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Everything posted by IronFilm

  1. The point I was making, is that if a production runs into even merely just thirty minutes of overtime, or/and has a very slight increase to post production costs, then those additional costs to production would totally wipe out any "savings" they might get from renting a cheaper camera than an ARRI/Sony/RED/Varicam. I love this feature as a Boom Op and Sound Mixer!! (nothing to do with an actor entering the frame though, I mean for our purposes) Huge time savings having an ARRI on set vs "random Camera X" that nobody has ever worked with before. A great analogy. (to carry on this analogy: you'd save time using a F1 over a Camry at the race track, but you'd lose time if you used the F1 for a shopping trip. Ditto cameras, it could be "fast" or "slow" to use, depending on the type of set it's being used on) Now excuse me while I go do this week's grocery shopping in a F1....
  2. It's about the overall big picture workflow. If shooting with an ARRI Mini saves even a mere 30 minutes each day and makes post merely just 5% more efficient, then the total cost differences between renting an ARRI Mini vs S5II is totally nonexistent. Well, today in 2025 you can buy an ARRI itself (the old classic edition) for sub $5000! Exactly. Even if we accept 100% (even though it's a very debatable claim indeed) that "Camera X" can look exactly as good as an ARRI, to use "Camera X" instead means you're going to have to spend money (because: time = money) of at least a couple of days for at least half a dozen people (Director/DP/Editor/VFX/PSM/Gaffer/1stAC/2ndAC/etc). Of them running tests, pushing/pulling it to its max, and ensuring compatibility with existing workflows. Even if that's merely $500/day for each person (a very low rate indeed, especially so for an HoD), that's $6K blown on costs at least (am using very conservative guesses here) just so that they can use "Camera X" instead of a mainstream well known choice. Those are utterly trivial costs when you consider the costs to rent the whole camera package across say the three weeks you need it for a low-ish budget film. (I say "low-ish" budget in the sense of say a Hallmark TV Movie of the week type of movie, or even something that costs 10x that. Of course as you move up to mid budget or AAA budget films, then saving a few pennies on camera rentals makes even less sense) Makes no sense at all to spend $6K to try and save money on the camera package, when it only costs six grand ish or so for the entire rental cost (for a three week shooting period) to get an ARRI Mini package (just the body and basic supporting accessories, not counting lens etc) is merely six grand ish! https://www.lensrentals.com/rent/arri-alexa-mini-premium-v-mount-kit-pl Or even less.... for an ARRI AMIRA: https://www.lensrentals.com/rent/arri-amira-premium-kit-pl And of course if you go for say Sony BURANO / RED RANGER Monstro / RED V-RAPTOR / RED DSMC2 GEMINI / Blackmagic Design URSA Mini Pro 4.6K G2 / etc, then these are still at least somewhat mainstream cameras and will be widely known/understood by others on set while still being even cheaper to rent for the length of the production: https://www.lensrentals.com/rent/sony-burano-8k-digital-motion-picture-camera https://www.lensrentals.com/rent/red-ranger-monstro-8k-vista-vision-starter-kit https://www.lensrentals.com/rent/red-v-raptor-8k-vv-dsmc3-starter-pack-v-mount https://www.lensrentals.com/rent/red-dsmc2-gemini-5k-s35-premium-v-mount-kit https://www.lensrentals.com/rent/blackmagic-design-ursa-mini-pro-4.6k-g2-premium-kit-pl
  3. I guess it depends on the buyer. But yeah, it's a pity there isn't a GX9 mk2, as that would likely be a better fit for covering any gap with that niche
  4. Yup! I went to a meetup last night and to take pictures of the speakers I just simply brought along my compact Fujfilm camera with a Siru 23mm f1.2 on it and a Viltrox 56mm f1.7 slipped into my pocket! So easy to bring along.
