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    IronFilm reacted to fuzzynormal in Perfect camera for enthusiast, not yet professional, user?   
    This'll sound snarky, but it's written with honest sincerity: Go ahead and place your order. What exactly are you waiting for? Are you scared to actually start making videos or something?

    Again, not trying to be rude, just curious why you seem to be here asking for affirmation to spend your own money? I'm always curious about that.
  2. Like
    IronFilm reacted to fuzzynormal in Perfect camera for enthusiast, not yet professional, user?   
    The Gx7. If you already have the M43 glass, why not? It's under $500 in the u.s..
  3. Like
    IronFilm reacted to eoslover in Perfect camera for enthusiast, not yet professional, user?   
    you should also really consider Samsung NX1
    - great color
    - 15fps 8k
    - fantastic autofocus
    - best slow mo next to fs700
  4. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Axel in Perfect camera for enthusiast, not yet professional, user?   
    (Almost) any camera!
    5 years ago, there were very few excuses to just go and make it happen. Today, there are none. My own experiences let me recommend a Lumix as a first camera. Just because they teach you how to work manually, without being too complicated to handle (and lightweight as well, compared to DSLRs). Price-wise, quality-wise and with all your described expectations in mind, they probably offer the best compromise.
    The said 5d Mark III with raw is definitely not the ideal beginner's choice, and without raw the quality is not worth mentioning anymore. 
  5. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Cinegain in Canon, Nikon, Panasonic - What should I get?   
    Sure and while you're at it, drop some videos from a GH2 here as well.
    Remember this post earlier this year? http://www.eoshd.com/2014/05/kendy-ty-t2i-one-guy-amazing-things-5-year-old-dslr/
    Nobody says last generation cameras immediately suck as soon as something newer comes out. They've been used to great extent for a reason.
    But does it really make sense to put your money down and get that kind of camera, when there's so much else out there that's affordable and has 2014-tech? Not so sure...
  6. Like
    IronFilm reacted to /p/ in What Lenses Would Match Well With Sigma ART Lenses   
    Why are you worried about Matching with ART lenses with anything else? You have so much different glass does it even matter? Do you plan to only use the ART glass with the new lenses you buy to match them and never use them with your other lenses?

    To answer your question
    >Zeiss Otus
  7. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Andrew Reid in Shane Hurlbut says "Canon C100 Mark II is a DSLR KILLA" !   
    Glad you got the FS7.
    The more people keep buying the old 1080p stuff from Canon the more they are going to keep the 4K stuff in the vault and coast along. They can sell us a $5k 1080p camera and then also a $8k 4K camera at some point in 2015. Such profit. Please people stop buying dated equipment and reward the innovators like Sony...
  8. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Oliver Daniel in Shane Hurlbut says "Canon C100 Mark II is a DSLR KILLA" !   
    I actually have on my desk right now - the FS7. I've not even turned it on yet but this thing is incredible. It's built like a rock and the grip is the best thing about it. Shooting a music video with a RAAAR RAAAR band on FS7 + a GH4 on a drone in a mental asylum with no roof tomorrow.
    What was Shane on about again?  :P
  9. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Fatalfury in Shane Hurlbut says "Canon C100 Mark II is a DSLR KILLA" !   
    It's really hard to take him seriously after what he said about 5D Mark II trashing GH4.
  10. Like
    IronFilm reacted to /p/ in Shane Hurlbut says "Canon C100 Mark II is a DSLR KILLA" !   
    >Sponsored by Canon
  11. Like
    IronFilm reacted to pablogrollan in Canon, Nikon, Panasonic - What should I get?   
    Maybe a Sony A5100 and an E-mount to Nikon F speedbooster? The camera is really cheap, with a great 24MP APS-C sensor, XAVC-S codec for video, and the speedbooster would allow you to use those lovely legacy Nikkor lenses and get the full frame look. There is also a cheap but supposedly very good Commlite adpater for EOS glass in case you need to use stabilized lenses, and even some decent and affordable native Sony glass. Add a kinotehnik or zacuto loupe and you have quite a versatile camera for about 1000$.
  12. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Inazuma in Canon, Nikon, Panasonic - What should I get?   
    Get a Panikonan :)
  13. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Oliver Daniel in Share your videography secrets here.   
    I couldn't agree more with what Ebrahim was saying about clients being visually illiterate..

