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About rafcamera

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  1. Hi everybody. Quite hot discussion here now, so let me explain couple things myself. V2 adapter tweak referring to is discontinued. It was made by personal order once when I thought Redstan is out of business, but it seems that I was wrong. So, we will not continue to make such adapters with retaining ring (that is really great idea, and it is sad that it wasn't mine :-) ) Our adapters are more simple and more risky. bzpop is correct - there is a chance of dropping anamorphic attachment with our adapters, so you need much more care using them. Positive side is lower price for those who using not too expensive equipment. Flat spring bzpop referring to is not poor design. Purpose of the spring is protection of the lens body from damage by adapter screws. I tested this feature on many attachments already, and results are following: if you tight the screws just by you fingers, an attachment will not fall accidentally, but can be pulled out with not too much force. After you positioned it correctly, you need to tight screws bit harder using allen key. After this, you'll not be able to pull it out. So, this design is secure enough when used properly. Thanks. Raf.
  2. Hi everybody. I heard that Redstan stopped to manufacture these adapters, and just selling remaining stock at the moment. So, I suppose he'll not object copying of his design now. That is why we made first adapter of this type (M62 filter thread to Kowa-16H and others with 52mm rear diameter). Here is the link http://www.rafcamera.com/en/adapter-52mm-to-m62x0-75-rr Limited quantity is made to check demand. Our version of this adapter keeps 1.5mm distance between rear end of Kowa and front glass of taking lens. It is possible to get closer for my particular lens, but I suppose it may be unsafe for some other lenses, so our adapter allows Kowa rear end to go only 0.5mm besides front plane of a taking lens filter rim. Another feature is intermediate flat spring preventing damage of Kowa barrel by adapter tightening screws (3 of M5 screws are used). Current price is $45 + shipping. If you need some customized adapter, we are ready to make it (average time of availability since drawing is approved is 10 days). Thanks. Raf.
  3. Hi! I've got couple orders for a follow focus gear for the FM lens. Made few pieces, and accepting preorders currently to see if I should make larger next bunch now. Please contact me if you need one. http://rafcamera.com/en/accessories/ff-gears/gear-fm-lens-88-107-32mm Thanks.
  4. If anyone interested, we made follow focus gears for these lenses (both for Kiev-16U and Krasnogorsk-2 housings). Thanks.
  5. I made some rear screw-on caps for Kiev-16U lenses. Price is $20 per cap. Non-anodized caps will be available for order till November 24th. Then I'll send rest of them to anodizing.
  6. Here is a link to BMC forum where you can find some feedback from users on these lenses: http://www.bmcuser.com/showthread.php?5548-Kiev-16U-M32-lens-adapter-for-MFT
  7. I'm not a Chinese, but made these adapters if someone need them yet :-) http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=141105605267
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