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Everything posted by IronFilm

  1. He seems to still be fanatical about his health and regularly rides (and runs). Plus he is about five years younger than Merckx? And once you get up into your 70's (or worse, 80's), that age gap starts to matter. Also Merckx had that bad bike crash last year, and I wouldn't be surprised if Merckx is still feeling a few niggling issues left over from that. Recovery takes longer when you're in your 70's than in your 20's/30's. But anyway, if you mean in a contemporary sense, rather than right now in 2020, I'd rate Merckx as the better rider. (I've got a bias towards preferring multi day tours vs single day classics)
  2. If I wake up with cold sweats from nightmares tonight, then I blame you @barefoot_dp That sounds downright horrifying, and yet has just enough feeling of realism to it to be possible.
  3. But then you'll fall into the same problem as mainstream media has fallen into, why do you think they've declined in appeal over the years? Individualized feeds is a *good* thing. You don't want to see all the Cycling Racing videos that I see in my YT feed, neither do I want to see all the videos about cooking or painting (in Mandarin! Which I can't understand at all) that my girlfriend sees in her YT feed. Her YT feed on her laptop and mine on my PC look radically different, zero overlap. Having an identical ("curated") feed pushed onto everyone is also a dangerous path to go down as well, if anything, that gives even more power into the hands of YouTube / The Curator. A "One Size Fits All" approach is not good. Yes, YouTube's algorithm is not perfect, and has downsides. But going back in time to having a small handpicked selection pushed on everyone, would be an even worse outcome.
  4. Yup, and Nikon still has one half of the Camera Duopoly (soon/already a Tripoly? But for now, Nikon sells more ILC than Sony), and Nikon still has the biggest back catalogue of lenses. (and I think if you ignore kit lenses, has sold more F Mount lenses than EF Mount lenses? And has more specific lens models I think than Canon) I wouldn't rush to hastily write off Nikon, I'm not going to bet on Nikon to be the next company to exit the industry. One possible gold mine that might turn around Nikons fortunates quickly is the current China vs USA trade war. Because the bans on exports for American companies is leading to Chinese trying to do more in making semi conductors themselves, and Nikon is positioned well to sell equipment & services to those new Chinese factories. So much opportunity squandered, as after all it was Nikon which put HD video first into an ILC!
  5. Something else to remember is that for us who spend half our lives browsing forums / YouTube videos, watching these speed ramp effects very quickly feels "over done" as we've been seeing it daily for ages and ages now. But for your average viewer of a random Real Estate video? They do not get that same feeling at all, they see it through totally different eyes to ourselves. If you show a random new acquaintance a video you did with a drone shot in it, they still go "wow" a little to it in response. Even though to us, drone shots are waaaaaaaaaay older and passé.
  6. It is a slippery slope! For only slightly more money than a G5 you could get a G6 😉 Which is a greatly improved camera. But if you're going to buy a G6 then why not spend just a teeny bit more for a G7? And get 4K! But then a G85....
  7. Just back yourself more to nail it right (or near enough) on set! 🙂
  8. Getting something like a Panasonic GF5 (or similar kind of camera body that is just fifty bucks on eBay) for your kid? And the S5 for you!
  9. But why wouldn't you just use your S1 for stills?
  10. Mountain biking at night without lights is an interesting way of defining how good your own personal "night vision" is! Don't think I'd ever do that myself. But I'd happily run at night, even off road with no LED lights. (heh, back in my heyday of running, LED lights barely existed! At least not for this poor impoverished boy, thus I'd often be running off road at night for long training sessions)
  11. Remember it is no big deal to shoot rec709 on for the boring long interviews / ceremonies / speeches / talking heads that you're shooting. As you're got the time and set up to nail your exposure and white balance. And you're not going to be going crazy "arty" looking with these shots in the edit anyway. Leave shooting in log / raw / whatever for the B Roll / flashy stuff when you're just shooting the single A Cam by itself. You do get a better sensor in the G85, but the G7 has no recording limit as well (with the setting tweak), and IBIS doesn't even matter when it is only ever going to be used on a tripod!! In the end, it comes down to how much you want to save every last penny that you can or not. Otherwise you'd just go get a Panasonic S1H as your C Cam 😉
  12. Again, think carefully about how are you going to be using these B / C Cams on small corporate content shoots? I've done sound on lots of these types of shoots, and they're almost always single camera shoots. Is it out of lack of confidence you'll not get the coverage from just one camera, or you fear you might miss out on a vital moment in the IV while you're switching up shot sizes on your main cam? Consider how much you might be harming the quality of your work by spreading yourself thin across three cameras vs just having one, and the compromises you're making to ensure the 2nd/3rd angles look good too.
  13. Yet they've removed the mechanical shutter, which frees up room.
  14. With a little tweak the G7 can have unlimited recording too, google it. As for 8bit, again remember the very specific use case we're discussing here: as B & C Cam for wedding ceremonies / speeches. This is low budget sh*t which you're going to be using SOOC or near to it. These cameras are just for bulking out the long form edits to give you coverage. 8bit is fine.
