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Marcio Kabke Pinheiro

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Posts posted by Marcio Kabke Pinheiro

  1. 3 hours ago, thebrothersthre3 said:

    That if its all just software stabilization it probably takes up a lot of processing power. When you have a small sensor it gives you more room for processing power. Still impressive that they fit it in such a small body.

    That said if they really wanted to be innovative they should be giving us 4k 120fps. Such a small sensor should be capable.

    The camera have sensors to record the camera movement, hence the software knows the direction and the intensity of each camera movement.
    Did not looked extensively, but I guess that the footage does not comes stabilized straight out of camera, guess that you have to stabilize it in a GoPro software - than you don't need a lot of processing power on camera, it only records the footage and sensors data to feed the software. But I could be wrong.

  2. 21 hours ago, Andrew Reid said:

    I can say now the GX9 is a bit disappointing in 4K because of the extra crop (ends-up around 2.5x) and I think it really adds very little for video users over the older and cheaper GX85. I think Panasonic have much better bargains in the range for video. The G85 is not much more for example.

    I don't have the GX9 with me at the moment, so it will just be an E-M10 III review. It has some mojo in the image I haven't seen for a while at that price and the handling in some ways is more enjoyable than a lot of the high-end cameras. You can switch between 1080 and 4K with a function button sub menu, without diving into the main menus for instance.

    Perfect detail. Great colour. Solid codec. Wider FOV than GH4 sensor. Seems great in low light too.

    Great. Interested in handling, since in some reviews mentioned that controls were dumbed down from the MK II.

    if it only had a 20mp sensor...

  3. 3 minutes ago, Andrew Reid said:

    Yeah no IBIS is a bit of a deal breaker for me as well. I am just writing a first look at the E-M10 III with 5 axis IBIS, which I just bought from Amazon today. Was only 500 euros but will be interesting to compare to the GH5 considering the big price difference. If it helps out those searching for something really good in the midst of an era of pushing prices up and going high-end, then job done. Unlike the GX9 it doesn't have any extra crop in 4K. Full width M43 2x crop and 1.28x crop with Speed Booster XL. That is a first for the 16MP sensor in an Olympus and I've never had such great out of the camera colour as I have here for 500 euros.

    If you could make a dual post (GX9 and E-M10 III), would be terrific.

  4. 5 minutes ago, mercer said:

    According to B&H, it has 2K up to 60p. That’s a cool feature. Any word on the bitrates?

    400mbps in 4k60 in All-I and Long GOP in H.265 (could be a mistake, because 400mbps Long GOP in H.265 is VERY high),  200bps or 100 mbps in 4k30 and below (10 bit 4:2:0 in H.265 and 8 bit 4:2:0 in  H.264). DPreview have a full table on https://***URL removed***/reviews/fujifilm-x-t3-first-impressions-review/2

    If this camera had IBIS, would be shut up and take my money. Waiting for the real world reviews (as other cameras), but looks like a shot out of the park by Fuji. Amazing.

  5. Until now, from the new bunch, liked the Z6 most. Looked more cohesive, good specs overall, IBIS, af joystick, video looks good, af looks good - all subjected to change in real world. Will be a very interesting comparison with the A7III.

    EOS R looks to have some interesting features in the controls layout - but waste a left dial to a on-off switch is a very strange choice. But huge crop and no IBIS was a bummer for video. Looks a good stills camera. It's a Canon, will sell very well.

    Have to wait for the Panasonic. A FF GH5 would be a winner, but I expect to have a higher price to not destroy the m43 line (at least now). Mount is a mistery - don't believe in a EF mount.

  6. 3 hours ago, Andrew Reid said:

    Matt is right, the EF-S crop is a feature so it gets a mention in the specs, even if only in passing.

    EF-S crop might only apply to the full frame 1080p mode, so it could still be 1.75x only in 4K and EF-S/Full-Frame selector would be greyed out in the menus.

    Seems pretty obvious that it's a 5D IV in a mirrorless body. It's not suddenly going to be doing miracles on the tech side.

    Once again Canon played it too safe.

