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Marcio Kabke Pinheiro

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Everything posted by Marcio Kabke Pinheiro

  1. I think the opposite. Panasonic was a very known brand in the VHS times - their camcorders were some of the best, their VHS recorders sold millions of units. Could not be recognized as a stills camera company, but as a video brand, was on pair with Sony (at least here in South America). Lumix appeared with their point & shoot cameras. Is like Sony changing their logo in front of the cameras to "Cybershot" instead of Sony. Every non-camera person that ever saw me with a Lumix always ask "what brand is this, never heard", I say "It's made by Panasonic" and immediately people make a face of "oh, THIS i know".
  2. Better a secondhand X-S20, then. Much faster sensor (the no crop 4k in the X-T5 is not oversampled, and the "4k HQ" oversampled mode have a 1.23 crop), no crop 6k open gate, "better" AF (the Fuji AF problems are more evident in the 40mp bodies)
  3. Eu entendo você em qualquer um dos idiomas, @Emanuel 😁 (just a joke to my fellow "languager" here) 😉
  4. Just imagining pairing it with a silver version of this: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1856221-REG/viltrox_af2845e_af_28_f_4_5_fe.html (and since Viltrox is trying to go into the L Mount alliance...)
  5. https://petapixel.com/2025/03/02/xiaomi-wants-to-make-modular-magnetic-lenses-for-its-phones/ There is a curious thing: it is a 4/3 sensor with 100mp - but binned in 4x4 pixel, which results in 25mp images. Same resolution of the sensor that (only) Panasonic is using. Is it the same sensor?
  6. Will not even mention the bald guy that made a rocket looking like a giant dildo...
  7. Christopher Frost spent some days with one and shows a somewhat detailed navigation through the interface.
  8. But nowadays you have to feed the "pure photography" zealots - in fact since the days of the Nikon Df. If OM had put a bigger grip, would be a wave of hate saying that they ruined a beautiful heritage of how a camera should look. These guys would put a photo of the camera with a Zuiko 50mm f/1.4 Chromenose adapted to it to show how they are invested by the gods of photography. And then put an external grip when they really go out to shoot. It is like that idiotic LCD in the X-Pro 3, all praises on how it make they "to focus on the composition, instead of chimping" (like if this was the problem, you could just turn off the LCD or chang it to show just the camera setting in EVERY camera). And BY COINCIDENCE was a camera that had an insane hate of flat LCD cables problems - maybe I guess because in real world the zealots are...opening the fking LCD all the time to chimp ? Photo world nowadays have a problem of small dick syndrome that put Elon Musk to shame.
  9. Indeed - the most cameras that I had in life were Panasonics and for me is by far the most intuitive, as the ergos.
  10. The Lumix have some special modes for DR, maybe it needs some time to figure it out - even Manny will use it more before a final result.
  11. See the Manny Ortiz review, he loved he shutter sound, heheheh
  12. About sensors...I guess that some brands could develop, or financially pay the development, of some Sony sensors, splitting the costs between the brand and Sony Semiconductor by alowing the sensor (or some variation based on the same "foundation") to be sold to some brands after some time. This was VERY evident with the Sony APS-C 26mp sensor. Sony kept the old 24mp sensor with that horrible rolling shutter for ages in their A6xxx line, and Fujifilm had a 26mp much faster sensor made by Sony. After some years...presto, Sony used a Bayer version with some updates in their A6700 and FX30. The stacked Nikon Z9/Z9 sensor probably is the same case - developed or codeveloped by Nikon, be exclusive for some time, could be available down the line (and maybe Panasonic is waiting for it for a stacked sensor version of this new camera). Maybe even the "mysterious" supplier of the 25mp m4/3 sensor of the G9 II / GH7 is Sony too - but Panasonic have an exclusivity clause for it for some time, and that's why OM had to go to the stacked 20mp sensor (and, in reverse, this 20mp stacked is exclusive to OM for some time).
  13. And boy, they spent in marketing this time. Even got some small youtube channels to Europe, and even in the hands of a (very good) photographer here in Brazil, which as far as I remember NEVER received a pre-unit to look (albeit him being a Canon shooter for decades).
