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Everything posted by Damphousse
I have no recollection of working at any bank where you could call people "nigger" and "slope" and have any hope of having a job Monday morning. So in that sense every Wall St bank I've worked for is a million times better than this Clarkson piece of garbage. And really that particular comment was ironic considering... Your argument is tolerate racial abuse, because... you know... money. This is better than a bank? How? General question for the forum... Where do you guys and gals work where "nigger" and "slope" are okay parts of your vocabulary whether or not you are on the clock? I always assumed that when I saw people complaining about their "freedom of speech" they were just wasters on the welfare rolls who never had a proper job and didn't realize not being a racist dick was a prerequisite for gainful employment in most of the civilized world. But now I'm being made to understand you can go around calling people "niggers" on tape and still hold down a job? Where? SAE fraternity headquarters? Okay. KKK recruiting office? Sure. Stormfront forum administrator? I can see that. Anywhere else? So less than a week after the 50th anniversary of Bloody Sunday we have people on the internet complaining about how the world is ending because a rich and powerful white male can't call black people "niggers." And this message is being brought to you from Berlin of all places. Wow. Guys this type of behavior isn't tolerated anywhere. I know it and you know it. BBC has been around longer than Clarkson and they'll be around long after he is gone. Tens of thousands of people have spent their lives building the company and the global brand. No one person has the right to trash all their good work just because some people believe a short term financial reward should take precedence over all else. That actually is the problem with Wall St banks. The quarter by quarter mentality would say hey keep this jerk around and let's make £50m. Where as a privately held family company would say let's take the financial hit for a few years but have an untarnished brand that will last decades... or longer. Frankly if I was working at the news division of the BBC I really wouldn't appreciate management letting other people working under the BBC moniker run around calling people "niggers" and "slopes." That kind of behavior tarnishes the whole brand. By the way I know most if not all you guys aren't racist. But you really have to think about what you are defending. It really is very aberrant behavior.
Or maybe it's because the GH4 was announced over a year ago and the Samsung just became available a few months ago. The GH4 was already being treated like old news when the Sony a7s became available. Plenty of people have moved on to the latest and greatest. A year from the announcement date you will see more Samsung's for sale. They are all battling it out for the same or at least overlapping spaces.
I watched a video of Mayflower Concepts' presentation at CES regarding their thoughts on why camera sales are collapsing. It is a 50 min long presentation and brings up some good points. The presenter attempted to debunk two concepts I believed to be true but his solution is a concept I happen to think has some merit. Interestingly he did not mention video even once and only made a passing mention of mirrorless to say it wasn't marketed well. He doesn't think mirrorless, video, nor 4k is going to be the savior of the industry. His main gripe was cameras need to be easier to use. I do agree with that. I don't know if that will solve all the industry's problems but for lower end consumer cameras it couldn't hurt. He also mentioned camera makers should work together and standardize certain things like memory cards and file formats... even lenses! Obviously the lenses thing will never happen because... Canon.
Keep in mind with the hybrid camera phenomenon you are getting a lot of people coming over from stills photography. In stills photography you buy a system... not a camera. You buy into a Canon system or a Nikon system... then you stick with it. It is cost prohibitive to switch back and forth. So if someone is a serious hybrid shooter and does 80% stills it still makes sense to stick with one system. Everyone has to figure out for themselves where to draw the line.
IR and ND filters for Black Magic Pocket Cinema Camera
Damphousse replied to Damphousse's topic in Cameras
I ended up going with a Hoya UV IR cut filter and a plain Tiffen variable ND. I will probably be adding a 10 stop Hoya ProND to the mix to use in bright daylight with a speedbooster. I am not a pro but even with strong ND I'm not noticing significant IR pollution. The separate UV IR cut filter is good to have if you start adding different ND filters to the mix.- 26 replies
I just got the Denim firmware update yesterday on at&t in the US. My 1080p Lumia 1520 phone that is over a year old just got 4k video recording!
Yes. iphones are not the most innovative phones out there... But I would rather be Apple than Samsung. Exactly. You can go and cherrypick an arbitrary time frame, conduct a very unscientific poll on the web, and then extrapolate any conclusion... Particularly if you just ignore a poll you don't like that is post right underneath the poll you are quoting. Here check this out. From the same page as that poll... So you see by picking one element on a web page and ignoring everything else on the very same web page you can make a website say anything.
