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Harrison Geraghty

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About Harrison Geraghty

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  1. I don't know why it posted three, the page froze and when I refreshed it had posted three times, how do i delete the other two?
  2. Before I bought this lens I was told you could only use it on crop sensor cameras... bullshit, here it is on the D800:
  3. Before I bought this lens I was told you could only use it on crop sensor cameras... bullshit, here it is on the D800:
  4. Before I bought this lens I was told you could only use it on crop sensor cameras... bullshit, here it is on the D800:
  5. Thank you so much for responding, I was going to invest in one of these for editing purposes: http://www.rcblogic.co.uk/p-3241-g-tech-g-raid-7200rpm-thunderbolt.aspx?source=paidclick&gclid=CJW5tJ_97rsCFUnjwgod60gAQA Would this be a suitable external device for colour correction and editing? With this external device will I get real time playback and if not will it at least be relatively speedy? I intend to put the rushes I want to use on that drive, edit the finished film in 2.5k raw and then delete the rushes and keep using it for a project to project basis storing the finalized films onto cheaper g drives. Thanks again for your response.
  6. Hi guys I recently shot a test on the BMCC using a Bolex Anamorphot 8/19/1.5x. I purchased a sandisk 480gb SSD which was sold as new but was in fact full of another persons files. When I formatted the card and shot some prores the video files had some weird digital distortion, does anyone know what may be the cause of this?
  7. Beautiful shots man, makes me feel affirmed in getting the Bolex, really unique image.
  8. I'm finally updating my computer situation and have recently purchased the BMCC camera (along with the Bolex Anamorphot 8/19/1.5x anamorphic lens which I will add test videos to that section when I'm able) and want to shoot in 2.5k raw primarily for short films. I would like to know if this computer is capable of that, I appreciate this seems like a lazy question but I have spent time researching it but would like a fellow forum geek to affirm my decision. Thanks and sorry for being so cheeky.
  9. Vid atlantic claim the smaller sensor of the Black magic will make shooting with these adapters easier in comparison to full frame slr's where you will have to shoot with 85mm+  focal lengths to avoid vignetting.   http://vidatlantic.tumblr.com/post/29382687522/small-sensor-fears-blackmagic-camera-with-anamorphic   That article mentions 2x anamorphic adapters whereas the one you listed is 1.33x.    Also the century optics filter your linking too really isn't worth the money, all the test videos are riddled with distortion and it looks cheap. If you want to use anamorphic for a few short films and to play around with get a Sankor 16C, it's 2x so the image is super slim but it's the best looking anamorphic footage for this price range that isn't an iscorama.    The LA700 has been used to good effect with the BMCC however I really don't see the merits of using one. The LA700 creates a bland image and the flares are less than unique. You're better off buying the vid atlantic flare filter than shelling out next to a grand for a pretty useless adapter which you will have to continue spending money on for things such as diopters to really get it to work. It's a pain in the ass you'd rather not have. Just buy a Sankor 16D (cheaper but cooler blue flares) or a Sankor 16C (sharper image), much more reasonably priced and it will allow you to have some anamorphic work on your vimeo/showreel! And the vid atlantic article suggests these 2x lenses will have a better effect due to it's sensor, check em out. We're just enthusiasts not pros so don't blow your money on the LA7200 or century optics. I was once tempted and can safely say I couldn't give a flying f*** now. I'm curious and may purchase a 16C for fun in the hopes of one day buying an iscorama 36.    16D flares:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lx1AooxwR3w   16C test:  http://vimeo.com/65590394
  10. I know I'm a month late but I would be interested, 300 pounds or dollars? I saw one on ebay just yesterday that didn't sell for £250 including clamps: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/151115438237?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2648
  11. I am upgrading from my loathsome Canon 550D and will have approximately £5000 by December. The recent price drop in the Black Magic (MFT for me!) has finally convinced me after debating the merits of the Sony FS100 with myself but for the price and image compared to the BMCC it seems like common sense to me. I had my hopes set on the FS700 but for it's price tag I'll seldom be able to purchase anything else which is pointless and having rented the FS700 for my past two films I think it's time I avoid high speed for an entire production, I have a tendency to be far too indulgent with it.    Anyway, I want to purchase a rig for studio styled use, matte box, follow focus etc. I want to know how many SSD's I will need (bare in mind I will predominately shoot pro res unless for a short film). I will also be buying an external battery, naturally.    I also need to sell my 27" 2.8 GHz intel core i5 mac as it's incompatible with Davinci Resolve. I am begrudgingly moving from Mac to PC sheerly for the processing power bang-to-buck and will have to shell out even more money. How much would a PC capable of processing the 2.5k raw cost including all it's components such as graphics cards etc?    With that money I will also be purchasing a jib as it proved invaluable in my previous short in achieving fluid camera motion which really dicks all over pans and fixed tripod shots.    Forgive me if this post seems clumsy, I am still getting to grips with using a forum (as I rarely become members of ones) but was very encouraged after reading the discussions on this site regarding anamorphic adapters etc. It seems like a lot of knowledgable and helpful filmmakers actively use this service. 
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