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    IronFilm reacted to richg101 in Reasons not to buy a used F3 package   
    I expect an F3 and some PL adapted lomo primes would be a stunning setup with real cinema image
  2. Like
    IronFilm reacted to mercer in Filming movies on one lens (30mm-ish)   
    Once I've discovered 28mm and 35mm f2 lenses, I can see why someone may use only one lens. You can get tight for close ups with some nice depth, or pull back and focus to infinity for your wider shots. I am going to be testing this one lens solution out in an upcoming project. 
  3. Like
    IronFilm reacted to dbp in Reasons not to buy a used F3 package   
    ^damn, I didn't realize the F3 was spec'd like that. That really does sound like an insane deal for 2K. Like a souped up Canon C100.
  4. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from Cinegain in Reasons not to buy a used F3 package   
    I own an F3 myself and I've been quite an advocate online for giving this camera a fresh breath of life in 2015/2016.
    If you can overlook these factors:
    Isn't 4K (but 2K/1080 is still more than good enough for most deliverables for the next couple of years plus)
    Isn't raw (but raw is overkill for many people's projects. While I feel 10bit 422 is a perfect sweet spot for most cases)
    Isn't the latest shiny new toy  (but you'll be like the Red Queen from Alice in Wonderland if you try to play that game, constantly running nonstop just to stay in place as you try to keep up. Because there will always be a new shiny toy just around the corner which is about to be released)
    Doesn't have super slow motion (but 60fps FHD can meet the majority of most people's slow motion needs for the bulk of their projects. And just rent an FS700 for cheap when you need better. Or even buy a Sony RX10 mk2 for cheap slow motion usage, it can double up as your matching gimbal camera as well! Has slog too)
    Doesn't have AF (but to many filmmakers that is a complete non-issue)
    Is rather bulky (but that extra weight can be beneficial for stability, means you're not left with those handheld "shakeycam" footage like you might get from a DSLR if shooting in the same manner. Plus unfortunately first appearances do matter.... thus for those kinds of clients they'll love to see your built up F3 rig!)
    ....then (if those factors above are not deal breakers) you've got what I believe is the best possible camera that you can buy today for under US$2k!

    As nothing in that price bracket (including many options costing thousands more) can offer what the F3 can in terms of: feature set, low light capability, S35 sensor, built in ND filters, XLR inputs, SDI outputs, 12bit 444, slog, 60fps FHD, dynamic range, solid & versatile interchangeable mount system (including expensive high end PL lenses or an affordable Nikon F set, or many other options), and more.
  5. Like
    IronFilm reacted to dahlfors in Nikon DL   
    I have a D800 with 24 Mbps bitrate as well as the hacked 54 Mbps bitrate. In majority of scenes there isn't any difference. Close-ups of really fast moving water or certain types of night scenes is where I've found the differences. I haven't seen any other camera reaching anywhere as high quality output as Nikon does at 24 Mbps H.264.
    With good tweaking of x264 encoding on a desktop computer you can reach same quality levels, but other camera manufacturers 1) haven't either tweaked their encoders as much, or 2) aren't throwing as much encoding power / using dedicated chips for the encoding - hence they aren't anywhere near the same quality levels when you compare bitrate for bitrate.
    How you implement an encoder matters, even though you use the same codec. It was the same story with MP3 encoding in the early days. XING, Fraunhofer and the others weren't anywhere near the quality that the open source LAME encoder could output, bitrate for bitrate.
  6. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Mattias Burling in Nikon DL   
    Nope, it differs from camera to camera. Depends on how efficient it uses its bitrate. A 50mbit Sony will in my experience break apart before Nikon 25mbit.
  7. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Mattias Burling in Nikon DL   
    I think the video shows that Nikon doesn't need as high bitrate as Panasony. 
    Same with the D750. Its 25mbit is cleaner than most 100mbit.
  8. Like
    IronFilm reacted to richg101 in Reasons not to buy a used F3 package   
    I believe when it comes to colour, S-Log was way better implemented on their Cinealta range than on the Alpha range.  ie. the implementation of S-Log on the f3, f35 and f65 was more carefully undergone and delivers more trustworthy results.  I expect @Ed David could shed some insight on the Cinealta range from the era of the F3.
    Looking at the F3, I can't see a reason not to go for it at the current price.  as long as you can budget for an aftermarket fz mount adaptor or PL mount glass, as well as rigging and the external recorder for 4;4;4 you'll likely not find a more powerful camera.  I'd take 4;4;4 1080p from the F3 over any 4k dslr.