This is pretty much the sentiment amongst a sizable number of photographers. If you go on stills photography sites hardly anyone wants their Canon to be turned into an iphone. A friend of mine has an iphone 3g that is basically a brick now. It can't be updated to the latest iOS and all the apps are now incompatible with the iOS that is on his phone. If my stills camera became completely useless after 3-5 years I wouldn't be too happy. Some of the most timeless images have been produced with completely manual stills cameras. Give me high quality Kodak black and white film, an 8x10 view camera and a handheld light meter and I can go toe to toe with any mass produced camera out there. That is not to say I don't use digital cameras. They are great for sports and casual pictures. It just shocks me how well a camera with a 100 year old design still beats cutting edge technology. For me the image is priority. If you can't improve the image everything else is just window dressing.
I posted this in another tread...
Seems counter-intuitive, If you are buying new cameras every time you change your underwear the way pros do and get a tax write off each time you do it you don't have to worry about things like depreciation. If your camera makes you thousands of dollars a month... or week you don't need the perfect camera. If you are a pro who bought a 1DC for $15,000 you probably don't care its current price is $8,000. If you are a hobbyist who did no research... you're probably kind of pissed. A lot of us got sucked into the large sensor video world by Canon and were shocked by the appalling video quality of the Rebel series. Steve I tried your method and experienced a lot of disappointment. I'm glad I decided to thoroughly research my second video camera purchase. I engaged in plenty of debates online and shot very little. But you know what? I also had my $500 ready when the Blackmagic sale happened. People told me I should feel lucky to shoot with a BMPCC for $1,000. I pointed out the flaws and said no way. Everyone has their own ideal price point. For someone working and earning waiting around for a $500 discount doesn't make any sense. But for me it does. There is nothing wrong with that.
I've never met an idiot that can take a technically perfect photo. Even with all the automation on a DSLR with an L lens attached you still have to use judgement to get a technically perfect shot. The camera can't tell you what the ideal aperture, shutter speed, or point of focus should be. When I teach my friends about photography they are blown away. Once they discover fast lenses, raw, tripods, varying shutter speeds etc they really start to explore and enjoy photography. And then it becomes a constant journey to become better. I suppose if Instagram is your benchmark for great photography I can see why you feel the way you do. If instead you look at Ansel Adams PRINTS (not tiny pictures on cell phones) you may have a different take. It's amazing because when I started making prints after I got my first DLSR I didn't understand all the weird stuff I was seeing in prints such as posterization. Coming from film I never saw crap like that or garishly blown highlights. Nor was I familiar with digital noise. After using my first DSLR I then went out and bought my first medium format FILM camera. The camera I use most for photography is my smartphone... but I would never call it or instagram the pinnacle of photography. The smartphone is awesome because it is always with you and it doesn't require to buy film. But if money was no object and I had all the time in the world I would shoot film.
That is simply not true. Some cameras get you the "filmic" look a lot easier than other cameras. That doesn't mean it is guaranteed. It's all probability. Other things in the chain can affect the output but when you are doing a scientific analysis you hold those variables steady. We go round and round on these internet forums because people don't know how to do scientific analysis. I get what you are saying about "magic bullets." Buying a more "filmic" camera won't guarantee you more filmic results.
So the Steadicam inventor likes stabilization... Who knew?! Seriously though. I like Laforet's take on the situation. They are all just tools and used where appropriate. I think that is where you really need to know your equipment and have a vision before filming or cutting your video. With a CCD camera or a global CMOS camera some shakey cam stuff can work. With rolling shutter it ruins shots a lot more. I just find with IS I have more keepers... as compared to hand held (i.e. no monopod, shoulder rig, etc). One of the reasons I am not gaga over vintage lenses and adapting all kinds of lenses is because of lack of IS. But if you are using a monopod or tripod then it opens up a world of possibilities.
