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About nib187

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  1. Hello everyone! Few days ago I finished editing my last short timelapse video. I put a ton of work into this (shot last year, edited in 9 months, just because I couldn't focus on in completely). Edited in ACR and Premiere Pro. Opening title in AE. Please read the video's description for camera info. Almost every shot is done in silent/electronic shutter mode, works like a charm for timelapses. I have some complaints about camera, I'll post it if anyone will be interested, but other than that, it is a great little tool!
  2. nib187

    YouTube 60fps

    Here is Hobbit:BoFA trailer in 60fps, for me it just looks like cheap tv show, no magic at all.
  3. Hello, in summer I worked in Denmark, and I took some pictures there. I had old Canon 350d with kit lens, but I'm pleased with the results (unfortunately aperture mechanism in the lens was broken, I had to shoot wide open = only short exposures during day) . I just finished editing, and I'd like to share my work with you. P.S I spend my money from Denmark on GH4 :) and Canon FD glass.
  4. nahua, MOV and mp4 are just containers, both use h.264 codec. If you'd like to know more about codecs, here is very good post "Everything You Need to Know About Codecs" from Bloom's site.
  5. Ok guys, can anyone explain me how to tell a difference between anamorphic and non-anamorphic shot, when there isn't any lens flare? Do you really know when something was shot with anamorphic optics? (I'm not against it, I just don't have experience)
  6. http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/964117-REG/blackmagic_design_blackmagic_pocket_cinema_camera.html enjoy. edit: I just saw, that Andrew put it on twitter.
  7. Hi guys, could you do the following for me (right now i don't have my computer for some time) take this sample 10bit 422 footage, color grade it quite haviliy (but not to the point when it brakes), export. Then exoprt the same (ungraded) sample to something 8bit (e.g h.264), than apply the same amount of grading, export. (or maybe there's a simpler way to do it). I'd like to see the difference. Thanks in advance.
  8. Hi Matt, I'm not Matthew, I just posted this link from vimeo ;)
  9. Here is 10bit 4k example (external). I can upload original file (downloaded from vimeo, 12GB) to copy.com if anyone is interested.
  10. Andrew, I don't follow every thread in this forum, but I think that this is information anyone (shooting with GH4) should know. Do you cover it in the GH4 guide? Or - do you sometimes update your guides? My point is - I'd like to know wheter I have to read everything here or not :P
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