  9. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from Hans Punk in Reasons not to buy a used F3 package   
    I own an F3 myself and I've been quite an advocate online for giving this camera a fresh breath of life in 2015/2016.
    If you can overlook these factors:
    Isn't 4K (but 2K/1080 is still more than good enough for most deliverables for the next couple of years plus)
    Isn't raw (but raw is overkill for many people's projects. While I feel 10bit 422 is a perfect sweet spot for most cases)
    Isn't the latest shiny new toy  (but you'll be like the Red Queen from Alice in Wonderland if you try to play that game, constantly running nonstop just to stay in place as you try to keep up. Because there will always be a new shiny toy just around the corner which is about to be released)
    Doesn't have super slow motion (but 60fps FHD can meet the majority of most people's slow motion needs for the bulk of their projects. And just rent an FS700 for cheap when you need better. Or even buy a Sony RX10 mk2 for cheap slow motion usage, it can double up as your matching gimbal camera as well! Has slog too)
    Doesn't have AF (but to many filmmakers that is a complete non-issue)
    Is rather bulky (but that extra weight can be beneficial for stability, means you're not left with those handheld "shakeycam" footage like you might get from a DSLR if shooting in the same manner. Plus unfortunately first appearances do matter.... thus for those kinds of clients they'll love to see your built up F3 rig!)
    ....then (if those factors above are not deal breakers) you've got what I believe is the best possible camera that you can buy today for under US$2k!

    As nothing in that price bracket (including many options costing thousands more) can offer what the F3 can in terms of: feature set, low light capability, S35 sensor, built in ND filters, XLR inputs, SDI outputs, 12bit 444, slog, 60fps FHD, dynamic range, solid & versatile interchangeable mount system (including expensive high end PL lenses or an affordable Nikon F set, or many other options), and more.
  10. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from PannySVHS in Sony PMW-F3, 10bit out of the box? vs paid update SLOG2 4:4:4   
    Not everybody here owns an F3 or has experience with one. I do however own and use one :-) Used mine most recently just last Sunday on a feature as their DoP.
    444 would be 12bit not 10bit. You'd be thinking of the more common 10bit 422 
    S-log's history on the F3 is thus:
    Originally the F3 shipped without, then later a *VERY* expensive firmware upgrade was announced (thousands of dollars! But when the launch price of the camera was some fourteen thousand dollars or so, perhaps not really that much extra.... relatively speaking), but then the Canon C300 got announced...
    Sony responded to this announcement in a couple of ways. Two of which was to drop hugely the price of the s-log update (under a thousand bucks) and to announce a free firmware upgrade for the F3 which gave slog as an option but missed some parts of the of the paid upgrade  (such as 444).
  11. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from PannySVHS in Sony PMW-F3, 10bit out of the box? vs paid update SLOG2 4:4:4   
    Obviously if you can, you want to buy a secondhand F3 with the paid version of the firmware upgrade if you can.
    But practically speaking most of us would see only a minor if any benefit in getting one over another. (Paid vs free upgrade)
    As the main benefit of the paid upgrade is gaining 444. But up until recently 444 recorders have been VERY expensive. At least now we've got a great option with the Video Devices PIX-E5. But even that is too pricey for some (I don't have one.  But I'd like to have one!), while the 10bit 422 recorder options have become *AMAZINGLY* cheap!!! :-o We've got multiple options which are sub 500 dollars. 
    Plus not all projects are suitable for 444 anyway. As it means a large leap in data requirements, that not everything will benefit for. While 10bit 422 is the "sweet spot" I feel personally for high quality but easily manageable amounts of data.
  12. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Andrew Reid in Confirmed: Fujifilm X-T2 to feature 4K video   
    X-Pro 2 4K - 80% said they don't need it, so Fuji didn't flick the switch in firmware. They ask a bunch of hardcore stills people if they want video and surprise surprise most of them don't.
    How are Fujifilm supposed to expand their customer base with new people if the keep asking their existing ones what they want?
    This is why camera companies keep serving up the same-old same-old every year... they never reach out new markets, because they only listen to the needs of their existing one.
  13. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from Cinegain in Sony a6300 4k   
    It is my favourite run and gun E mount lens!
  14. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from sanveer in Alternative Photography and Filmmaking   
    Likely because of the lens. And because it gets mucked up in your pocket...
  15. Like
    IronFilm reacted to tomsemiterrific in Meeting with Sony to discuss FS5 cinema camera improvements - optimised firmware available Friday 7am London time   
    Exactly. My company produces clarinets of my unique acoustical design. I have over 100 videos sharing information that help clarinetists to make more informed analysis of an instrument's performance capabilities---I want the player to know more so he or she can get the best results possible with our products and better appreciate their virtues. It's crazy but the various video camera companies seem to do the very opposite. 
