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About denko89

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    Stockholm, Sweden

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  1. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bolex-Moller-16-32-1-5-anamorphic-lens-with-Tokina-close-up-lens-0-4-achromat-/121325231950?pt=UK_Photography_VintagePhotography_VintagePhotoAccessories&hash=item1c3f8c1f4e The seller is also a member here at eoshd.com
  2. Is that why you always have an urge to reply whenever someone criticise you. My point has never been to touch or move ya. Im not your father or your friend to do that. Make yourself the favour of educating yourself and get some decent ethics will ya.
  3. Hmm. Seems to be exactly what yourself are doing, looking to buy cheap. The difference between us seems to be that you want to buy cheap and the resell to make profit. People in this forum on the other hand exchange information about lenses and buy lenses from one another for privat use primarly. After using a lens for a while folks might sell the lens further, a few want to make a few hundred bucks while others dont want to lose their investment. You on the other hand play in a different league. Buying cheap and reselling x3 times the value. The problem with your first statement, saying that you're american is that you're refering to north america. Excluding, central and south america. Second, you're a capitalist. You are the guy that stand for an ideology that segregates people, widens the gap between the richest and the poorest. Lowering the costs in order to increase production, benefiting of people in third world countries depriving them from good health. Be my guest if you want to be that guy.
  4. I was looking through your ebay auctions. Everything you're selling is a total ripoff. People like you blow up the prices of anamorphic lenses to exagerated proportions. What a shame!
  5. Thanks kado for runnings this test for us. So if I would like to make an order I can refer to the number #220 and your username I will of course mention I also have the Iscorama 54 Anyone know if the diameter is the same on MC and non MC 54?
  6. Is the Iscorama 54 to big in diameter to bother using a FF? Has anyone attempted this? In that case.... - What FF did you use? - Where did you buy your focus ring for that phat ass lens?
  7. thx for the awsome tip. I have ordered the kit and have it sent through viabox.com
  8. I just ordered 5mins ago with viabox.com Seems like a reliable source, read reviews many people had success with them
  9. Recently I purchased the BMPCC. I have been following a thread at bmcuser.com about a new nd filter set from HOYA. The tests shows its one of the best nd filter sets at that price point. http://bmcuser.com/showthread.php?6403-New-Hoya-ProNDs-Rolling-Report-Thread&s=7aaab008e89151731778c01d512fdae8.html Here is the order page: http://www.kenkodepot.com/products/hoya/prond-filters/cine-nd-kit.html Unfortunately for me I live in Sweden and the deal isn’t available outside the US. I have tried buying the set but its not possible for them to ship. Could anyone, that live in the US help a fellow bmpcc user out? I would sincerly appreciate your help. The deal ends December 31. I will pay for everything, that includes the item getting to your door and then the shipping costs to Sweden. Cheers //Denko
  10. Recently I purchased the BMPCC, this is my first post in this part of the forum. I have been following a thread at bmcuser.com about a new nd filter set from HOYA. The tests shows its one of the best nd filter sets at that price point. http://bmcuser.com/showthread.php?6403-New-Hoya-ProNDs-Rolling-Report-Thread&s=7aaab008e89151731778c01d512fdae8.html Here is the order page: http://www.kenkodepot.com/products/hoya/prond-filters/cine-nd-kit/hoya-prond-cine-nuetral-density-filter-kit-77mm-nd4-nd8-nd16-nd32-nd64.html Unfortunately for me I live in Sweden and the deal isn’t available outside the US. I have tried buying the set but its not possible for them to ship. Could anyone, that live in the US help a fellow bmpcc user out? I would sincerly appreciate your help. The deal ends December 31. I will pay for everything, that includes the item getting to your door and then the shipping costs to Sweden. Cheers //Denko
  11. Sorry for the sarcasm guys, nothing personal against strancali or richg101. Just tired and irritated about the latest +5k prices of Iscorama lenses. This forum post describes what I would like to express better than my english is allowing me to do '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>> Cheers
  12. For the same reason you are here. Because I love this forum and have learned a lot since I started following eoshd.com I believe that if you have something that you dont need or want. Why push the price to 6-7k? Only because an item is already inflated, come on? Yes your right, I do want to buy an Iscorama lens. But its absurd what people are selling iscorama lenses for these days. Greed is what make them skyrocket in inflatation. You seriously take it as an insult that I asked a question on your thread: who wants to get rid of their iscorama? How can that be condescending? The question wasn't aimed at a particular forum member. It was an open question!
  13. Sorry for stepping on your precious toes mr strancali. To bad the 10k, my house and car wasn't enough for you. I did my best as they say
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