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Everything posted by wolf33d

  1. Sure, @ landcapturer on IG you can see my photography. If you like landscapes you will be served. Travel videos like the Cuba one, I do not do them so much anymore. I love to film, so I filmed a full video in Japan, in New Zealand, In Taiwan and other places. I have hundreds of hours of footage but it's all unedited. The truth is I enjoy the video shooting but not so much the video editing. So the only thing I edit is paid work, but that is not my main job, so rare thing once a year. For overheating, they fixed most of the overheating issue but even before that it was never a big deal for me. I shoot clips that are 20 seconds, not 20 minutes. I have never done an interview or something like that so it never bother me especially after the update. Where do you live? The mini, as I mentioned does it, but quality lacks. The Air 3S does not shoot vertical. Good to hear that! And yeah lot of $$ for sure gotta pay to play lol, but also everybody and their grandma have 8K with AI autofocus on a gimbal so there is nothing special now it's all the same cameras, all the same videos. Everybody and their grandma is also a YouTuber, influencer, etc. I did not follow the IG trend of posting reels all the time, I went from 15K followers to 10K in no time with 0 engagements because people don't care about photography anymore, they want to see viral garbage all they long and so that's what instagram feeds them. Fucking disaster, I am so glad I have a job because there is no way I was going to fit in this trendy pile of crappy content just for the sake of making views and get my paycheck. I feel sorry for the influencers that have to keep up with 2 reels a day to make a living, following what the algorithm wants instead of following their creative path. But don't start me on the fucking disaster of a world we live in guys. That's why you see my on my IG camping in remote locations in the middle of the desert or mountains. Far from all that shit! 🙂
  2. Well I have been around, but this website is a bit dead, @Andrew Reid isn’t posting anymore. I agree with his panasonic post. The era of 5DII and Magic lantern and GH4s etc used to be fun. Now not so much. Also, as everybody here knows, I spent most of my time out here on this forum complaining for years that it was unbelievable we had good phase detect AF in one body, good IBIS in another, good 4K in another, 4K120P in another, great full frame stills in another, but nobody would release a camera with all that. Well Canon did it with the R5 5 years ago. I bought it, and stopped complaining lol. So I haven’t much to say. Oh actually I do have something to complain about. I am a lot into landscape drone photography/video now. For years, I have been waiting for the combination of vertical shooting (DJI Mini) with high quality (DJI Mavic PRO). Can’t believe I have to carry multiple drones. Fortunately DJI listened to me and is releasing the Mavic Pro 4 next month, with excellent IQ as always for the pro line and finally, yes finally vertical shooting. Jesus they took their time… That one is an instant buy! As for my R5, I am happy with it. The R5II is a joke for me, not too much reason to upgrade. Any new camera that is being released recently is not really better than the R5 so nothing to get excited about. Well, the R5 II is not as much of a joke as the new Sony A1 II though. Those guys managed to release the exact same camera years later for $6500 haha
  3. Did I miss something or this new flagship has basically the same specs as my 4yo R5? (4k120, 8k30, 45mpx stills)? Does not look very interesting. Even the price, idk, if you can throw $3K in a camera you can probably throw $4K. It's not like this camera is $850. Their lenses don't seem great. A 16-35mm F4 for the same weight as my 14-35mm F4? The only thing I miss with my R5 is a little more DR from stills. D850 is by far the best full frame in the world for landscape DR, and yet new bodies have poorer DR with their stacked sensors. Appart from that, it's pretty much perfect.
  4. It’s funny, same happened to me. I moved to F4 zooms. Got tired of the weight. And tired of the over used F1.4 look. Not to mention, I agree with Andrew. Now I can add that blur in lightroom. Andrew is saying soon it will be “why have a FF when you can just use a smartphone and lightroom” and that’s right. But even today, it is (for me at least) “why have 5 prime lense F1.4 when I can have a 24-105 F4 + lightroom”. Between IS and super good iso performance, big apertures are not really needed for speed in most situations. Only DoF remains, and this is taken care off digitally if needed. I am not afraid of the future Andrew is describing. To the opposite. I would dream of getting rid of my R5 and not travel with that weight anymore. Excited for the day I can have similar quality via software enhancement in my smartphone. What I am afraid about, is everything else. Manipulated info with generated images (and soon videos), loss of jobs, and all the other concerns around AI. Win some, loose some.
  5. 4K120p 10 bit. Still no 4K240p
  6. wolf33d

    DJI Pocket 3?

