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    IronFilm reacted in Creative uses of long lenses?   
    Watch out Andy - you're sounding suspiciously like someone who should be using a full-frame camera!!!  ;)
  2. Like
    IronFilm reacted to fuzzynormal in Beginner independent film maker. Need help and advice   
    Make a silent film and tell a story where two characters are always in sillohette.

    Seriously. Make THAT happen. Forget the technical. It doesn't matter. Work the craft. Force yourself to consider silhouette and learn to look at light.

    Start with unusual, fun, circumstances and work backwards from there. Limitations are a weirdly ironic avenue for creativity.

    Obstructionism is a common exercise for artists.
  3. Like
    IronFilm reacted to trifin in Photography forum?   
    Have you considered making a Photography forum?
    I just read your interesting and creative article on low light A7S photography and went looking for a photo forum...
  4. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Pascal Garnier in Surprise! Sony Alpha A6000 video mode huge improvement   
    You can put EVERY lens ever made on a Sony A6000.
    I use M42, Canon FD and Canon EF lenses.
    But you can use Pentax, Nikon, Zeiss, Leica, ... on this camera with the right adapter.
  5. Like
    IronFilm reacted to pablogrollan in Surprise! Sony Alpha A6000 video mode huge improvement   
    True, they even get to say that is not fit for pro use and disappointing for enthusiasts, but when it comes to video using autofocus is an oddity. Sure, the new autofocus systems for video will improve and become common use, but as of today I still have to witness a professional shooting environment where autofocus is even taken into consideration.
    Ondrej, if you plan to are going to be video-centered, the a6000 makes more sense in my opinion. It'll just take a little time getting used to the small form factor coming from a 7D, but functions such as zebras and focus peaking make up for it.
  6. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Pascal Garnier in Surprise! Sony Alpha A6000 video mode huge improvement   
    The Canon 6D is pretty bad for video (great for stills), so the Sony A6000 would be a much better bet (especially with the Metabones).  It's also smaller and will cost you less.
  7. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from tosvus in Kickstarter fps1000 high-speed camera upgraded - 220fps 4K Super 35mm for £2750   
    Yet another manufacturer using the micro four thirds mount!
    I'm almost starting to lose track of how many camera manufacturers there are now with cameras in the pipeline with a micro four thirds mount! :-D
    (Panasonic, Olympus, Kodak, JVC, Blackmagic Design, apertus°, and now.... fps1000 too! And that is just the camera manufacturers, many many more accessories/lenses/etc manufacturers too)
    As I've often said m4/3 is the most robust and best camera system, it has so much more support behind it than any other mount.
  8. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Kristoferman in Kickstarter fps1000 high-speed camera upgraded - 220fps 4K Super 35mm for £2750   
    The future will be crazy, just crazy.
  9. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Guest in Surprise! Sony Alpha A6000 video mode huge improvement   
    Ha ha thanks man.  :lol:
    I just re-read it. I maybe went a bit over the top but yes, it is quite good ;) I particularly like the bit about "Hollywood vomiting dross all over us."
    I certainly stand by everything I said there. It's basically the DIY punk-rock aesthetic: talent, ability, equipment, distribution ... all of it ... comes second place to expression. If you've got something to say you find a way to say it that is within your means. And that comes across in the end product - the urgency of the content. Artists don't work within the constraints of their medium (whether they use an Alexa or an iPhone) - they work in spite of the constraints and push to find ways to say the unsayable. I'm not saying technology isn't important - the opposite in fact - but pushing the limits of a medium is where art happens.
    All media has constraints. All modes of representation are inadequate, impotent and broken, no matter how sophisticated. That's why art is art and not science. I wrote my Fine Art PhD thesis on this subject by the way - perhaps why I got so vociferous about it!
  10. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Amro Othman in Surprise! Sony Alpha A6000 video mode huge improvement   
    I agree, this regional crap is pretty lame. 
  11. Like
    IronFilm reacted to dstilio in Surprise! Sony Alpha A6000 video mode huge improvement   
    FU SONY!
    You cannot buy these Playmemories camera applications unless you are living in specific countries/regions.
    This service is only available in the "big" countries like US, GBritain, Germany, etc.
    And is really difficult to overcome this restriction (actually you have to commit fraud). And the ways I spotted in many forums, now are not available anymore (Sony is to blame for this).
    I think this is outrageous.
  12. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Inazuma in Surprise! Sony Alpha A6000 video mode huge improvement   
    Canon APS-C looked really soft to me even before I knew anything about HDSLR filming. I still don't understand why it was bigged up so much :/
  13. Like
    IronFilm reacted to utsira in Surprise! Sony Alpha A6000 video mode huge improvement   
    Nothing wrong with being a bastard. We should embrace its bastard-ness!
    Besides, there were all sorts of film gauges besides 16 and 35, 17.5, 18, 21 etc
  14. Like
    IronFilm reacted in Surprise! Sony Alpha A6000 video mode huge improvement   
    Guys there's a very simple way to test which is sharpest: look on the box and find out which one is made by Panasonic.  :)
  15. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Guest in Surprise! Sony Alpha A6000 video mode huge improvement   
    Everyone has a choice - one man wants ease of use, another man wants a particular quality of image (not a "better" one). There is no "better" technology in art! There is only the right tool for the job. Nobody tells me what camera is "best" for the film I want to make. That's up to me, and my film will succeed  or fail on my choices. If we all made exactly the same films, with strict aesthetic criteria, we'd be living in a pretty awful (and dull) society.
