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    IronFilm reacted to mercer in panasonic g7   
    If they offer a body only for $699 or less, this will probably be my next camera. I would love to be able to score this and the FZ1000 for less than $1200.  
  2. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from Cinegain in panasonic g7   
    Extremely ironic they've got a video about "Family without borders" yet the camera can't switch between PAL and NTSC!!! Arrrgghhh
  3. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from JazzBox in GH3 vs EM-5 II   
    I'd rather go with a Panasonic G6 with an optically stabilised Panasonic lens than either of those two. 
  4. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from Wulf in panasonic g7   
    Extremely ironic they've got a video about "Family without borders" yet the camera can't switch between PAL and NTSC!!! Arrrgghhh
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    IronFilm got a reaction from sandro in Upgrading to the NX1 from Canon, ideas?   
    I'd rather go with the Tokina 11-16mm or Rokinon 16mm or Rokinon 10mm than the Rokinon 12mm....  as the first three can be got in Nikon F mount, future proofing you against whatever camera you might perhaps get next. (Personally, I got the Tokina)
  6. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Gary Senda in JVC LS300 : Going to have one for 2 Weeks, Want me to test something 4 U?   
    Hi all,
    this is my first post, so let's introduce me. I'm from Italy, and I'm not a professional but simply an advanced video hobbist. I've bought one of the first Panasonic AF101 and I was an enthusiastic (and now an orphan) of this project. Two weeks ago my seller has given me a LS300 to test and after a few days I've decided to buy it. It is really a great camera for the price and VSM works really well (it is not continuous, it is in steps because remapping is optimized.
    Hera are two screenshots straight from VLC. The first one with a zuiko 14-35mm f2.0 (set at f5.6) and VSM 86%, factory settings (video gamma and color matrix normal), manual focus and manual exposure
    the second one is an indoor shooting, no lighting. The lens is a canon FD 85mm f1.2 (set at f8), full S35 frame (no vsm).
    After 10 days of testing I can say that the LS300 is a big step over my previous AF101: less video noise, better resolution in FHD also, better latitude, better highlights holding, better performance in low-light, better focus assist, better use of the dual slot, 4:2:2 sampling in FHD and much more.
    For the price this is really an honest camera for the budget advanced filmaker.
  7. Like
    IronFilm reacted to TSV in JVC LS300 : Going to have one for 2 Weeks, Want me to test something 4 U?   
    Here you are my first experience under heavy sunlight with the LS300
    1. Full Auto https://mega.co.nz/#!OktEDASD!-v21Iq-OIT3zOdA9Ld8WKXwN3AKE0e1EuJ2j6zmk4xo 
    2. Manual https://mega.co.nz/#!qodSiJqS!HBwMgwbBF-XAdZi9yXpTqbaU2wXk4aLVKxcrGLFcHis
    First I will leave the LS300 at home and will go to my shoot with the GH4. I am way more at ease with the GH4 than the LS300. The lack of artificial horizon, no histogram and no real Exposure compensation info on the camera really troubles me and I do not want to risk shooting something and throw it away. I am also biased in a way since I am more costumed to cameras but to give you an example, I had better result in "Manual" mode with the AX100 than this LS300. One thing that I do not like is for example the Internal ND Filter, 1/4, 1/16 and 1/64. Which does not give you any latitude between these numbers pushing you to either increase your shutter speed or F value. Which in both case can either give you its own set of problems. Also, the set of lenses that gave JVC with the Camera are not what I call the best. I have so far better result when using my 15mm Leica or 12.35mm and 35-100mm than with their Olympus thingy.
    Finally the example above are straight from the camera SD Card. I haven't yet time to read the manual and as said above I am not confortable yet with the camera. Also remember, I am not a pro and just got the camera Friday night. I will have to struggle at least a week with it in order to be able to start being able to test it like you want me to test it.
  8. Like
    IronFilm reacted to BrorSvensson in Upgrading to the NX1 from Canon, ideas?   
    This lens is what you are looking for, 10mm on canon vs 12mm on NX will be very very similar. The lens is awesome and very cheap for its excelent performance!
  9. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Marco Tecno in Upgrading to the NX1 from Canon, ideas?   
    Sandro: nx1 is a great camera. Last week a friend with a 7d almost started crying, after seeing how my nx1 performs.
    Btw, I'm Italian as well. Feel free to pm me if you want.
  10. Like
    IronFilm reacted to ricardo_sousa11 in Why APSC is dead   
    ​You're dead wrong on Video.
    I dont believe FF will actually become the norm in video, because the excessive bokeh isnt necessary since we're emulating the Super35 look, unless low light performance like the A7s becomes the standard for FF, which wont probably happen in the next 5 years.
    APSC isnt dying, its actually growing, lenses like the Sigma 18-35mm give spectacular performance and FF like images on cheap bodies, while retaining high burst rates, adding the high megapixel count that most APSC bodies have (like the 28mpx on the NX1 and 4K) I cannot see how anyone would think APSC is dying in either photography or video.
