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Marcio Kabke Pinheiro

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Posts posted by Marcio Kabke Pinheiro

  1. 1 hour ago, Don Kotlos said:

    I am disappointed for the lack of IBIS as well but I use a Starvis sensor on a machine vision camera at work and it gets really hot. We have to use a lot of heat sinks to get the noise low enough so I understand the need with the GH5s to be mounted on a huge heat sink instead of floating around. 

    THAT was valueable info. Thanks, Don.

  2. About the IBIS:

    - I even already mocked about the heat issue, and it really could exist. But (as least in my mind, that could easlily be wrong) to scan a 20mp sensor in 60fps probably would generate more heat in the sensor than a 10mp one? Not ot even mention the processing to downsample a 20mp sensor to 4k in real time - in theory, the 10mp sensor probably will have a 1:1 scan, hence less work in the chipset for the encoding.

    - The elephant in the room is that the A7SIII will probably have IBIS, and 4kp60 too. For a not too much bigger price - and if Sony puts the A9 autofocus system and tweaks their color science (the A7RIII clips already looks better in color terms, I think), a lot of people could wait.

  3. 2 hours ago, Trek of Joy said:

    But what we don't know are exact sales numbers, which those in the industry do know. We're at a time where all the hybrids released in the last couple years are very capable cameras - you really can't buy a bad camera from anyone. And the market has been in a freefall since the peak of 2010 - though it seem to be flattening out as mirrorless grows - for now.  So now manufacturers are chasing niche's like slower bodies that shoot high MP, speed and video. Panasonic has been all over the map lately, outside of the GH line, the naming and categories each camera fills seem to change with each model. Olympus is #1 in mirrorless, the Em1.2 seems to be very popular, the g9 is competing with it on the speed side, something the GH5 doesn't do. The GH5 is still a better camera for video shooters. Nice to have choices.

    The GH5s makes a lot of sense - people have been asking for a video camera in a stills body for years. I prefer the camera for factor to a larger video body, and I'm sure many others do as well. I believe Canon would do very well with a c1/2/300 in a the 6d2 body, but like Sony with the gimped a7s, they're so protective of the cinema cams it'll never happen. 

    Hopefully the GH5s is a huge success and other follow. The biggest complaints with the GH's seem to be AF and noise at higher ISO's. I don't shoot m43 and I'm certainly interested if its cleaner at higher ISO's. AF is a wash since Panasonic is stuck in DFD mode, but like the a7s it'll probably be better in low light.

    In fact, I'm interested in this camera for stills too - for concert photography, having ISO 6400 and 12800 ISO clean shots is a must (since you generally have to use shutter speeds above 1/360). And 10mp, for web use (or even a magazine cover) is enough.

  4. 1 minute ago, Mmmbeats said:

    This is how I imagine Panasonic's consumer department has been conversing:

    Enlightened Panny consumer bod: This GH4 is great - but it's a video-centric camera, and it's only real weakness is low-light situations.  Let's fix that for the GH5.

    Panny corporation:  Sounds good,  How do we do that?

    Enlightened Panny:  Well, we lower the pixel count and...

    Cautious Panny consumer bod:  Woah, hold on there!  Yes, the GH series is video-centric, but this is still a consumer unit.  We absolutely need to appeal to stills buyers as well, and they want to see more not less megapixels.

    Corporation:  Hmmm... tough one!  Well I can't give you both what you want.  Or can I?  How about we split the range - a hybrid camera for the masses, a stills oriented version, and a super video oriented version.

    Panny Professional division bod:  Woah, hold on there!  I couldn't help overhearing.  Just how super video orientated are we talking here?  I don't know if any of you read our memos at all?  You know - about the EVA - the big super charged video camera we're going to be launching right after your launch window!  You sure you're not gonna be cannibalising our sales?

    Corporation:  Hmmm... I see where you're coming from.  Okay - let's stagger the whole thing.  We do the GH5 as normal, and the stills version; then we give the EVA a bit of room to breathe; and then we do the video version after that.  Might have to delay a bit so as not to piss off the GH5 purchasers too much.  Agreed?

    All:  Agreed! 

    Or maybe was just "Sony is selling, let's copy them'. :)

    But I think it is a good move.

  5. Yeah, I think that it is a really serious issue, but there are a lot of panic mode posts about it.

    Example: Intel sourced a tool to run in your computer which detects if it is affected by the Meltdown bug. Downloaded and ran it in my crappy Chinese tablet with Atom processor and Windows 10, which never (and probably never will) receive a firmware update from the shitty manufacturer. Windows 10 was not patched for it yet. And the Intel test said my computer was NOT affected by the bug.

