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Everything posted by jagnje

  1. Well it just seemed funny to me, that some folks would nitpick on gear...being gearwhores, where only the expesive gear can pass. What I'm trying to say is that in this day and age most cameras will do the job, the minimal diferences between them and lenses are only a few clicks away. There is just gear that will make your job easyer and faster to do. In this particular video the gear used was a sony fs7 speedboosted, a canon 24-70 2.8, a tokina 28-70 2.8 for the flairy bits an el cheepo samyang 14mm for the widest of top shots. I combine the tools I need to get the shot, cheap or expensive. With that in mind I'll let you guess a bit more on the lights.
  2. Close, but not really as far as the story goes, or lack of it, it's what the band wanted, a simple performance video.
  3. could be the case but I can`t confirm as I haven`t tried it. good lens tho, I like it on the ursa pro.
  4. The Canon 17-55 is an ef-s lens. It will psysicaly not fit on the metabones speedboster unles you literally hack it. Don`t know about other adapters.
  5. I`ve been a member for a long time here and it used to be such an inspiring forum to visit, but lately I think it`s gone way off track. I don`t really care much for who is buying what and why is not buying the other piece of gear. User contribution and good advice seems far more important than fighting over unreleased gear. so... this is one of the latest videos I`ve done. Guess what it was shot with, with some of you being such gear experts it shouldn`t be a problem! guess lighting setup as well if you`re really at it! For the trained eye and a spy one there should very little to guess anyway, heres the video, go for it. constructive critisism is apreciated as well.
  6. jagnje


    I need a tele-ish lens to go with the tokina 28-70 2.8. Tokina 80-200? Don`t like the push pul zoom tho... can be a prime or a zoom lens, f4 or faster, 100mm+
  7. blackmagic didn`t invite me either...I`ll have those 3 ursas thrown away asap! I wish that the admin could clean(after himself) this thread up, so we can talk about a camera.
  8. We were talking about original bmpcc. It is a S16 and to use it as such is a joy.
  9. Why nikon when you have c mount and s16 lenses? No speedboster needed.
  10. grab a clear filter, pass it around your crew at lounchtime...there you go
  11. Well you are wrong, it's light gathering ability. What you can do with it...I guess you are refering to shallow dof. Some cameras are designed to have as litle a possible, and it sure does not say 50-20000mm f88 on the lens.
  12. I don't think you you understood my right, nor did I explain it very well hard to put it in words. I could do an explainer video, but in a month or so ?
  13. Stick the camera on a flycam, face it upward, hold it horizontal, ride, flip it, be famous
  14. jagnje


    Anyone used medium format lenses for video yet? I'm putting together a zeiss set and it's hard to find 80-100mm primes. But you can buy apentacon six with an 80mm 2.8 kit lens and it can be adapted to pretty much anything it seems.
  15. reds site says it`s 1.25 crop...so yeah, midway between ff and s35. anyway, it made more of a diference than I would expect.
  16. 4x4 is fine! as long as it doesn skrew with casts and so on I'll buy it! Would this eliminate the need for IR cut as well? I hate those far more that changing NDs.
  17. It was 6k, dunno about the exact size, but it was a bit of an adjustment curve from super35, definetly bigger. https://www.google.si/search?q=red+dragon+6k+sensor+size&client=ms-android-huawei&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjs6ZbTt4jcAhULLlAKHYuaCMQQ_AUIESgB#imgrc=08LeNXgXYEEUoM: Judging by this chart it is definetly much wider.
  18. Darn it, you guys really got it going here I have worked on many comercials and series in the past 6 years and the only time I used an adaped lens was from canon to sony, and the only reason for it was because it was my personal backup cam(fs7). Othervise it is 90% pl mount(arri, red, blackmagic) but I did work with a red dragon on monday and tuesday which had an Ef mount(with an pl ring) and we used canon cine lenses. But that is a larger than s35 sensor and most pl lenses would not work. I love love adapting lenses but I only use them on my personal projects. And most pro cams are pl mount around here so...yes it is definetly the standard.
  19. Ok, but with IGTV it makes it simpler. You don`t need to turn on anything...you will see a flipped video and they you just flip your phone, It`s not like youtube.
  20. I need a laptop for basic edit and grade of bmpcc prores files, preferably working with davinci. Small and under 500€ is the key...I do bunch of motorcycle travels and I would like to do some basic edits for instagram stories and such. Just something to keep my busy in the evenings. I want to use my bmpcc for it. So, what would you sugest? Regards.
  21. Well, you can just upload a fliped video, and people might turn the phone on its side.
  22. Are there any apps that I can do that in?
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