    No D-log in 4K120p is a joke and deal breaker. Was planning on buying it to use exclusively as a slow mo wide angle gimbal cam. Wish it had M43 sensor and 4K240p as well. Why is there essentially no 4K240 camera on the market except specialized tools? Is processing power in November 2023 the same as 5 years ago when 4K120p was already here? I don’t think so. Why is DJI not making a compact pro Osmo? Something with the IQ of a GH6 with M43 sensor and interchangeable lenses and all the modern features (good AF, 4k120…) and that’s very compact? DJI kills everyone else in the drone market I wish they invested more in the regular camera market or at least gimbal camera market.
  7. I have been using an R5 happily for years never got a heating issue even once. In which way the Z8 would kill the R5?
  8. I admit I have done my share of complaining haha especially on Canon!. So has done Andrew in pretty much every gear article on this blog :). And no @Andrew Reid I actually have never tried 1080p. I have the 3 custom modes set to 4K HQ, 4K60p and 4K120p. Never use 8K either. For my use though, just like Emanuel mentioned I never record long clips. No interviews and things like that. Anyway, good to see that this limitation isn’t one anymore for anybody using this camera
  9. I have spent 5 years on this forum complaining about every camera on the market. All I needed was 4K120, great reliable AF, IBIS, full frame, 10 bit, and great photo capabilities. We always had some of those specs in a camera but never all of them together in one package. Then the R5 was released. I sold my Sony, and been happily shooting ever since. You probably didn’t see me post anything since then. It has all the specs I listed and MORE (canon colors, great ergonomics etc). after 2Y of use I am still extremely happy with the R5. First time in 10y that I couldn’t care less about any camera release. the temperature issue is a joke. I have been shooting for 2 years and never got any overheating once.
  10. Well. After shooting years with Sony I fully switched to the R5 and couldn’t be happier. Best hybrid camera with perfect stills features and great video. Never overheated on me once, which seems to only happen if you shoot interviews or do some tests in your room to make it overheat. I know several people shooting full weddings on a R5 and never overheated. The ergonomics, colors, AF, and IBIS are an absolute dream compared to awful Sony ergonomics and IBIS. And the screen is much better too. Everything is better and I don’t have to carry an A7RIV and an A7SIII. It’s such a joy to use this camera that I shoot a lot more than before. I feel your pain though. No Av mode on the R6 is another of Canon’s bad joke. I am glad I did not get that crap, cause I shoot 90% in aperture mode as I switch often quickly between stills and videos. It’s unbelievable that they randomly screw some features on purpose like that. Canon fucked everything up for me since the Mark III but finally knocked it with the R5. That’s what I have dreamed of for 5 years all in one package. FF + 4K60 (bonus 120p) + 10 bits + best AF + best IBIS + best colors + excellent ergonomics with great stills at 45mpx. No camera can match that. Panasonic ? Fuck their horrible AF. Sony ? Fuck having 2 bodies for stills and videos and poor ergonomics and IBIS. Nikon ? Do Nikon cameras still have video modes?… lol.
  11. Well it’s not gonna fit in a Mavic 2 pro chassis for sure. They bumped the size of the air 1 significantly when releasing version 2. They will probably bump significantly size and price of the Mavic 3 Pro to accommodate larger sensor.
  12. My bet is a pro 3 this year with M43 sensor and interchangeable lenses.
  13. Absolutely sucks that 4K120 is still All-I though.
  14. Nevermind the answer is yes. All the details here http://downloads.canon.com/nw/home/products/camera/EOS-R5-firmware-full.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0ZapCAXcJ_hV9t90wcJ05JPQThFCTNGf0umDbEZKwJil2How3LaHzKAhE really nice!!
  15. The firmware is out. Can someone confirm if the 4K120p can now be recorded in IPB and IPB light or just ALL-I?
  16. In my opinion, here is what GoPro needs to make next year to truly stand out and offer a worthwhile upgrade: - GoPro X. Bigger sensor than the 9 and 4K120p along with 10 bits recording. - Gopro Max 2. Dual 8K30P sensor that gives a 4K image when you use it in Hero mode. It's like having a normal GoPro in every direction, no need to frame. And a mode that gives 2.7K60P when in hero mode (unlike FHD today). Same sensor size as today to make all that possible.