    Most my clients prefer the images I've shot with the GH3 than the RED Epic. Some of the work experience guys can't tell the difference.

    Also, I've lost count the amount of times I've gone round to someone's house only to see they have True Motion or Smooth Motion switched on.

    Recently one friend was watching The Walking Dead with True Motion on - it looked hideous, cheap and like a substandard soap opera shot interlaced on an old home movie camera. I switched it off, and BANG - it looked superb, cinematic, edgy ang gripping. All he said was "it looks blurry now." Don't you find this interesting?

    Only thing I don't agree with Ebrahim on is to "use IS lenses. Period." IS lenses are expensive, electronic and clinical. Sure that's great if that's what you want - but when you can pick up a Helios 44 for literally nothing, the non-IS options have much more variation. Just make sure you have a steady shoulder, tripod or stabiliser :)
  14. Like
    IronFilm reacted to fuzzynormal in Share your videography secrets here.   
    I only shoot "manual."

    Being a good editor is what sets you apart.

    Knowing how to work with clients, solve their problems, and answer their questions gets you hired again and again.

    In my (admittedly low-end) world gear doesn't matter so much anymore. All IQ from modern cameras is good enough now.
    EDIT:  It's just as important to know which clients you should stay away from.  Hard to explain that one.  You just kinda figure that out through wisdom.
  15. Like
    IronFilm reacted to zenpmd in Would anyone like to buy my A7S   
    I do think people get used to the Canon "look" - like someones taste in ketchup - everything else seems bad, but in reality it isnt, just different.
  16. Like
    IronFilm reacted to /p/ in Would anyone like to buy my A7S   
  17. Like
    IronFilm reacted to lafilm in Would anyone like to buy my A7S   
    Why is it not for you?
    What don't you like about it?
    As you must know, it's superior to the 5D3 in nearly every way
  18. Like
    IronFilm reacted to MattH in Arri Alexa vs Blackmagic Cinema Camera   
    Did you actually set out to write the snobbiest post ever or did it just sort of happen? because to do that by accident is quite an achievement.
  19. Like
    IronFilm reacted to /p/ in What's the best new camera addition to a 5D Mark II/7D combo, based on intercut-ability of looks, investment: GH4? A7s? 5D Mark III? others?   
    Fuck trying to match an a7S and any Canon camera... Sounds awful.

    Why stick with Canon at all? I mean, sure you have some gear already.. And they aren't exactly "bad" but there are so many better options right now.. Amd let's be honest, Canon aren't going to cannibalize their Cinema EOS line with a decent DSLR (or even mirrorless) any time soon.. It has never been part of the Canon philosophy.

    My point is this.. It just seems silly to drop so much on a MkIII when both the GH4 and a7S are better and far cheaper....... You can also adapt your Canon glass to either of them if you wanted too.... Why not just get rid of the MkII and 7D buy a GH4 or a7S and adapt your Canon glass? You might even save some momey in the long run bh not having to drop so much on a MkIII that aren't even in the race any more.

    Obviously try the GH4 and a7S before hand... Or wait for the a7S II or a9.. SONY release a new camera every month it seems.

    Both companies also offer better firmware support/upgrades, Panasonic especially.
  20. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Xavier Plagaro Mussard in Perfect camera for enthusiast, not yet professional, user?   
    Perfection is the enemy of good enough. 
  21. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Zach Ashcraft in Perfect camera for enthusiast, not yet professional, user?   
    Get an A7s, D750, or D810. Buy some nikkor lenses. Shoot to your hearts content
  22. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Nikkor in Camera for interviews   
    The a5100 has a better codec.
    Btw, it's called product placement.
  23. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Cosimo murgolo in AXIOM Beta: The first open digital cinema camera   
    Checkt his out:

  24. Like
    IronFilm reacted to ruanlotter in Pro Color Grade with Free Software   
    In this video I show you how to grade your videos professionally using FREE software (Davinci Resolve Lite)!

    Thanks for watching!
  25. Like
    IronFilm reacted to dahlfors in Who wins the scene - interesting analysis on camera composition   
    With a background from stills, and not any real education in filmmaking - I found this a quick analysis of the Silence of the Lambs scene very interesting from a storytelling point of view.
    Maybe it is obvious for some of you, but I bet some others like me can learn a bit from this:

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