three lenses. If that's the standard you've set your expectations to, then yeah, a Panasonic GH5S/G9/etc is easily good enough. If you're seriously committed to the idea of going FF, no matter what, then at least go for a S5mk1 instead of a Z6mk1.
  15. Sony has turned into what Canon was, overpriced for the specs they're deliverying. Rumors are of a FX6mk2 later this year. If so, then a FX3mk2/FX30mk2 comes out afterwards? Next year? Might be what it takes for a FX30mk1 to truly become affordable enough for me to consider.
  16. I certainly have been thinking about that a lot! Especially as I'd like to use my Sigma 50-500mm sports lens with something better than a D90. Unfortunately shipping all the way to NZ means I might need to add as much as nearly 50% extra on top of that sale price after purchasing it. (there are benefits but also drawbacks to living in the world's most remote city) Currently keeping my eye out for a keenly priced D700 locally, but pickings are slim and most people want too much for it. (such as nearly three hundred USD for a well used and only semi functional D700) But that's ok, the longer I wait, the more affordable the D750 will become ๐Ÿ˜‰ Ehhh... OG BMPCC / FS7 is preferable in my personal opinion / preferences. (which reminds me, I've got a Canon 50D for ML Raw, I probably should ditch it and pass it along to someone who'd like it. Doesn't work for stills!) I would like having two Fuji cameras, either to use them for quite different purposes, or so I can use them both at once. Although I agree, the X-T3 is a big step up! But overkill for my needs. I also have no idea what the pricing is over on The West Island ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜… It's great also for high speed flash photography , if you're into that. The Nikon D50 does 1/500!! Not even the latest and greatest Sony A1 can manage that, instead the Sony A1 "loses" to the ancient and lowly D50 due to its 1/400 speed. For further comparison the Nikon Z9 is only 1/200
  17. Sensor size is not your issue. Just get yourself the battery grip (to unlock longer recording times) for the X-T2 and you've got a good starting setup at a very low cost. oh well, that crosses out the X-T2 option. Get a Panasonic S5 mk1? $1.5K in total once you include everything? So only $500 for lenses/tripod/mic/lighting/accessories/etc?? Gee, spending $1K on the body is waaaaaaay too much. Especially as you're not making any money at all on this. Honestly I'd suggest you instead spend your money on getting a dirt cheap Panasonic GH4 (or perhaps a GH5S if you can stretch it, as I see the cheapest are nearly six hundred bucks: https://www.ebay.com/itm/126984184008 ) Then put the rest of the money into: lighting, tripod, lenses, media, audio. You'll find that money will very quickly disappear. Panasonic 7-14mm f/4 => https://www.ebay.com/itm/146362468802 https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1725975-REG/ttartisan_c2520_b_m43_25mm_f_2_aps_c_compact.html https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1732932-REG/7artisans_photoelectric_a010s_m_35mm_f_1_4_lens_for.html https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1774976-REG/smallrig_3751b_ad_01_heavy_duty_tripod_with.html https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1852610-REG/tascam_fr_av2_32_bit_float_recorder_timecode_generator.html https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/850444-REG/Impact_ls_ct40mbk_Turtle_Base_C_Stand_Kit.html (two or even four+ of these) https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1606022-REG/auray_bp_59a_5_section_aluminum_boom_pole.html https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/242661-REG/Audix_SCX1_HC_SCX1_HC_Microphone.html https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1155648-REG/rycote_037340_universal_shotgun_mount_for.html https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1488633-REG/trp_worldwide_4848uf_48x48_ultrabounce_floppy_with.html https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1484381-REG/aputure_lantern_360_degrees_softbox.html https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1753989-REG/amaran_apm022da10_amaran_cob_200d_s.html https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1387572-REG/genaray_blt_60_bullet_led_focusing_spot.html etc etc etc For a $1.5K total budget then a secondhand GH4 seems like the right way to go, or maybe a GH5S.
  18. IF I was in his shoes, I'd still be getting something like a FS5 / C100 on the cheap, even if the local TV market is not demanding anything better from me. For three reasons: 1) providing a bit higher quality footage than expected will help reduce the odds he gets fired/cut at some point over the next 5yrs+, even if it just improves the odds slightly by 10%, that still makes it worth it 2) this next point is kinda the same as the previous point, because having a proper video camera means there is less fluffing about, and he'll be able to get the shot / get better shots when under pressure, thus "getting better quality shots" (in terms of content that is, not just image quality) 3) he can diversify out and dabble in doing videography work too for local companies / events
  19. Yes, the more companies that are using a sensor, then the cheaper it will be. But prices of full frame cameras were dropping when even just only two companies were using FF sensors (just Canon and Nikon, long before either Pentax or Sony had brought out their full frame DSLRs)
  20. I suspect in the long run then Fujifilm might be proven right in their decision to target differently both Medium format and APS-C. And to not try to attack so called "Full Frame" head on. Fujifilm has APS-C so that people who want highly portable kit (smaller lens!) or very cheap kit (such as the X-M5, or an upcoming X-T300 or X-A8) then they can get a Fujfilm for that. But for those who insist on "the best" then the ever decreasing prices of sensors means we'll see Medium Format drop down into reach of more and more people. Just like with what happened in the DSLR Era. Initially nobody could afford Full Frame DSLRs (they didn't even exist!), then only the very richest hobbyists or working pros could afford it, but with time, eventually anybody could afford a Full Frame DSLR. (Nikon D600 / D700 or Canon 6D / 5D mk1 goes for pennies these days!) I predict the same will eventually happen for Medium Format as well. And who will be positioned the best to take advantage of this? Fujfilm will be.