  15. Any links to back this up? It is a curious claim.
  16. Especially as @Mark Romero 2 mentioned weddings, I'd strongly consider getting a third camera. (and with @kye's "two is one and one is none" principle, you ought to have four cameras!) If you know your specific uses cases well, such as: "I'll only use my B Cam (& C Cam) for wiiide / mid wide shots on a tripod for planned out shots in at least moderately well lit conditions" (which is the case for all interviews, they'll be well lit, and I'd even say for weddings too. As no, wedding are not "extreme low light" scenarios. Not by 2020 standards. Sure weddings demanded "good low light cameras" back in the early 2000's when standards of what is "good at low light" was different. But this is 2020! You won't have troubles using MFT whatsoever for your multicamera setups for the ceremony and speeches. Sure, later in the evening when it gets dark and they're partying, good low light capabilities are beneficial. But by this point in time you're no longer rolling multicamera setups for hours at a time, you're getting B Roll with your A Cam instead for the edit) Thus you could have your Panasonic S1 as your A Cam, and two secondhand Panasonic G7 for dirt cheap, one with the cheap SLR Magic 8mm and the other simply with the kit 14-42mm lens. (perhaps throw in the cheap Panasonic 25mm f1.7 lens, "just in case". Your total lens investment is still very very minimal, thus doesn't so matter much you're spreading yourself thin across two lens mounts of MFT & L Mount)
  17. Read this comment elsewhere: "this camera will most likely get Netflix certified whereas the A7sIII probably never will." Which instantly made my mind go *click*! Ohhhhhhh........... now I realize why the FX6 has timecode I/O when the FS5 (and even the stock FS7) never had it! Purely so that they can get the "Netflix Certified" branding, which will do wonders for their marketing. (even though for 99.999999% of us, if a camera is "Netflix Certified" or not should be meaningless. But unfortunately the reality is the Average Joe in their mind seems to make a big deal out of this when considering a new camera purchase)
  18. WHAT??? Why on earth would RED leave that out. Neither can IBIS be added with a firmware update.
  19. As much as I am a fan boy of MFT, I'd lean towards spending the extra for a Panasonic S5 (or a second secondhand S1) over a GH5. Because it is smart for all your cameras to share the same mount, and of course you'll get an even closer match in colors between your A and B cam. (bit different matter if you were asking about a G7 as your B Cam? As the cost savings there are so huuuuuge) Also, stop buying EF mount glass.
  20. Rather lose the audio inputs than lose the timecode input.
  21. Wasn't there also rumors of a C50 as well? Or was that just random forum speculation / wishful thinking. You left off Sony VENICE The EVA1 at $6.5 vs FX6 at $6K means the EVA1 is now totally dead in the water when it comes to future sales. (unless it is some unusual exceptional circumstances, like you already have a fleet of EVA1 cameras and you absolutely must buy only a matching camera) Panasonic could follow Canon, and release a body with a full frame lens mount but a S35 sensor. Would make happy all the people who have a FS7/FS5 with lots of premium S35 glass, but the FX9 is too expensive to leap on to (or whatever other reason they might not like it for). And the FX6 is ruled out due to not being able to do 4K S35 Although of course, I'd prefer it if the EVA2 had a MFT mount!! Please. We're not in a 6K world, and nowhere near close to that happening either. Won't be a deal breaker if the EVA2 lacks 6K. Not a deal breaker if it caps out at 4K 60fps (or heck, even 4K 30fps! But if it is limited to 4K 30fps its release price had better be significantly lower than even the Canon C70) Like you said, cinema cameras NEVER have this feature, so not a big deal if the EVA2 lacks IBIS. However, I have been saying "not a deal breaker" many times now. I do feel like Panasonic must select implementing at least one or two of these features and do it anyway, to help push the envelope and create overall an appealing package that people want to buy vs the competition. (unless they implement none of these?? And just compete purely on price?? Like if they put a S1H sensor and specs inside an original EVA1 body, then sold it at the same price as a S1H??? That wouldn't be a bad idea! Especially if they made at least one small tweak to the body, and ditched the EF mount for L Mount) IBIS would be the smartest of all these "not a deal breaker" features to include instead of excluding. As Panasonic has one of the very best IBIS system, with years of experience implementing IBIS in cameras, and it is a unique feature that would make them stand out from all over cinema cameras and that feature alone might attract a few buyers to them for it. Obviously. Careful, can't be stepping too much on the toes of their Varicam users! Then again, the Varicam lineup is even older than the EVA1 itself, and deserves to gets its toes stepped up. Wonder if Varicam might see an update before EVA1 does? PDAF won't happen in an EVA2. But yes, worth praying for S5 AF in an EVA2.
  22. They've got to differentiate the FX6 and FX9 "somehow". Otherwise the FX6 is too good, upsetting many FX9 owners as it steps on their toes. At least it still has the BNC TC input! Which is far more important for syncing with the sound department. Plus it still has the smart shoe you could use if you really really want to feed audio into the camera while on a gimbal? That's not a bad thing. Yes, for lots of people that is true. If they're casual / hobbyist / indie semi-pro filmmakers. In fact, I'd argue that even cheaper cameras like a a7mk4/X-T4/GH5/E2-M4/P4K/Z6mk2/S5/etc But if they're shooting every week with their camera and get paid a fair rate for it, then it is a no brainer to get an FX6 over an a7Smk4! (although, they just might end up getting both)
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