  5. I expect it will likely be just the V10 with a MFT-ish sensor inside (maaaaybe APS-C). But there are people holding their breath (I wouldn't) that it will be more like a RX100/X100 type P&S. My most optimistic guess for it would be they'll release a Canon flavored version of the Sony ZV-1F. Won't be as great as the latest RX100/X100 cameras are, but it's certainly a release I'd like to see Canon do.
  6. They're more tweaks / gradual evolution of the same basic underlying sensor though?
  7. That's my excuse too for why I never ever sell anything at all ðŸĪŠ
  8. I doubt it too. Just if it happened, then I'd know LUMIX MFT is minutes away from being EOL. Aside from the very sad death of MFT that it would mean, I'd love a S9 with an APS-C sensor, then I could use teeny tiny lenses that match the small S9 sized body. Rather not use an APS-C lens on a 24MP FF sensor. 100%! They just need more pancake lenses! Viltrox 28mm f4.5 just released their pancake lens (truly teeny tiny, in fact they call it a "chip" lens not pancake) for Fujifilm, which I'll be getting. Hopefully L Mount is next? Yes, I wouldn't expect a big announcement "WE. ARE. KILLING. MFT." rather the years would just slowly roll by without us ever seeing a GH8 or G9iii until 2030 rolls around and we ask "huh, where is our updated flagship??" Reason number eleventy hundredth and the third as to why Panasonic should release a Panasonic GX950, to give us both an affordable / small body alternative to the flagship cameras and to cash in on the compact / retro hype that the X100 series has been generating.
  9. That's nothing compared to what Leica did by releasing a literal "posh overcoat". https://www.dpreview.com/news/5103777926/shackelton-frank-hurley-leica-field-jacket ("it doesn't even have a red button")
  10. Multiple businesses? Yikes, hope that does not include LUMIX. True, but it's also not unheard of for massive company cuts to come out of the blue. The people inside LUMIX might have already seen the writing on the wall for the last few years and thus were trying their best to boost their financial stats with a slimmed down range, but will it be enough for survival? I guess we'll see how 2025 goes. Yikes! If we saw an A7CR with an L Mount and a red dot, then that would be big scary writing on the wall indeed for Panasonic.
  11. I guess the other two lens upgrades you are talking about are these: https://www.dpreview.com/news/9864806631/om-system-updates-17mm-and-25mm-f1-8-lenses-for-micro-four-thirds Small updates with adding weather proofing. Am glad that OM is not just releasing bodies but doing "something" for their lenses too. But it's very minimal. Is interesting what happened with sony vaio laptops vs what happened with IBM's Thinkpads when they sold them off Would be worthy of a Masters' dissertation or a research paper to dig deeply into how differently each of these two went, and others in related areas like Olympus vs OM Or a Fujifilm X-M5 / X-T50 or Zfc with an APS-C sensor for way less money. That thinking really doesn't work when you could just buy a Panasonic GH7 for the same price, or a G9 II for a lot less, or a secondhand OG G9 for waaaaay less. And still be using your MFT lenses.
  12. f stop always stay the same no matter what sensor it is on. Rather I think you're talking about what the DoF would be like. And yeah, it's so very wide angle, and such a teeny sensor, it's the world's easiest job to keep it in focus! With that deep DoF.
