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About Kargento

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  1. Hello!   I just received my Blackmagic Pocket camera a few days ago, and I really love it.  I'm writing to get some information on which shutter angle to film at.  I'm shooting at 23.98, and I know that theoretically it should be a 180 degree shutter angle, but I remember reading some reports that 180 caused ghosting on the pocket camera when shooting at 23.98. I've read certain reports saying that 172.5 would be better.   Does anyone have a consensus on this?
  2.   It was all shot on pro res, but I still have the original files.  I have posted on the BMC forums, but wanted to post here as well, especially because I know Andrew has also used the same camera/ lens combination. 
  3. Hello~   I was getting scared off by all the white orb issues with the upcoming pocket cam, so I went ahead and decided to buy the BMCC 2.5k cam in MFT mount.  I went home to do some tests and discovered that I was getting the very same white orbs effects that people had been reporting with the pocket cam.  I figured it was a fluke, but I exchanged mine for a new one today only to find that the second one was having the same problem as well.  I haven't heard any other BMCC MFT owners complain about this, but I wanted to reach out to see if anyone else was having the issue.  I've attatched some screen shots of footage I shot with both cameras, so you can see the issue.  All footage was shot in Pro res, 200 ASA, with the SLR Magic 25mm .95 hyperprime.     Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.  Andrew, I know you own this lens and the BMCC MFT, have you ever had issues with this combo before?   Thanks.    ~Tom   [attachment=651:orbs6.jpg][attachment=652:orbs5.jpg][attachment=653:orbs2.jpg][attachment=654:orbs1.jpg][attachment=655:orb3.jpg]
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