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  1. Please have a look at the music promo I made using a kowa 8-Z anamorphic adaptor, mounted on a voigtlander Nokton 35mm F1.2, using a Lumix GH3. I also had a Tokina .4 achromat and a Cokin Diopter +2 for the Close ups. It was all shot at night which presented problems as the Lumix isn't very good in low light. I was shooting at 50fps which reduced the amount of light I had even further. I also found that if the lens was fully open it was difficult to get a focus. Not because it was too shallow, but because it wouldn't focus on anything! As you can see I over-cranked the ISO on occasion, but I couldn't set lights up on the banks of the Thames at 3am, as we didn't have permission to be there. I wish I'd got someone to stand close by reflecting a bright torch off a white shirt though. I can only hope that I get away with the graininess in the spirit of low/no budget film making, and it looks like 16mm! Staying close to the subject, using the diopters, gave me a picture I liked the most. The bokeh looks lovely and soft and cinematic. Shots where I had to focus to infinity were difficult - the bokeh is ugly in those shots (in my opinion), taking the shape of a kind of horizontal tear. But I couldn't film the whole video in close ups! It was difficult to shot this as a one-man-band. Having to screw two different diopters on or off every time I wanted to change my proximity to the actors made it quite fiddly. I was also moving lights (I had x3 LED panels). I had some other taking lenses, but it wasn't practical to change during the shoot. Lastly, I know its normal to crop the super-wide picture you get from shooting 2x anamorphic on a 16:9 sensor, but I decided to embrace it. It's fun, and a bit silly, but its a music promo, so why not. Hope you enjoy. The track by Durlston George, his debut single, is lovely.
  2. Hi all, I am confused about the 50mbps / 72mbps date rate that the GH3 supposedly records at. My footage, recorded as H264 MOV files in either of these high bit rates, is listed in FCP as between 5.8mbps and 8.5mbps. Analysing the footage with cinema tools reveals the same data rate - not the 50 / 72 it should be. If I convert the files to ProRes I get the higher data rates - around 30 - 60mbps. Although this is closer, and sometimes in excess of the data rate I want, am I not merely up-resing the footage? The new date rate might be higher, but if it is not what the camera recorded, the information isn't t there. I am also confused about the colour management. My h264 footage has a colour profile of 1-1-1. Is that the best I can get? I read somewhere that the GH3 will record 2-4-1. How do I set that? Again up-resing to prores 422 or 444 will not introduce colours that are not recorded in the first place! I look forward to hearing people's thoughts. Jules
  3. Hi Andy, I'm in the process of researching anamporphics with the aim of buying one when I've worked out what I need. I like the look of both your lenses, but have no idea which would suit me better. You call the Schneider, 'the king of lenses', yet it is cheaper than the Bausch and Lomb. Why is that? Many thanks, Jules
  4. Hi anamorphic lens buffs,   I've just purchased a GH3 and want to get involved in the wonderful world of anamorphic lenses... but after extensive reading and looking on ebay, I'm confused. Apologies if some of my questions are idiotic.   It seems the consensus is that iscorama is the best - but with none currently on ebay I can't find how much one should be. How much should a 36 go for, or a 54, and where might I source one?   What are the Isco Optic Ultra / blue star? Are these related to the iscorama? Some on ebay are labelled Isco Iscorama - is it the same company? Are these wrongly labelled? Here is an example of one:   http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Anamorphic-Lens-RARE-Isco-Iscorama-2x-MINT-DSLR-GH3-GH2-5D-Canon-COMPACT-Sharp-/171168616302?pt=Camera_Lenses&hash=item27da71cf6e   Also many of the pictures of the lens have a ruler showing how long they are. How does the length affect them?    This one for example (though it has no ruler) is marked as 120mm. What does that refer to?   http://www.ebay.com/itm/isco-optic-120mm-with-schneider-super-cinelux-anamorphic-lens-/121211839272   One of my main concerns is getting a lens which will fit over my taking lenses. I have a Voightlander 35mm (which has a 52mm thread), which should be fine... I'm assuming I'd struggle to use my Rokinon 24mm, which has a lens circumference of 77mm, both because it is so wide at the front, but also cause it would vignette badly.   On the GH3 the 35mm lens becomes roughly a 70mm. With the anamorphic adaptor, does it effectively become a 35mm again?   Please could people give me their opinions of the following choices, and their pros and cons? They vary a lot in price and size.    http://www.ebay.com/itm/Kowa-Bell-and-Howell-2x-Anamorphic-Lens-Perfect-Condition-w-Lens-caps-RARE-/181235078150?pt=Camera_Lenses&hash=item2a3273d406   http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bausch-and-Lomb-Anamorphic-Lens-2x-Cinemascope-lens-holder-for-15mm-rods-/231089701199?pt=UK_Lenses_Filters_Lenses&hash=item35ce05014f   http://www.ebay.com/itm/Isco-Optic-Ultra-MC-2x-35mm-Anamorphic-Cinemascope-lens-DSLR-Micro-4-3-/121210681244   http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SANKOR-ANAMORPHIC-16C-16mm-WIDE-PROJECTION-LENS-/221311304014   http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/KOWA-16mm-Prominar-Anamorphic-16-H-LENS-52030-/281127357879?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item41747f0db7     I'm also interested in the SLR Magic anamorphic. Does anyone know when that will be available to buy?   Lastly, people seem to recommend the  Helios 44mm a lot. Why is this?   If it makes a difference to my choice, I think I prefer blue flares over brown, and the nearest focal distance the better... I guess thats what everyone wants!    Thanks for reading my rather long post! All advice gratefully received.   Many thanks all,   Jules              
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