    Try telling any professional painter or art historian that painting - the history of painting - is not hugely driven by technology! Paint is technology just like a camera is! It is a more basic technology, of course - but technology is almost by definition about advancement and increasing sophistication. Take two of the most famous periods in art history - the Renaissance and Impressionism. Both basically began due to advancements in oil paint "technology" - the realism of the Renaissance would not have been possible if it were not for the slow-drying qualities of oil paint (until then most painting was done with quick drying egg tempera). Impressionism quite literally only happened because of the invention of the paint tube!!! Before the invention and mass-production of the very affordable, very portable metal paint tube with a screw-on top in the late 1800's, it was a huge undertaking for anyone to take an easel out into the landscape, do a day's painting and then pack the paint you made yourself in a big tin away so the colour you want to use again tomorrow doesn't dry up! It might sound funny, but the invention of the paint tube was far, far more revolutionary than the day Canon put HD video on the 5D2. Without the paint tube Van Gogh would not have been able to afford paint or take his wide, rich palette of colours outdoors. Monet could not have painted so "fast and loose". Ditto Cezanne. As Renoir said - "Without tubes of paint, there would be no Impressionism"! 
    ALL art is bound up with technology. All of it. You cannot separate the two things. Cameras and paint-boxes are not so different. We have very sophisticated technology now, but to say paint is not technology is simple ignorance.
    Affordable video ILC's's have made cinematic images available to almost anyone. They are todays paint tubes. This is not the time to say - "yes I have a kind-of cinematic camera, but the image is not quite up to "real" cinema standards - it needs to be "better" before I can compete with the gallons of dross Hollywood vomits on us every year." Now is the time to say, "Finally! I can make a film the way I want to! I don't give two sh*ts about whether it stacks up against the f***ing Alexa! I'm going to go out and do my thing. If it does what I want it to do then that's all that matters to me."
    "Better"!?! For F's F'ing sake! 
    Seriously, I enjoy a bit of heated debate on this forum and genuinely get very valuable info here, but sometimes I wonder if half of you know what you have in your hands. Today NLE's can be put on any computer going; the internet is a readymade distribution network; video DSLR's give wonderful, creative images. It's genuinely revolutionary. Stories make the world go round. And all you can do is compare your tools to the Alexa and suck on Ridley Scott/Terrence Malick/[insert canonised director of your choice here]'s great big Cooke. 
    The world is changing. Art is bound up in technology and revolution is bound up in art. Why can't we go out and tell our stories the way we want to tell them? If for you that's ultimately with an Alexa with a view to cinematic distribution, great - all power to you. But every representational system has its limitations. In 200 years time the Alexa will be as funny as a box of paints, for sure. I love the image from that camera, but don't bloody tell me that it's images are "better" than mine. "Better" at what? Resolution, dynamic range, colour? Yes, for sure. But if Upstream Colour had been shot on an Alexa, would it have been the same film? I really doubt it. That film is it's own thing in a way very, very few features are able to be. Did I do much pixel peeping while watching it? Personally, not much at all. 
    If you need ergonomics and usability for what you want to do, great. If you want to sacrifice your creativity at the altar of ever-improving image quality, fine. But images are what they are made of as well as what they show us - as Marshall McLuhan famously said "the medium is the message". I'd like my message to be my own, and not translated into the fascistic hierarchy of aesthetics that rears its ugly head here pretty regularly.
    Note to dstillo: this rant is, , as usual, mainly directed at Andrew (who wrote the original response to me). I'm not really this mad at you :)
  16. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Kwstas Poulios in Surprise! Sony Alpha A6000 video mode huge improvement   
    I was using Nikon dslrs and some Canons until now, I prefered the overall image quality that the Nikons gave me, but now that I use the a6000 for a few weeks , I can say for sure that the chromatic and overall image quality is great, and it looks better to me than Nikon. It's very close though, but with all the extras that Nikon doesn't give in it's firmware , and the light body of a6000, for me the clear winner in video is Sony. And yes I'll keep using both. ;)
  17. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Nikkor in Surprise! Sony Alpha A6000 video mode huge improvement   
    This sounds reasonable, but only if you don't have another canon that takes video because they are all the same (or almost).
    Any canon aps-c camera gives image quality on the level of 2008, they are outdated, any actual sensor design is a lot better.
  18. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Kwstas Poulios in Surprise! Sony Alpha A6000 video mode huge improvement   
    Ι would recommend it my friend over the 70D , it has a better sensor, that gives you better image quality, wider dynamic range, and better overall iso performance! It has a great autofocus system, very fast very precise, and a much lighter body to use for your everyday walks! For video it's better too, it gives you better image quality, more organic feel to it, and less to none moire issues (The Canons have problem on this, the XXXD -XXD line) . So I would prefer it overall.
  19. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Glenn Thomas in Surprise! Sony Alpha A6000 video mode huge improvement   
    Thanks for all the insights here.