  13. Yes, choosing L Mount meant it kept rock and solid and secure their position as OEM manufacturer for Leica. But it's also about the impression / vibes that the L Mount gives to consumers. That there is the broad support for it, not just one company going at it alone. EOS-M for instance I always thought it was going to be a dead end mount, that's is a dead man walking, which Canon would eventualy kill. Because nobody else was making EOS-M mount cameras, and because obviously Canon would bring out a new mount for FF mirrorless, which thus means they must kill the other mount. While L Mount Alliance had a multi company backing of Leica / Panasonic / Sigma right from early on (and now others have joined too, such as BMD and DJI are making L Mount cameras). It gives you confidence that L Mount is in it for the long haul! Not merely at the whims of just one company. (yes it's always possible that L Mount disappears, as nothing but deaths and taxes is certain) If Panasonic brings out an APS-C camera with an L Mount (that isn't specifically a S35 "EVA2" or the next Varicam, which is very unlikely currently) then that's the 10ft high writing on the wall for me to sell all of my MFT equipment before their value totally tanks. Olympus has sold off their cameras to OM, Blackmagic seems to be losing interest in MFT for their future releases, ZCam's one MFT camera is very niche, DJI seems to be stepping away from MFT as well, JVC will likely never make another MFT camera, etc.... so if Panasonic kills their MFT cameras (as surely an APS-C L Mount is a sign of this future) then MFT rapidly loses their reasons to stick with it. Exactly! Panasonic and Olympus could have embraced an approach kinda like Fujifilm does. Have put more S35/APS-C sensors into future MFT camera, and owned this niche instead of Fujifilm. Then ignored / skipped over the FF camera bracket, and gone straight for making Medium Format cameras as the next step up.
  14. China definitely can't. Not without ASML. (and arguably TSMC as well, but China might just try to conquer TSMC by military force?! Hopefully not. Although China can more easily catch up and replace TSMC, would be a massive project that would very optimistically be multi-year long, and China is currently trying to do this. In comparison vs the multi decade project that replacing ASML might require) I've got an undergrad degree in electronics, in particular optoelectronics, a strength my uni is world class at, which is especially very relevant to this situation. Papers I took such as Physics333 (which covers topics about lasers such as: the electron oscillator model, rate equation model, Einstein coefficients, Fabry Perot etalons and resonators, optimum output coupling, reflection at a dielectric surface, waveguide theory, thin films, matrix techniques for optical elements, Gaussian beams and applications etc), those don't normally get taught at the third year level at most normal universities So while I'm a long long long waaaay off what these expert engineers in chip production would know (many who have PhDs), I do at least know enough to have a rough grip on and a glimpse into how ridiculously over the top complex the process! That it's crazy hard wall for China to scale if they wish to catch up.
  15. What kind of camera is this???? 😅ðŸĪĢ😂 A couple of years ago then AI photos also massively struggled with words in images, but now this is a mostly solved problem for AI photos. Half expect we'll see it solved for AI videos as well within a few short years. Bingo, that's exactly what will happen. Just like traditional VFX has come down massively in costs (what would have cost months/years/thousands/millions a few short decades ago, can be done today by a small team or even just a single person in their bedroom) so will we see the impact of "AI vfx" / "AI stockfootage", but I bet on a 10x bigger scale the impact of it. Shooting a period piece? Ok, have the key actors be in period appropriate costumes, and get a location that looks vaguely suitable. Then snap your fingers and everything else gets snapped into place using AI. Want a castle on that hill? No need for VFX artists, use AI! What a crowd of angry peasants chasing your lead actor? Bingo, more AI! Did you screw up a shooting schedule and rushed a scene that was filmed in full bright daylight that actually should have been filmed with a dark and moody vibe? No problem, AI to the rescue! Another quick fix. And so on and so on, I expect AI willl massively bring down post production costs, and will reduce costs of what's needed on set. (either due to needing a more limited scope, and/or because they can be more rushed/sloppy but let AI "fix it in post" for them) We're not there just yet, but I expect within a relatively short timespan (within my working lifetime), that is where we will get