The way he stated his point was not elegant but there may be something to it. On average women aren't as technically minded as men... at least in the western world. Instead of ignoring the fact something should be done about it. I for one am glad that there a lot of people in the United States who think it is important to get more women excited and involved with technology and science. And the flip side is it is obvious guys go way overboard on the technical side. If there were only women in photography I think the gearism would be a fraction of what it is. I think what he was illustrating is Photoshop is absolutely not a MUST. You can do the bulk of the heavy lifting in the camera assuming you know how to use your gear... which a lot of the amateurs jumping into the wedding photography game don't.
I'm going to assume you've never actually used an iphone... nor film. iphones aren't even the best smartphone cameras.
Of course it's possible. It all depends on your shooting style. If you want to carry minimal equipment and be stealthy IS is a must. If you don't mind crowds of the curious looking at your tricked out shoulder rig then you can go without IS. The fact of the matter is you can film in a lot more places using a small camera with an IS lens than with a shoulder rig or monopod. I use both ends of the spectrum a lot. Sometimes I use a tripod and sometimes I use just IS hand held.
In the US prices are NEVER quoted with sales tax included. Sales tax is usually nowhere near as high as VAT. Sales tax is usually between 6-8%. The reason sales tax isn't included is there are many situations where an individual or organization doesn't pay it. When things are purchased via the internet and the purchaser lives in a different state than the seller no sales tax is collected. You have to be careful though. Amazon may be headquartered in one state but it has many distribution centers in other states. Those distribution centers count for sales tax purposes so a lot of people get screwed when ordering from Amazon. That's why I prefer to order from B&H. I don't live in NYC at the moment so I can avoid sales tax.
Lol. Yeah, camcorders and $1,200 Walkmans. What is this 1985?!
That's your choice but the 1D C is also a great stills camera. It is also a fraction of the size of an FS7. Some of us don't like advertising we are making videos everywhere we go. A 1D C would satisfy all my digital photo/video needs. Along with a smartphone I would be covered. Plus it uses Canon lenses without any adapters.
I have to agree. If he feels the current used price of a Canon 1D C is newsworthy and remarkable who are we to say he can't include it in his list? I mean if you don't like it just ignore it and reassign the number one rating to the Sony a7s. What's the big deal? I could see if it was a list of 50 cameras and there were 15 used cameras woven in there with suspect prices. But this is ONE camera in a list of five. Frankly I applaud any journalist who looks at a market holistically. Its like people saying we should ignore the 5D MK III ML raw because it is a hack. That's your choice but if the owner of a website wishes to put it in their list that is their business.
I was asking not making a statement. And I picked up a BMPCC for 50% off launch price last summer... along with half the planet. That's why I asked compared to what. In fact you can still pick it up for over 32% off brand new on ebay. I was incredulous about people talking about picking up a Cinema Camera for less than $2,000 any time soon. I think that is a bit of irrational exuberance. Now what goes on with cameras that cost more than cars? I don't know. I am definitely no expert. B&H has the camera for $20,000 so I think the price you found is an aberration. I'm no expert though. My query was really concerning the C300 and below. Honestly seeing what happened with the Sony F5 4k hack doesn't make me think that Sony is wearing the white hat when it comes to juicing people for $10K.
Are the prices falling fast? As compared to what? You are completely delusional if you think you will be able to pick up a Cinema Camera below $2,000 any time in the next couple of years. Even a Canon 5D mark III isn't below $2,000 on the used market. There has only been one iteration of each so I don't know how you can say they are getting "better and better." Honestly Andrew's purchase of a 1DC just confirms what I've been saying all along. Canon is and will remain number one or at least a close number two... But most likely number one. After all this time and all the posts denigrating Canon and praising Sony and Panasonic what happened? Sony and Panasonic ran around like chickens with their heads cut off creating brand new never before seen product categories... Canon did... nothing. Andrew? He spent more buying Canon gear than Sony and Panasonic combined! And there is nothing wrong with that. I predicted this event. Between the color science, the support, the system it was inevitable. Imagine what happens if Canon even puts in a modicum of effort? Multiple camera divisions will bleed red ink. The 1DC is still to rich for my blood. And I hope Sony and Panasonic do well. They need to put heat on Canon. But I wouldn't buy any Sony or Panasonic stock based on on their camera divisions. When someone flips a switch at Canon wave bye-bye to Panasonics camera division.