  6. 12 hours ago, IronFilm said:

    Let's ruthlessly dissect and analyze Neumann's first comment of 2018:

    First of all, let's look into his first sentence, why did he write "Happy New Years" and not the more common "Happy New Year". Or the more grammatical correct "Happy New Year's Day"?!

    What deeper meaning can we mine from this?

    & why did he next say "everyone", does this hint at a well rounded GH5s being a camera for "everyone"? Suitable for wedding videographers, news reporters, film students, doco shooters, Bollywood and Hollywood big productions too?

    You forgot the "Is it the 8th yet?", clearly a mention about 8 bits on footage.

  7. Casey videos are crap, and "cinematic / DR / blablabla" is only talking - what he (and a lot of vloggers and gimbal people) needs is good AF, and in this Canon is very good. 1080p and "good color science" are very useful too for quick turnaround. For him, I think that it is a very wise choice.

    And for sure the GH5s will not have DPAF - Panasonic and manufacturers in general are stubborn to change routes. Panasonic stated for years that IBIS was not needed, that OIS was "better solution" - take years to change their minds and 2 GX cameras to start to use a 5-axis IBIS. And a lot of things like that - Olympus menus / interface (come on, you could not have histogram and levelling signs in the SAME screen?), Sony and Fuji with touchscreens (just now started using)...

    (whishful thinking: Panny usually try newer tech in the GX line - IBIS, tilting EVF, 20mp sensor - and no rumors about a future GX9...maybe will be their first DPAF camera?)

  8. On 03/12/2017 at 6:44 PM, Andrew Reid said:

    I may be biased, but I think Fuji should get me to try out the upcoming X-H1 before it's released. I asked to try the 4K X-Pro 2 firmware and they told me it isn't something they 'do' ahead of release... I am sure they do in fact have beta testers of their hardware, outside of the lab. I would love to give them my feedback.

    It seems Fuji are relying on Sony's hardware, with their own spin on ergonomics and colour. This is a good thing... Even if the H1 will be basically the innards of an A6500 in a Fuji body, it will be nicer to use than the Sony.

    To really compete with Panasonic though, they need to go far beyond what Sony are doing.

    No 8bit-only codec for starters.

    Well, if Fujirumors is right, will not be this time: 4K, 1.17x crop, 30p, 4:2:0 8 bit 200 Mbps


  9. About the sensor: crappy rendering hypothesis was confirmed. :)

    I think that it is not a G85 sucessor, this one is in a upper class, aimed at still photographers - and $100 cheaper than the E-M1 MKII, even with the current discounts. I am surprises that 4k60 was included, I thought that only 4k30 will be included. 

    For video, GH5 is clearly better. If Panasonic had jettisoned its "pride" about DFD (as it did about IBIS) and implemented PDAF on sensor, this camera would be a home run for stills (it could sell well as it is, but PDAF would be an icing on the cake).

  10. Just now, Don Kotlos said:

    I doubt it is different than the GH5 sensor. It would be so expensive to produce with a tiny market for it. Also that would be a very awkward button placement for changing crops. 

    G9 looks like a E-M1mkII competitor at a similar price point. If there were any changes on the sensor it should be adding PDAF, but even that is unlikely. 

    The most interesting part of it, other than the fairly large EVF, is the on/off switch which looks exactly like the Nikon. Maybe they started a collaboration? Top LCD is great as well. 

    I thought the same - no way that Panasonic would get a different sensor for only one camera. But that V MODE button - I agree that it is in a very strange position - and the square opening...

    And yeah, it is a E-M1 II competitor. Even have exactly the same width. :)

  11. I know that here is a video oriented forum, but it is looking interesting...



    I thought that was a very bad rendering error in the front image, but looks like that this will be the trick in this camera: a multi-aspect sensor.

    The opening in the mount is clearly square (hence the hypothesis of a rendering error). But there is a V MODE button on the side of the EVF, and it is not the button to switch EVF behaviour - as in the GH5, this button is assigned by default to a button on the back. V MODE looks like "vertical mode" - you could take a portrait oriented picture keeping the camera in the usual landscape position, with full resolution.

    But let's wait to see if they will not use the same LX100 "trick" to make the sensor "multi-aspect": cropping.

    It is hard to imagine Panasonic getting a custom sensor for only one model, but...

  12. Hi, guys. Do you know any software (free is possible) that allows you to trim Panasonic's (GX85, in the case) MP4 4k files without recoding? I have a lot of footage with begin / end without usable material (the shutter button of the GX85 sometimes did not stop the recording), and I wish to trim the excesses before moving it to my permanent storage.


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