to. And yet look at how many movies with CGI there are, the market has spoken and shown that the vast majority of people are perfectly ok with these "almost real" imagery in movies. Thus too will AI generated content also be acceptable in movies as well, even if it isn't perfectly perfect. Am kinda trying to do that, is why I'm keeping busy with studies to upskill myself. Then fimmaking might just be a part time profession I do as side gigs, or maybe even fully downgraded to "just a hobby" (a kinda expensive hobby! Even if I sell off most of my gear, I'd still keep maybe a basic sound package of fifty grand worth or so) If politicians and AI leaders in the USA think that the appropriate response to DeepSeek is yet more regulation then they're dooming the USA to future irrelevance. It will be like Spain is today, once a massive global superpower, but today a somewhat irrelevant minor country. Because those who choose to not drown AI in regulation will be sprinting so far ahead they'll be out of sight. For a possible example, imagine AI becomes somewhat stagnant in USA/Europe/Oz, but meanwhile in Asia (by which I mean... China) they race ahead, so then at some point (5yrs? 10yrs? 25yrs?) we see them offering to the world their version of a Netflix which can automatically generate a perfectly custom made movie that perfectly matches what you wish to see based upon your prompts you give it + your past watch history. All at a subscription cost that massively undercuts Netflix! USA's cultural dominance? Gone. Now imagine this not just happening to Netflix, but for every possible industry. What if this revolution gets repeated for: Energy exploration? Logistics planning/scheduling/delivery? Housing manufacturing? Telecommunications? Customer service centers? Cancer treatments? Drone technology? Urgent copyright reform, that won't hold back and cripple AI, isn't just the morally right thing to do, but it's arguably an urgent matter of national security. https://annas-archive.org/blog/ai-copyright.html
  16. The S1 is a stills camera first with some video features, the GH5S is a video camera with some stills features. S1 doesn't have timecode, can't do full sensor 4K 60fps, can't do 4K 60fps 10bit internal, v-log is a paid update vs free with it like the GH5S, lacks 240fps HD, lacks anamorphic support, etc... while being more expensive. They're both great cameras! But easy to see why leaning towards the GH5S over the S1 for some people makes more sense. Fair enough! I've got the glass for a Nikon D800/D810 or Pentax 645Z if/when I get one.
  17. Hmmmm... then what is on B&H is being misleading then. A couple of other options would be: 1) use a block battery for when you need the higher 24.8V (unless you need to be on a steadicam for the slowmo shots!) 2) have a URSA Mini Pro G2 on standby (a smart idea anyway for any BMD shoot! As a back up machine, should A Cam go down), which you would use only for the slowmo shots. Doubtful anybody would truly notice those little moments as being from a different camera in the final edit.
  18. How about a combo of Panasonic 18mm f1.8 + Sigma 28-45mm F1.8 + Samyang 35-150mm f2-2.8? That's surely the fastest possible setup in just three lens for something which covers so many focal ranges!
  19. IronFilm

    Camera 2025

    Am surprised how rapidly FS7 has since dropped in value after the FX6 etc came out. Sadly, because I have a FS7 😞 Worth a fraction of what I paid for it.
  20. I never said that MFT could be used on L Mount, I was saying quite the opposite. I was acknowledging that it isn't possible, but I was saying other mirrorless lens mounts do exist that can accept MFT. (such as E Mount: https://www.ebay.com/itm/144720549405 ) So Panasonic could have created a new mount that allowed MFT lenses to also be used on it. However... at the cost of thus then going it alone, and not with the wider L Mount Alliance that it is part of. But what if you're filming with a Panasonic S1R? Then you can! Also, as the JVC LS300 showed (and the various people who adapted MFT lenses to Sony E Mount cameras etc) you often can use MFT lenses on a slightly bigger APS-C sensor. And S35 of 24megapixels is plenty for UHD. Plus there are a lot of "MFT lenses" that are actually originally designed for APS-C (such for X Mount, or APS-C E Mount or Z Mount), which then got slapped on a MFT mount so as to capture extra sales. But it is still inherently an APS-C lens! Also what if if in this hypothetical timeline, this Panasonic FF didn't just have S35 mode but even 1.6x or even 1.7x modes? For those MFT lenses that don't quite cover APS-C, then even at those greater crop levels that's still enough for UHD! You'd then have a situation where many MFT shooters could easily move across with all / most of their MFT lenses still "working" on their new Panasonic FF bodies.