    After shooting more than 50 music videos with my NEX5N, some idiot broke into our house yesterday while I was having a shower and stole it, along with my iPad 2. Thankfully the camera only had my old Nikon f2.8 28mm lens on it. They left behind the charger with spare battery, Lens Turbo and other lenses.

    So I've just decided to get this A6000. To be honest, I never really had a problem with the image quality I was getting from the NEX5N. A bit of aliasing here and there, some loss of detail if I used noise reduction on low light shots, etc. But I never had an EVF, the thing always overheated, the LCD had a big splotch mark in the centre as I'd never bought a screen protector for it, it didn't have zebras, and I never had a kit lens which would have been good for travelling. So the A6000 with a kit lens seems like the perfect replacement. And affordable too, as money I've made from a couple of videos this past week will easily cover the cost.

    From reading this thread though, I'll agree some of the Panasonics may have better image quality. The Nikon 5300 too. Although I've never owned a DSLR, and never will. I really need that focus peaking. With the NEX5N, as long as I could see a red spot in someone's eyes, I knew my focus was good. And with the Lens Turbo, I can get that full frame look if I need it. Which wouldn't be possible with any m43 camera, or even the 5300.

    One other thing I do is always shoot in 50P, normally with a 1/100 shutter. Unless it's something on green screen. For music videos, being able to slow down a clip really easily I find to be a lot more important than a few possible artifacts the intended audience will never see. That slow mo can add emotion to a clip that you wouldn't get at normal speed. And for that reason, none of the affordable Blackmagic cameras are an option for me either. Or any affordable 4K camera. Better to wait until they can all do 4K 50P and without the rolling shutter. And to improve image quality, I use Neat Video followed by Boris BCC film grain.

    Anyway, apologies for the rant, but I guess my point here is to not be too concerned about image quality, artifacts and all that, but to go for whatever camera has the most features that are important to you. In my case those are compatibility with existing lenses (including my Lens Turbo), portability, focus peaking, a file format that's simple to edit (AVCHD files work great in Sony Vegas!), good low light performance, and 50P. In which case, this A6000 appears to be my best option. I'm hoping to pick one up later today. After I enquire about getting some security screens for our windows :)
  20. Like
    IronFilm reacted to dishe in RJ jinfinance Focal Reducer   
    ^ agreed. I recently was researching this stuff and found myself discussing it with folks on Personal-View. Apparently, much of the housings are mass produced between manufacturers, but the glass that gets installed is not necessarily equal. Its a quality control issue, much like many things out of China that are mass produced on a budget. 2 products from different companies can look identical, but not necessarily perform the same. 