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    IronFilm reacted to ricardo_sousa11 in Why APSC is dead   
    The Nx1 says you're wrong...
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    IronFilm reacted to Ed_David in Blackmagic URSA Mini - $2995 - official thread   
    Here's footage shot with the original URSA: https://vimeo.com/104918710
    I have no doubt the Ursa mini will look even better and have better ergonomics when it comes out.  It's basically an Alexa look for only $5k.  Won't be too hard to sell to producers.
    We live in crazy times.
    The amount of color information - the ability for high speed. The weight.
    Man things are getting nuts.
    I think the KineRaw has a big challenge since Blackmagic is so established - but we won't know till the camera comes out.
  13. Like
    IronFilm reacted to mtheory in Why APSC is dead   
    ​Wolf, an F4 on S35 sensor will deliver less bokeh and easier focusing than F4 on full frame sensor ( due to difference lenses, obviously ). To match the same look on FF, you will have to go several stops above F5.6, which will require more light. As I said, cameras like A7S are beginning to make this a non-issue, but why would you throw away several stops of "free" light?
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    IronFilm reacted to fuzzynormal in Why APSC is dead   
    FWIW, I'm on M43 because it's compact.  Photos and Videos for me work great.  So this consumer in particular isn't caught up in the sensor size angst. 
    And, if you really want mega DOF you can kinda get there with certain lenses.  But, yeah, the small size of body and lenses is really a killer feature.  The National Geographic mantra "f8 and be there" really resonates with me therefore I'm less about FF and more about just being in the right spot at the right time.
    All that said, you can't beat an interview shot done on FF with a fast prime 50 or 85.
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    IronFilm reacted to mtheory in Why APSC is dead   
    Agree, S35 is far from dead, primarily because it's still far more practical for cinema. This might start to change when ALL cameras have super low light abilities that can shoot at F8 at night without grain.
  16. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Geoff CB in Why APSC is dead   
    Considering most still shoot with Super 35 mm sensors, that they strike the balance between DOF/ being impossible to focus, and I'm actually think of using the new Black Magic Micro Cinema camera as my A-camera if it lives up to spec, I have to pretty strongly disagree. FF is the future for photography, but not all video projects. 
  17. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Inazuma in Why APSC is dead   
    The bokeh of FF can be a bit overkill though tbh. Like even in Game of Thrones which uses Super 35 I find a bit annoying that they have all these amazing sets but then everything gets blurred out when someone speaks and theres a head shot 
  18. Like
    IronFilm reacted to homestar_kevin in Why APSC is dead   
    Why does this matter so much to some people?

    Like I understand the difference, I know the benefit's of each format, I've owned pretty a lot of the sensor sizes but it's still not a huge deal for me at all and one of the last big considerations when I buy a camera.

    There are ample great cameras out there for all types of shooters, no need to trash one sensor size because it isn't what you want/need/like.

    We live in an incredible time, just enjoy the ride.
  19. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Zak Forsman in OPINION: Do you need 4K (narrative) to have shot at Distribution?   
    ask away, i'm happy to share. this is our first feature film to make a healthy profit and we're not even counting future revenue from the paramount release. believe it or not, it's a very good feeling to be able to pay residuals to your cast because the thing is actually making money. we've made enough to make two more movies this year. and we plan to make a small slate of movies following this model (quickly, before it changes yet again). working with a micro budget still enables us to pay our tiny cast and crew. but will also keep us profitable so we can do it again and again. we work within the parameters of genre movies so they can be sold as such, but the content is still personal and challenges us creatively.
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    IronFilm reacted to enny in Giving Up   
    ​Dude you made a feature film how many people can say that NOT many Nobody likes their work name me one artist director that loves his films or art and say Shit man i am good this is good
    No for some HARD CANDY LOVE stop bitching and moaning you wont get any sympathy from me and go have fun by making short films and stop thinking that one day you will be some bog movie director. You think all those directors you mentioned started because they wanted to be big and important at the beginning NO they do what they love. Keep doing what you love and if one day you make it then more power to you my philosophy is if i don't like it if it is giving me stress i don't do it.

    PS I was in a war 4 years at age 14 (Bosnia) lost 2 brother and father to that war escaped to Croatia over the mountain took me 3 weeks  to travel 230k almost got killed in doing it, from there went to Pakistan for 2 years as refugee almost got raped in one of the refugee camps, come to Canada with red cross was homeless for 6 months in Toronto barely spoke any English lived from shelter to shelter could not get work thanks to my English took me 3 months to get welfare got my education went to collage for graphic design and film All that was 15 years ago do i make films NO do i work as Graphics designer NO I fabricate kitchens in a small town make good money have a beautiful family my own place nice SUV car there is clean water coming from my tap i have electricity and this film staff i do it as hobby and threat it as professional hobby why because it makes me happy
    But i am the happiest when i take my 2 kids to the park every day watching them play while i sip my coffee what i am tying to say don't over think just do what makes you happy if you make it then good
    I don't know it any of this makes any sense
  21. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Matt Kieley in Giving Up   
    This is another existential filmmaker post spawned by a few recent threads. You've been warned. Also spoilers for a film.