  21. You can get the GH5S cheaper, the S1 costs over 50% more. And as they are shooting on sticks, then IBIS doesn't matter. Get the GH5S over the GH5. And because they already have MFT lenses, and are shooting stuff that needs reach (such as concerts) then MFT system makes sense. I did make the point that if on a budget, then one S5II (for the angle where Autofocus does matter) and two OG S5 makes sense. If I needed high resolution I'd personally go for a D800/D810 or an OG a7R (or maybe mk2), as each of them goes for mere pennies these days on eBay. If I was to splurge then I'd get a Pentax 645Z, which is going for surprisingly cheap prices these days.
  22. That would have been best. You can already mount manual MFT lenses onto another non-MFT mirrorless mount, Panasonic could have done that instead of L Mount. But I guess on the downside that would have meant not partnering with Sigma and Lecia. Surely that is an even worse move to miss out on that collaboration? It just got released for X Mount! I'll probably get it soon for my Fujifilm X-A3
  23. IronFilm

    Camera 2025

    Why not a Sony F5 or F55? They're going crazy cheap these days. And a lot more suitable for ultra small crews than an ARRI is going to be. "Boxy form factor" also screams out: Red Komodo (the OG, the X version I guess it outside your budget. Or maybe the Komdo X isn't? Is only a moderate stretch more expensive than a C70), or Z Cam E2 (either the MFT or S35 or FF versions), or Panasonic BS1H, or Blackmagic PYXIS. If a C70 is within your budget, then probably a Sony FX6 would be as well, that FX6 should be top of your list to consider. Fuji XH2S and XM5 are also good answers if you wish to go with ultra low budget, while keeping the same lens systems as your X-T3 (plus the X-T3 will make for a great B Cam to your A Cam!)
  24. There used to be some niche cellphones back in the day with powerful xenon flashes, these were my favorites! (such as the Sony Ericsson K800i/K810i/K850i or Nokia N82, just to mention a few of the phones I had) Maybe there will be a return to having more powerful flashes packed into smartphones? Yup, social contagion, heavily influenced by the latest fashionable trend going around on social media. Would be a brave company indeed who is willing to risk a multi million dollar bet on their ability to ride that wave. Especially when the gap between deciding to ride that wave vs the actual camera release will be many months/years apart! Might be a small quantitative difference between those two cameras. But a feel the qualitative difference in size you experiencing in using them is huge. LX100 just barely fits into big/baggy/loose pocket category. While the S9 with that lens ends up firmly on "wear on camera strap" (or put in a bag / backpack, or maybe you have massive pockets).
  25. Am in a similar boat. But I'm trying hard to try and use a dedicated camera more often as "the casual shooting camera" rather than my phone. (it's helped that my phone has a truly awful camera, it's merely a NZ$199 phone) Is why I've been building out a fairly comprehensive (but small/cheap) lens kit for my Fujfilm X-A3 (not so great video, but awesome photos for its very small price and very small body. Wish though I had a X-M5! But that's unjustifiable for me I'm afraid. Maybe in a couple more years if/when the Fujifilm X-S10 crashes down in secondhand prices then I might grab a X-S10 as a supplementary camera, for when I wish for better performance but can tolerate a modestly bigger body). As I think for price/size/quality my X-A3 with a lens or two is quite hard to beat. Yet even with such a nifty/compact setup, then every time I take it out with me, it's easy for me to understand why such a thing isn't more popular. It's quite noticable extra bulk. It's similar reasons why people consume 10000x more content via their smartphone rather than via an eBook reader, even though an eReader is technically "better" for reading with. SImply because no matter how small , lightweight, and compact your eReader is then your smartphone is still going to be more convenient to use. And convenience wins. If you're merely chronically online you might think there has a been a huge uptick in P&S users (due to how hyped up they are, and talked about, but out there in the real world, it's rare to see them being used. For instance when I'm out on the weekend having some drinks then 95% of the time the only people I'll see out in a pub/bar/karaoke/club with any sort of dedicated camera will likely be just myself and perhaps the club photographer (if they have one).
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