    Shouldn't they want to do every thing they can to insure those who use their products can get the very best results from them?
    Yes, some effort is made, but it seems pretty inadequate verging on pathetic.
  16. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from TheRenaissanceMan in Why do I like the look of the Canon 1D C and Blackmagic Micro Cinema so much than the Ursa, F55, FS7, and C300 mark ii?   
    It is a CR2 rumor. Or in other words: slightly more reliable than the one I pulled out of my arse about unicorns delivering my next Ultra Ultra UHD 32K camera.
  17. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Cinegain in The Hollywood Sheen Continues to Dull   
    Talking about the Chinese film industry, I was surprised to see that the Alibaba Group, which I know very well for its ecommerce dealings (mainly AliExpress/Alibaba/Tmall & Taobao), has recently stepped up to be a major player in the film industry. It was brought to my attention when I recently watched the latest Mission Impossible...

    Dang China!
  18. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Cinegain in Why do I like the look of the Canon 1D C and Blackmagic Micro Cinema so much than the Ursa, F55, FS7, and C300 mark ii?   
    Agreed! The pocket was really something, especially when you picked it up in the summersale way back when it was 495 USD and there were rumors it was because they wanted to clear stock before the successor came out... and then none came! That's just insane power for the value. Of course, it's not without its shortcomings... but if your primary target is ending up with gorgeous footage... it sure delivers that!
    I've been keeping my eye on the BMD Micro Cinema Camera as well, but unfortunately it's very BMD to have to wait for ages and we're not even sure if they pulled off the global shutter... maybe it's something they've said out to do as a goal and never quite reached it. The cameras they announce are more like predictions it seems... 'we think we'll be able to do this in due time, so just bear with us'. Well... NAB 2016 is just around the corner now... what's up B-M-to-da-Deeds!? Perhaps they did a complete redesign of the sensor and infrastructure, enabling finally both rolling and global shutter operation, the thing they were fighting with... as well as giving it a higher than FHD sensor now (2.5K/4K?). Maybe they'll even add a little screen, or a sweet accessory that will work together with the Video Assist like a charm, making it an ideal set-up... I've said it before, but oh how I would love to use it something like this:

    which wouldn't be far off from shooting a caged GH4...

    You're right, the footage out of these 1000 bucks Blackmagics are as well very organic looking. The Pocket wouldn't win the numbers game either, it is mirrorless, but doesn't really show all those crazy features we've come to expect from having had Panasonics, Sonys and even Samsung around. Again... maybe this is another testament that others out there are just trying too hard (perhaps even Blackmagic themselves with the URSA Mini?). Focusing on all the numbers and features, upping it with every release and here we have something that just basically has one standing out feature: rich meaty files with loads of embeded character. The benefit of the Pocket and the Micro is... they are great for the mirrorless shooters that now shoot GH3, GH4, G6, G7, GX7, E-M5II, NX1, A7S, A7SII & A7RII. A key benefit of me as Micro Four Thirds shooter is... I already have figured the mount out, so I have tons of native glass and ways to adapt other lenses as well! It's still small and light! And it doesn't break the bank! Maybe you shoot an interview that has to go online as soon as possible and you get things right in-camera and use on-board audio, well, it's great to use something like the GH4. Quick color adjustment here and there, 4K gives you some interesting editting options and bam! If you're a hybrid shooter, shoot some stills as well. But... for those times that you shoot moody stuff, where looks are a key factor and the image has to look, here I go again: filmic, dang, those ProRes or DNG RAW files will get you places!
    It's a nice addition for a mirrorless shooter. Currently the typical combo would be GH4 and BMPCC. I can imagine in the next months that will turn to the A6300 and BMMCC. One for the thick moody stuff, the other for all other things including some sweet slowmo!
    But first it needs to come out!
  19. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Mattias Burling in Sony a6300 4k   
    I lens that would be high on the list for this is the 35mm f1.8 OSS.
    I had it for the FS100 and liked it. Sharp and the stabilisation was good.
    Its almost a pancake, so a sweet companion to the small pz zoom. Couple those with a set of vintage primes and you're golden.
  20. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Nikkor in Lens porn: Sigma 50-100mm F1.8 Art   
    It probably will so it pairs nicely with the new sigma aps-h camera.