    But probably will sell like hotcakes. Canon have a very strong brand, and some real strenghts - good ergos, excellent color, reability. 

    And just need to look how the M50 is selling  - is far from being a bad camera, but (in my opinion) is not the best option in the price range. More sad even is that it could be a VERY good camera with some little changes. But why to spend money in features if people buy the brand?

    When I was in London last year was amazed by the number of EOS M6 on the streets - literally half of the mirroless models that I saw in hands of tourists. And all my friends that don't know photography and wants an opinion about buying a camera only asks about Canon models.

  7. I am always amazed how people could predict the future of the camera market share (always with only one maker surviving) with cameras that are not even launched yet. :)

    About the Canon, great lenses line start, but don't forget that this will be an announcement - rumors said that will no be on market before mid-2019 (if this was not updated). 

    Looks like a solid camera, but I'm in the camp that thinks 5D MKIV cropped 4k.

    But only when all the cameras are on the field and the second batch of reviews were published (1st reviews nowadays are almost always "positive") we will now if these new FF cameras are all that we hope. Time to wait. 

  8. 30 minutes ago, Aussie Ash said:

    Their new 50mm F1.8 Z is far from being a simple design,even compared to the 2011 release G which

    was a significant step forward from the old film era AFD lens.

    Thom Hogan said that their Nikon sources said that because of the bigger mount, the new 35mm and 50mm Z lenses have much better optical capabilities than predecessor lenses - in fact, claiming exceptional corner performance. Let's see.

  9. 2 hours ago, Mattias Burling said:

    Super fast primes lets in more light. And light is definitely not a buzzword. Quite the opposite, the only word that really matters :)

    Yeah, but with the low light sensibility of the last batch of FF cameras, it is somewhat less relevant than before, no? 

    Of course that is better to use the lowest ISO possible, but we have more clean ISO range now than before.

  10. 20 hours ago, BTM_Pix said:

    The original LX100 was not exactly resistant but did something really odd in terms of extreme contrast shift.

    I'm interested to see if this one being based on a different board might actually work.

    It would certainly make the mark ii slightly more interesting.

    All the specs hints that it is just a GX9 repackaged. Since Panasonic released a CinelikeD firmware upgrade for the GX9 some time ago (rumors says that the reason was a f*cking tinkerer in a website forum sowed their idiocity), maybe nobody tried the app on the GX9.

    At the same time, very probably the closed the loophole in the LX100 II.

  11. 12 hours ago, Stryfe said:

    Also not sold on the AF yet.  Not sure how you go from abysmal video AF in your flagship DSLR D850 to class leading AF in one year for the Z series.

    Because the Z6 and Z7 have PDAF on sensor, D850 uses CDAF with video - with the crappy results that we all know.

    12 hours ago, Trek of Joy said:

    Yeah, a Z6 body/evf/lcd would make a badass a6500 competitor.

    And imagine that for the APS-C ones Nikon releases a second version of the F mount adapter with a speedbooster integrated on it. Would be awesome and probably a major selling point.

    Never will happen, though.

  12. On 8/22/2018 at 10:31 AM, BTM_Pix said:

    And still no Cinelike D

    I'm going to wait for the Leica version of it so I can feel as let down but with a slightly more elitist glow.

    I want to see if your app could solve this problem too... :)

    18 hours ago, Andrew Reid said:

    I feel like they have sat on one of their best and most enjoyable to use cameras for 4 years, refusing to up-date it when Sony was updating their rival (RX100) every year.

    And then they finally update it and make it worse! Worse 4K crop!

    The GH4 sensor (or very similar) was in the LX100.

    Why put a low-end camera sensor in the successor and not the GH5 sensor, which would be in keeping with the previous strategy.

    And as others have pointed out, obviously the lack of other significant changes is really off-putting.

    GH5 sensor is not the same as the GX9's one? Or just tuned differently?

    About the crop - anyone ever used that wide adapters, like Raynox ones? It degrades the image quality?

  13. 2 hours ago, Andrew Reid said:

    What's wrong with the Nikon D850 batteries?