  17. Exactly. Plus a MacbookPro gets hot where you put your wrist. So are some phones. Yet the biggest company in the world did not bother with that. Be careful with cell temperature thing. Cells die when they reach a certain temperature yes which does not mean it's the case if you touch a camera body with your hands. It takes more heat and time for the cells to reach that temperature. And nobody has the camera in the hands for hours straight. You let it rest at your neck, use a tripod, gimbal, pack it etc. All in all, all that Canon could do if this was true was sending a warning once the camera is hot (instead of shutting down) to let the user know the camera can get hot to the touch. Let me use it on a gimbal for how long I want. Let me do lots of short recording : YES the camera will not have time to cool, but my cells will and I will be fine no worries. That's a kind of BS excuse. In the interview Canon says they have never crippled any product because it would be foolish to want a customer buy a 5000$ cinema camera instead and the customer is more likely to switch to competition than buy a Cine camera. It's absolute BS that they did not cripple any product. They did, like many other manufacturers in many industries. There are many reasons for a customer not to switch brands like being already invested in the system for example or loyalty (which is high at Canon)
  18. If my R5 ever ships (ordered day 1 - lol) I will keep it and keep this firmware if they ever cripple it. With the new firmware improvement it’ll be almost good enough for my use (very short clips) and if have an issue I can always pull the battery and start again. It sucks to do that on a 4000$ camera but for the package it offers I’ll do it.
  19. I don’t know what to think. 96min of short 4k120p clips is good enough for me on one hand, but overall 5min improvements in most codecs and mostly the very little improvement in recovery is a joke. Also I use the camera for photo between video shots and stills use kills the recovery. So I am gonna wait for some testing but first impression for this FW update is go f*** yourself Canon.
  20. FW update to fix thermal issue coming tonight https://www.canonrumors.com/canon-eos-r5-firmware-update-coming-in-the-next-24-hours/ Obviously it's not like they will release many of them so the moment of truth is tonight. Tomorrow we will know if the camera is usable or not. Either they will go deeper in the same and shit on us with allowing something like 5min more recording and little shorter recovery (but overall still timer based), or they will make it right and make it non timer based but temperature based making this camera perfect or if they can't (because of poor thermal data access) then at least push the timer as much as they can according to extensive testing. From what we see in the test from Andrew and others, that camera should have no problem going to the recording limit of 30min and then recover in that time or less. Fingers crossed.
  21. I think you should create a new thread just for that petition. In fact it would be nice if @Andrew Reid created a blog post with it as it would reach far more people.
  22. Signed and shared. Considering putting money on advertising it as well. I don’t like the description though, it’s not strong enough. You should say there that It has now been demonstrated that the R5 limitations are based on a timer and that with simple tweeks the R5 can record 8K and any video mode for much longer than advertised. Those artificial limitations are an insult to us customers and we require a software fix and nothing else (not a press release or whatever pure BS from Canon as said in the petition).
  23. Because as an hybrid photo/video shooter in wild/extreme sport environment, it’s the best tool (would be) for the job. It’s an extreme frustration to have to go through what Canon is doing right now, but I would shoot myself hard in the foot if I would use something else should they fix the issue. However I have done my part. Since the 5D3 I stopped shooting Canon and never gave them a cent because of their crippling. I have a dozen people around me who listen to my camera/tech advice (mostly for beginner camera stuff) over the last few years. I all made them buy Nikon for photography and Sony for video. Now for me the R5 is a million step above anything else just because it combines FF + no crop + 4K120 + 10 bit + best ergonomics + 45mpx + best colors + best AF + best in class IBIS. The AF on Panasonic is not usable for me, the Sony you have to carry 2 cameras to have both still and video which I cannot do, and so on. So I am ready to give again Canon my money, if they fix it of course. It sucks what they do, but it would suck more to use anything else. In the end, what matters most is if someone correct is fault or not. I will not forgive them, but I’ll buy the R5 if that software limitation goes away. Let’s be realistic though, I am afraid all they will give us is 50% more recording time and 50% faster recovery or some BS like that. I hope I am wrong.
  24. Can’t believe already 5 assholes dislike the video. Please the whole EOSHD community go like and share the video. This needs to make noise. Imagine the face of those decision makers at Canon. Freaking ridiculous lol, those should resign and vow to never ever work again for any company. What do this clowned thought? That nobody would ever notice? How can you be dumb enough to implement such limitation and expect people to never find out? Lol. A big pros to the engineers who designed this camera though. Without software limitation decided by whoever it’s clearly the camera of the decade!
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