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About Jeffkevwood

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  1. Arguably the worlds most successful wedding film makers, Stillmotion, shot extremely hight shutter speeds for the years they used DSLRs. It suited their slick documentary style. Most wedding dslr film makers now still use shutter speed to control their exposure so motion blur isn't an issue for them when considering lifting stills. However, composition is and this was the main reason it didn't work too well for me, the few times I tried it. But that's because of the way I shoot video, tight and varied. I foresee a new style emerging from young guys how are starting out with 4k at their fingertips. Sooner or later someone will nail it and achieve a high standard of both stills and video with one camera. It will be very different to our taste now, but I predict that the artistry will surprise us all. I'm just too set in my ways to do it myself :-)
  2. Hi, did this sell yet?  I am interested and based in UK.  Cheers.
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