  21. Sony FS7 & F3 , low budget videography / corporate / etc types of shoots. OG BMPCC, probably should sell this maybe. Ditto the handful of GH1/G3/GF3/etc bodies I still have from when I started out with doing multicam wedding shoots for a handful of years, but haven't done that in ages! Nikon D90 / D50 / Nikon D5200, to use with my collection of Nikon lens for casual photography fun / hobby. D50 was my first ever camera, worthless now, so why sell it? Keep it for sentimental value. D5200 is my "best" Nikon camera, but won't work with the AF-D lenses I have, but the D90 will. Fujifilm X-A3, I'm digging this camera the most for my casual fun photography I'm doing. It's fun to use. I've even doubled down and got a cheap Fujifilm X-T2! Hasn't arrived yet though. Panasonic GH4, I used this a bit for vlogging, and even thought this should become my main non-cine camera. But dunno, maybe I should ditch it and the rest of MFT, and have the X-T2 not just for photos but video? If I get the battery grip for the X-T2 (to unlock longer recording times). Yeah I know the X-T2 video quality and features isn't up to the highest standards by modern day expectations, but for the needs here I've not got much, and I'm merely comparing it up against the performance of a Panasonic GH4. So, it makes sense, perhaps? https://www.eoshd.com/news/shooting-fuji-x-t2-italy-samsung-nx1-sony-a6300-beater/
  22. Doubt Canon would ever have priced it that cheaply right from the start. Maybe if Canon had announced their C70 six months (or even better, a full year plus) before the Sony FX6 (rather than what happened is the C70 was announced me weeks before the FX6) then maybe Canon could have at least made a substantial move in closing the market share gap between Sony and Canon. Although, I am doubtful, remember back in 2020 then Canon's RF lens lineup was pitful, while Sony E Mount ecosystem had been built up over years and years. I agree, the C70 wasn't a FX3 direct competitor, it was a FX6 competitor. I agree again, there was a severe lack of great lens choices for C70 at launch in 2020. I think simply price was the #1 dominant reason. Today they're a similar price, with a C70 only marginaly more expensive. But at launch, who is going to spend 50% more on a camera when they're already stretching to buy the FX3 as their first (or perhaps 2nd) camera? The second biggest reason I reckon is simply the dominant nature of the Sony FX/FS series in general, if you already have a FX9/FX6 then you're not going to consider anything else than a FX3 as your B Cam. Or if all your friends are shooting with a FX9/FX6 already and you want to try and jump in as well, then of course you're going for a FX6 over a C70. Yup, there has been a big shift over the last decade. It really is quite sad, when you could pick up a Panasonic DVX200 or a Sony FS5 (with a lens) or a Canon C100 (with a lens) or a Sony PXW-X70 or Canon XC15 for just a thousand bucks or less.
  23. I fully agree the lack of RF cameras and lenses does harm Canon both now and recently. But the big shift over from Canon to Sony happened in the 2010's, and I think back then the lens/camera mount was less of a big deal. In fact arguably Canon's EF mount was a "strength" of Canon, on their side. (and I'd say is linked to why they were then so slow to transition away from EF, which is not to their detriment)
  24. I'll quite often link to your past content when it's relevant, for instance when I talk about how Nikon was better in the past at video than people normally give them credit for, I'll link to your D5200 coverage (it's what made me get an D5200 back then!), or even the D750 review. Maybe invite people to do guest blog posts? I'm saddened that all of the facebook group discussions are behind a Walled Garden, thus in the long run they're doomed to an extremely high risk of being lost to the mists of time. https://justapedia.org/wiki/Walled_garden_(technology) Vs what's out in the open here on forums such as this, are more likely to saved by Archive.org and similar. Also searching social media posts is horrible, while searching forum posts via Google is still somewhat quite good. 100%, I'd love to see more of this. It's one of the reasons I really like watching Tin House Studio, even though I'm not working in the photography industry but in a totally different niche, a lot of the business talk concepts he discusses are largely transferable to any other niche that's also an artistic field / freelancer. https://www.youtube.com/@TinHouseStudioUK
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