    Recently I saw a film that articulated a question I didn't know I was asking. That film was "Frank" the story of a talentless, wannabe songwriter/keyboard player who is recruited to join a band led by a man who wears a fake head at all times. You might have seen it floating around Netflix, and maybe you even disregarded it because it sounds gimmicky, or the poster looked like quirky nonsense, but I decided on a lark to watch it, and it was absolutely devastating. The "protagonist" of the film seems like a nice, sweet guy in the beginning, until he starts exploiting Frank's talent by secretly filming and posting videos of their rehearsals to youtube, eventually earning them a slot at SXSW. He tells Frank "People love us." to which Frank replies "People love us?" The pressure of the show, and pleasing an audience cause Frank to have a nervous breakdown. This film resonated with me in a major way. I watched it once, over a week ago, and I'm still thinking about it. I thought about how fame and success never occurred to Frank. He just created music for the art and expression of it, and when faced with the pressure of a major debut performance at a festival, he creates a terrible song that he thinks is his "most likeable song ever". The entire experience breaks him.
    The whole film forced me to think of my goals as a filmmaker. I've wanted to be a filmmaker since I saw the Making Of Jurassic Park on TV when I was six years old. In high school, I got serious about having a career in film after seeing Pulp Fiction and El Mariachi. I then discovered the French New Wave and John Cassavetes, and I wanted to make honest, devastating, achingly truthful and beautiful masterpieces of cinema. I made my first feature at 21...and now I'm almost 28, with not many shorts, and not a single follow-up feature since my first. My first feature was extremely disappointing to me. I was obsessed with it for years, and even tried to make a quasi-remake of it, which was a disaster. I've been struggling to come up with an idea for another film that I like. I haven't been able to finish even a first draft in two and a half years. I used to be able to crank out script after script, draft after draft with all the blind confidence in the world. And since my feature, I've come to the realization that I only really have a few basic themes that I keep going back to, and I keep trying to force myself to think of something different, to be a different filmmaker, but I'm not. And now I'm questioning my goals.
    I've wanted a career making indie films so I wouldn't have to work a crappy day job. I've been working the same crappy day job for almost four years straight, except for the nine months where I moved to LA to pursue my career. I could't even find a day job to pay the rent. Toys R Us interviewed me twice and wouldn't hire me to work in the stock room during the holidays. I sold a bunch of my lenses, and the DVX100 I didn't use anymore, for rent money. I moved back to my hometown a year ago, broken and miserable. A year later I'm in a great relationship with a woman I'm moving in with in a month. She also has a three year old daughter, and though I thought I never wanted kids, now I can see myself raising this child with my girlfriend, and marrying her. We both see it. She's extremely supportive of my filmmaking, and doesn't want me to give up. But I just feel discouraged. Discouraged that my films will never look good enough, have good enough acting or be important enough. And I still want to make films, but I'm wondering why I want, or need, to be successful at it. Before I got "serious" about it, I used to have fun making movies. The same group of friends and I would get together and film shorts on the weekends. Most people here I'm sure had the same experience. I think all I want now is to form a troupe of actors/crew members and make cheap movies in our spare time for fun, and perhaps never even show them to anyone else. I'm accepting that I'm nowhere near the level of talent as Francois Truffaut, Paul Thomas Anderson, or David Lynch, and it's okay. I'm giving up on success. I just want to make shit.
  22. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Sekhar in You Don't Need A New Camera   
    OP asked why we tend to have threads on tech rather than art. Tech discussions are based on fact; art discussions are based on opinion. Consequently (as this thread is already showing), art threads invariably degenerate into attacking the straw man, where even reasoned opinions are countered by making an extreme and absurd interpretation of them. If one can shoot a Star Wars movie on T2i today that competes with "Gravity," great.
  23. Like
    IronFilm reacted to TSV in JVC LS300 : Going to have one for 2 Weeks, Want me to test something 4 U?   
    JVC is going to lend me a JVC GY-LS300 for two weeks to give it a try and I was wondering if someone here would be interested that I test a few things for them? 
    So if you want me to look in something particular on this camera or test something special, let me know! It is also a good way for me to give this camera a good try!
  24. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Stab in Which mirrorless cameras have the best battery life?   
    I shoot weddings with the GH3 and most weddings I only have to swap out the battery once! I'm talking about 10-14 hour working days here with the camera being turned on most of the time. It's amazing.
  25. Like
    IronFilm reacted to dahlfors in Which mirrorless cameras have the best battery life?   
    Thanks for the input guys, the GH cameras sure sound like a good match for this!
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