    Endurance, same problem of the Sony's prior to the release of the Z battery - 330 shots rated in the new cameras. But maybe the power saving modes could solve that.

    A thing that Nikon could REALLY be innovative - sometimes people just need more battery life, does not need the full vertical grip thing. Instead of having only the traditional vertical grip with batteries, the could make a smaller bottom attached battery only, chargeable by USB with Quickcharge 3.0. The EN-EL5 have 1900mah, the probably could make a bottom battery pack with few milimeters height with 4000mah capacity (some phones have this capacity).

  14. My two cents: at first sight, Nikon did right.

    A lot of people are comparing the Z7 to the D850 (with very toughtful - as usual - remarks like @BTM_Pix), but it is not their target - they aim directly the A7R III. The A7R III have a mode dial? Done it. The Sony does not have a drive mode dial? Gotcha. It is much more a D750/D610 with a higher resolution sensor. The price is too high, though - I guess that we will see a drop to US$ 3200 soon. 

    The real pro cameras will for sure appear down the line - probably with more professional controls, ironing the problems that these 2 first attempts shows. And they have the exactly sales numbers for each tier of cameras, and probably enthusiast tier (Nikon even divides their DSLR in "entry-level", "enthusiast" and "professional" in their website) have the best balance to start. Enthusiasts are (my guess) the people who are more susceptible to try new technologies - amateurs are more focused on price, professionals are focused in a reliable and no workflow / handling disruptive things.

    Z6 looks very right - price clashing with the A7 III.

    Both are clearly stills focused - stills people still (no pun intended) buys much more cameras than the video crown. And again, their target was the Sonys in video too - hence just needed to equal than. I was not expecting at all 4k60, and I think that enabling 10-bit 4:2:2 in HDMI was a very clever move - an extra spec that Sonys don't have (yet - could a firmware upgrade enable it?), less demanding internal specs, and for an item that only really cares to specialized people. For enthusiasts, good color OOC is much more valuable (my guess too).

    The F adapter performance will be very important , especially for stills- if it is ok, could be a major boost. About the top LCD: since only used mirrorless, never tought about it, until other day that I've grabbed an old S5Pro for nothing, and now I'm fond for it :) . And a lot of people associate a top LCD as "pro" cameras - just have to see that buzz that the top LCDs in Fuji X-H1 and Panny G9 generated.

    The flaws that I see:

    - I was never a DSLR user, hence I can't say if the controls are ok. Really strange to not have a AF mode switch - maybe in this tier it is not considerar important (or, more probably, "since the Sonys do not have it either...")?
    - Single card slot. They should have gone to the XQD + SD route, if they want to move to XQD. It is a thing that Sonys have, they don't.
    - Price of the Z7 is totally wrong. Should be the same of the A7R III, at least.

    But, at least until now, I think that they striked a very good balance for a start. Let's wait to see the real world tests - normally the second batch of the reviews, after the first rushed ones "to be the first to publish".

    Oh, forgot to mention the use of the current batteries, huge flaw. Ok, understandable in their point of view to cater the current Nikon users, and the "keep compatibility" history of the Nikons, but Sony showed the way with the Z batteries.

  15. Panasonic launched it today, to not be engulfed by Nikon tomorrow. All the bigger sites have reviews, Photobyrichard have more pleasing JPGS (amazing how bad the photos that big sites reviewers takes): http://www.photobyrichard.com/reviewbyrichard/panasonic-lumix-lx100-ii-review/

    As I expected, is a GX9 (sensor, touchscreen, funcionalities) inserted in the LX100 body (fixed screen, same EVF, same lens). And GX9 4k crop is there too, and more severe, 1.34x (this means that with the lens in the 24mm position, is a 32mm in 4k). That crop killed the GX9 for me, could kill the LX100 II too.

  16. I expect the more expensive one be like a D850 mirrorless, and the lower one have the exact same specs and price as the A7III. Don't hope 4k60 in none of the cameras - the are clearly stills oriented, the flip screen (not a fully articulated one) with huge bezels is a hint.

    This was made for Nikon still shooters, and they are right, I guess.

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