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Everything posted by jagnje

  1. they are mostly univeresal, but pretty universaly shitty as well. Removable, I think these are pretty ok http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/839296-REG/Lens_Gear_605859_LENSGEAR_UNIVERSAL_LENS.html Othervise, find a cnc shop in your area and have them made them, out of delrin if I remember corectly and just leave on the lens. I think there was a guy on ebay selling cncn made ones, custom as well.
  2. jagnje


    are those from the pocket cinema? do you have any info if they cover the m43(2x crop) sensor?
  3. Well you just pointed out what makes a cinema camera and what makes a consumer camera. It's picture can be matched as much as you can match the f3 to the alexa, ursa, etc...way harder to do that with a7s, at least in my opinion. both have their uses. I would not take the f3 to a family trip or a skate event, and I would not film a narative that will have heavy grading with the a7s.
  4. Well, one is a cinema camera and the other is a toy compared to it. Really could not be two more diferent cameras.
  5. jagnje


    can anyone tell me anything about this lens besides the obvious? Can`t find anything about it online. What mount is that?
  6. A cinema camera and a speedbooster is a better camera in my opinion.
  7. jagnje


    Has anyone used Sigma 20mm 1.8?
  8. jagnje


    the nikon mount 18-35 has a manual aperture control?
  9. All very solid points and I agree on most of them. But, I think that the sensor in the G7 is superior to the one in gh4 image vise but it's being held back a bit. Don't get me wrong, for the money it's an amazing picture, and it just makes me curious what it could do with a higher bitrate, thats all. I have yet to test it with the shogun and see for myself.
  10. jagnje


    No, I'm not a huge fan of shallow dof, thats why I rearly use anything longer than 50mm. It's those above 50 I don't dig as much...I prefer nikkors for those lenghts.
  11. I haven't done it with G7 yet, but we used it loads with the gh4. Works ok...20 or so fps is the framerate. Enough fot the director to see what is happening. It cuts down the battery life quite a bit tho.
  12. jagnje


    I use a set of I think mk1 T1.3 superspeeds on shoots when I can afford it. Not my favorite bokeh, but by far my favorite wide angle lenses.
  13. Well, I would be more than happy to donate. It's cool b cam, with all the esential features. Sony is getting hacked, samsung is, canon, nikon...I don't see why it would be impossible.
  14. Well, why not hacking seems to be back in style, so why not try to hack this one. I think it only really needs higher bitrates in all modes and it would be an even beter camera.
  15. Looks like a nice lens, but there is one thing I don`t get. You guys use these new-er lenses without manual iris on diferent bodies, so you are just stuck at 1.4? How do you cope with that? I mean, the iris to me is just as an importat feature to have as lets say a focus ring and not being able to change it would be a huge artistic handycap to me.
  16. jagnje


    has anybody used the vivitar/cosina 19mm 3.8? I`m looking for a wide angle to go with my tokina 28-70 2.8.
  17. jagnje


    http://www.ebay.de/itm/Bajonett-Adapter-Mitakon-Lens-Turbo-Focal-Reducer-Nikon-Micro-4-3-von-Zhongyi-/111734598147?hash=item1a03e6aa03:g:DA0AAOSwjVVVwEvs so this?
  18. jagnje


    not to start a new topic...which is the best non metabones speedbooster nowadays?
  19. I live in Ljubljana, Slovenia and it`s a mixed bag. If you don`t like doing wedings like me you might have a hard time as a freelancer. But there is an upside...we have a ton of reality shows, like 10 of them a year so I can work on one of those for a few months as an operator, ENG, DOP...whatever and I will make enough to take a couple of months off after that. In that time I can do whatever I want and film my own projects.
  20. I used the comlite/a7s/tamron 24-70 2.8 since the day it was bought. never had a problem with either. I don`t use autofocus.
  21. For ENG work I use 70% everything else I use 100%.
  22. oh ok. so you gain about a stop of light and loose about 8% of the FOW? Without the speedbooster you get a 100% coverage of the s35 right?
  23. so if I get it right you get 92% of the full frame with a speedbooster?
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