    I saw tests from the "cheapo ebay" models on that forum, and they did not perform as well as the RJ. On a whim, I decided to use the contact form to shoot an email out to RJ, and it seems like I got a personal response from Rong Jin himself. He was actually extremely informative and helpful, we started discussing coatings and quality of the glass, and it was pretty clear to me that this is a guy who takes pride in his product. I do believe he puts in a better quality glass element than the others.
  21. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Pascal Garnier in RJ jinfinance Focal Reducer   
    andy : there's a big chance they use cheaper glass, which is the only way to make it cheaper.  Which might introduce all kinds of artifacts.  
    That's why the Metabones is so expensive : they use the best glass they can get.
    I didn't buy the cheapest adapter, but paid $30 extra for something that had already been tested/reviewed with pictures to proove it. 
    The only way to find out how this cheaper one does is to buy one and see how it does.  But all tests I've seen so far show there's a huge difference and image degradation with the very cheap focal reducers.
  22. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Oliver Daniel in The problem of sharing knowledge about camera's and editing.   
    You must have very low confidence in your own ability to come out with this stuff.

    My clients don't come to me because of my secret tools. They come to me because I put much emphasis into the ideas and for my very stylised, visual style. They come to me for MY vision and how I apply that vision. My tool selection is just an ingredient of that vision.

    People who work with me share information, talk to each other, borrow stuff, debate, exchange skills, ask for advice - because we are collaborators who have strengths and weaknesses, and we help each other to make better stuff. This is simple, basic networking - you never know who you will need in future!

    I have no issues writing a blog post telling the whole wide world of amateurs and professionals about my entire music video production structure - from style to logistics. I'll be happy sharing because they will never have the same vision as me, and most importantly they may have something to share too which I can learn from and apply.

    The secret sauce is your very self. Your ideas, your style, your personality, your skill, your results - it is this that clients buy. Have confidence in this and what everyone else is doing doesn't matter.

    If nobody shared, nobody cared ;)
  23. Like
    IronFilm reacted to mojo43 in The problem of sharing knowledge about camera's and editing.   
    I have to disagree strongly... Stop sharing? If you learned from the internet and now are at a place where you can contribute back then you should. I learned something a long time ago. If you are always worried about other people catching up to you then you aren't progressing enough.
  24. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Stab in The problem of sharing knowledge about camera's and editing.   
    I don't know which business you are in and I understand there is a big difference between someone who is a DOP for feature films and someone like me who makes wedding films and shorts. The latter is much easier to get in to.
    But you have to understand that video production is a line of work many people would like to get in to, 'if only it wasn't so complicated / expensive'. And the thing is, with current technology and forums / websites like these, it isn't anymore!
    And the more people will realise 'hey I just need 2000 euro's and I can start a wedding video business?', the more people will do it.
    And of course, talent plays a big role, so 90% of those people will stop after a year or 2 because they either suck at it or they can't get their business running. But 10% will continue and have succes in some degree. And 10% of an ever rising population can add up to a lot of future competitors.
    And I'm not saying we should keep everything as a secret, I'm just saying that the more tips and tricks we share, the more we improve our competitors work. Being a good film makers is hard and requires had work, talent and dedication. I know that. But being a pretty good cameraman requires much less time and effort and with all these tutorials and easy plug-ins like filmconvert and simple tricks like 'use a 35mm 1.4 on a GH4 with Speed Booster' enhances someones work in a short period of time.
    And I prefer my competitors to shoot an 5DM2 with a kit lens at standard ISO 3200, who has never heard of a ND filter or plug-ins to make your footage look better in an instant. Why? Because my footage will look better anytime, even if the other guy has the same or more talent for composition than I do.
    Let me repeat again that this indeed only applies for 'easy entry businesses' like wedding films, corporate films and commercial stuff. But I guess that's where 80% of the enhusiasts aim for or are in at the moment anyway.
  25. Like
    IronFilm reacted to noa in The problem of sharing knowledge about camera's and editing.   
    If Rembrandt could have made a video how he made his paintings and tell you what paint brushes to use it doesn't mean any beginner can just copy his work, there is still something called talent and that is something you can't teach.  
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