  21. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Cinegain in Alternative Photography and Filmmaking   
    Probably because Leica said... sorry Panasonic, we're going with someone who actually means something in today's smartphone market... by the looks of it!
    http://www.mirrorlessrumors.com/leica-will-enter-the-smartphone-market/ / http://www.pocket-lint.com/news/136880-huawei-teams-up-with-leica-could-the-huawei-p9-be-the-first-to-benefit
    Atleast first and foremost it would be a top of the line smartphone, Huawei is blasting away. Same for ZTE and Xiaomi btw. But remember that name!
  22. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Jimmy in Alternative Photography and Filmmaking   
    Worth noting that Lightroom now allows you to shoot raw on most Android phones too now.
  23. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Mattias Burling in Alternative Photography and Filmmaking   
    Yup, waiting on an upgrade of this (1").
  24. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Ed_David in The Importance of Trusting Your Own Opinion   
    I’ll admit it, I use camera forums a lot.  Too much, probably. I use them to check out the latest cameras and lenses and lights and accessories. I waste about two hours a day on them.  Time I could spend watching “the View.”
    When I started out shooting part-time in 2005, I got a DVX100 because a juggler who was a featured extra on a tv show called “Sons of Saddam” told me to.  “Cause it does 24p.”  I didn’t know what that meant, but I plunked down $3,000 - all the money I had in savings on this camera.  
    The camera could have been a bust.  But I did it because a juggler who played one of Saddam’s sons goons said so.  That’s how easily influenced I am.
    Then I bought a HVX200, not even testing it first.  “Cause it can do HD.”   I bought the Redrock micro adapter because I watched the work of MacGreggor and some other DPs back then do stuff on a Gorilla 35 lens adapter that hadn’t even come out.  I hadn’t even tried it first.  Just sent in my credit card info.  
    Rinse and repeat.
    All these periods of time I bought things just based on videos I saw shot on them. No tests - I didn’t understand tests.  Just videos shot with them and the opinions of people I respected.  I could look at screen grabs but just scroll down to their opinions.
    Well finally 11 years later, I am seeing what I was doing - buying based on people’s emotions.  Based on the emotions of people whose work I liked.
    This is fine to do, but it’s not always the smartest thing to do.  
    There are several, maybe twenty influential figures online in the cinematography world.  David Mullen, Shane Hurlbut, John Brawley, Art Adams, Geoff Boyle, and of course Andrew Reid, come to mind as leaders who people follow and listen to.
    Even the opinions of the above people and the other influencers are, in the end, just their opinions.
    When someone says, “this to me screams filmic” or “this looks digital” - again, that’s all an opinion.  If they say, “that grade is terrible” or “man you nailed the skin tones” - again, that’s all opinion.  Even looking at test charts and camera tests, the results are subjective.  Aesthetic is subjective.  There are scientific tests, but they lead to opinions.  This isn’t pure math - this is an art form.
    There is no such thing as filmic.
    Everything is digital.  Film emulsions see the world differently, but they go through a digital intermediate.  They become digital .  And I think that’s probably about 99.9% of all films shot on celluloid.  Maybe a few hipsters shoot film and use a steinbeck, but they still upload their results to vimeo, which converts this to a h.264 file.
    I have very strong opinions, and a lot of people have very strong opinions.  That’s why we work in film.  It’s an art form that is full of passionate people.  But I also have low self-esteem.  My whole nature of existence is based on others approval.  I’m getting better at trusting my own self, but this is my basis.  
    I think maybe most artists have low self-esteem or why would they want to share their art?  Is it ego?  Or the attempt for others to connect?  Yes that’s part of it.  But whether you want to admit it or not, we love when people love our work.  We live off the feedback, or why would we check vimeo 5 times a day to see if someone commented?  Why else would we have awards?  Especially in an art field where awards are just based on opinions of a community who may or may not get your work?
    Something is beautiful if you think it is.  You don’t need an oscar in cinematography to be happy with your lighting or camera movement or angle, or have your opinion mean anything less if you aren’t in the ASC.  Everyone brings something unique to the art form.  Everyone brings a new perspective that is needed, especially now, when everything feels pretty much the same.  
  25. Like
    IronFilm reacted to raf702 in Meeting with Sony to discuss FS5 cinema camera improvements - optimised firmware available Friday 7am London time   
    That's good to know, but when RAW output is released I'm hoping I don't have to sell my atomos assassin for an O7Q+ or Shogun.
    Maybe they will enable 4K HDMI like the FS7 with it's latest firmware V3, discussed at 
    According to an FS7 user 4K HDMI yielded the best results versus 4K RAW. Maybe this will also reflect the FS5 when raw is enabled.
    Either way I'm hoping the Assassin can be utilized with the FS5, when the firmware updates are released soon.
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