  14. Yep. This camera have a ton of video features, but it was intended to be a hybrid - stills as important as video. Guess that one point that they considered is that was A LOT of flak about DR in the stacked sensor cameras (if justifiable or not, is another story), and they didn't got stacked sensor to get better DR. And with it, have a cheaper camera as a collateral (price matters, the success of Nikon Z9, besides the obvious qualities of the camera, have a lot to do with the aggressive pricing). It is not a jack of all trades, and problem even a master of one (maybe for landscape stills, specially with the 176mp multishot, portrait and street). Not well suited for fast action, both in still or video. But is a lot of camera for the money. Maybe if it sells well could have a stacked version.
  15. I never thought about wraps because I suspect that it could brings overheat problems. But for a stills only camera, could be no issue.
  16. The S10 af is much better compared to the X-T20 that I had. Since the X-T20 had PDAF and the X-A3 is CDAF only, yes, the S10 AF will be much better than the X-A3. And yes, the IBIS will allow you much slower shutter speeds (the Fuji IBIS is very good for stills, for movies I still think that it is somewhat abrupt) - but just remember that if there is any movement in the scene, it will appear as a blurry object. Never tried bigger exposures with the Fujis, but with my Oly E-m5 II in the past I could get 1 sec exposures handheld sharp images very easily.
  17. If you want it for stills and you think that the X-A3 af is not so bad, yes, the S10 is a great option, miles better. But if IBIS is not a necessity for stills, I would take a look in the X-E4 or X-T30 (both the I and II). In fact, I had a X-T20 for some time and was a good camera.
  18. Changed it for the X-S20. Good camera, but the X-S20 is much better. Biggest difference: battery life. With the small battery, sometimes I took 30 stills and 20 mins of 4k and the battery is gone. AF is better in the S20, specially with face tracking - the S10 have a strange system that selects the face nearer the focal point, and draws gray boxes in other faces, then you could switch faces with the back joystick. All ok, but after some seconds of recording, it changes to the central face again, and you have to start a game of face selection - whane I had it only used face tracking with one person in the frame. The S20 select the face nearer the focal point, always - and with a firmware update it got touch and track in video (he S10 have it only for stills), and I use it for multiface shots. 10-bit video in the S20 finally makes F-Log usable (the S10 is a 8-bit camera). And the S-20 have 6k open gate, which I use a lot for better 2160p reframing in post. For some uses, like single person stills portraits or slow paced stills, the X-S10 is almost the same as the S20. But in most scenarios, and specially in video, the S20 is much better. In fact, with a bit better AF, a LUTs system like Panasonic, and a rangefinder look (that I look because attracts less attention), the S20 would be a perfect camera for an amateur like me.
  19. Interesting indeed. Missed an EVF (but for the intended target is a no problem) and one or two proper control dials (you have one on the lens and one on the 4 way pad). The cooling solution is VERY neat. Let's see the stabilization, since it is OIS only (plus eletronic stab). But kinda surprised, is really a new camera, not a rehash.
  20. Have the same one as @ntblowz, with the suction cup. The newer model, with springs, looks much better. And it really works. In the end I only used to do a torture test with my X-S20, under 12 o'clock sun and around 35 celsius, and put the camera to record 6.2k 10-bit 4:2:2. Without the fan, the camera over heated around 25 minutes; with it, went over an hour (the SD card was filled before a temperature shutdown).
  21. I understand the decision to just go FF, but if Panasonic make a APS-C GX9 with the 26mp sensor that Fuji and Sony uses, with a good EVF, IBIS and LUTs system, I would jump from Fuji in the next day.
  22. Now imagine if the Nikon Zf had the style based on this: They probably should stop making Z9s to keep up with the demand. 🙂
  23. I love Lumix, but I suspect that if they don't get some traction in the next 2-3 years, they will "close" and just staying doing Leica develompments.
  24. Any camera compared to the Pen-F is ugly. For me, is the most beautiful digital camera ever made.
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