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About 24seconds

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  1. Just got a G6 and heading to Tokyo next week with the 12-35 and 20mm.  Anyone have suggestions for shooting flat/neutral on the G6?   I've been testing with -5, -5, -2, 0 on Natural.  But would love to hear what everyone else is doing and what's been working.  Just had the camera for a week now.    I am new to dslr shooting (I have shot 16mm film before), but I am targeting a cinema look in post.  I plan to shoot in 24p/AVCHD.  
  2. The video was amazing. Can you tell us which picture settings you used to achieve a cinematic look? Did you dial everything down to -5? My G6 just arrived today after a long wait.
  3. Thanks Andrew for this amazing test footage. Can you tell us what video settings you used?
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