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About Cinegain

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    NL - ...
  • Interests
    Tech, music, travel
  • My cameras and kit
    GH5, G9, GH2, G7, GX9, GX80, BMPCC (2x), Z Camera E1, G7 X Mark III, GoPro HERO8, HERO5 & HERO3 BLK

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  1. Fair play. Was just reminiscing the good days and thinking of all the contribitions that had been made and the people who made them, really. But good note to end things on there. Guess everyone's been a bit on edge these days, to calmer times then.
  2. Hum, which previous somewhat frequent visitors have not been here for a while, AaronChicago, JazzBox, Brother, DBounce, Ed_David, Liszon, John Brawley, jase, TheRenaissanceMan, webrunner5, Orangenz, Neumann Films, Jordan Drake, benymypony, Axel, Liam, aldolega, theSUBVERSIVE, bigfoot, Raafi Rivero, lucabutera, Snowbro, BrorSvensson, Julian, dahlfors, Justin Bacle, dhessel, Fredrik Lyhne, Zach Ashcraft, Michael Ma, j.f.r., Rudolf, Juxx989, Shell64, agolex, sudopera, Dean, SR, Policar, Shield3, johnnymossville, Kristoferman, Ivanhurba, jhnkng, leeys, bamigoreng, Volker Schmidt, TSV, John Emery, dafreaking, Dan Wake, Christina Ava, Luke Mason, sandro, tomekk, Brian Caldwell, jgharding... etc. Oh lol, and jcs, remember that guy? And maxotics. Dang that must've been like around the Ebrahim days. 😅 Well. That was some trip down memory lane. Back to more productive quarantine tasks. Well, productive... the weather is so nice, I'm head out for a 4hr walk down the beach!
  3. Back to nerdy stuff indeed. What the heck is this: https://www.k-lens.de/en/home ~ via https://photorumors.com/2020/03/24/new-klens-one-lightfield-lens-for-dslr-cameras-coming-to-kickstarter/#more-119431
  4. Speaking of TRUMP, why don't we see Richard 'Mr Dogschidt' Gale here anymore, anyways? Or an Andy Lee? Or KidzRevil? Matthias Burling? Or Jonpais? Over quibbles or just staying away, better things to do?
  5. Like I said, it's a community here, that also means it's not just all serious, it's a bit like a pub so at times it's just about having a laugh with a couple of mates as well. Bros usually talk girls, sports and cars... well, here it's all sorta of people just geeking out over gear, the latest movies and other things scene related. With a lot of weight put on 'scene related'. And everyone puts in effort to share their knowledge, experiences, et cetera. So, talking sports... during a football match the ref isn't gonna push the players in the field that are complaining he should've given a penalty and make the scene. He doesn't entertain rubbish with rubbish. You weren't exactly handing out warnings or trying to defuse the situation, was more like throwing fuel of the fire. A ref would issue a warning... yellow card, then red card. Suspended for this and next week's game perhaps. All quite void of much emotion at all. Of course you're free to handle it however you see fit, 'your pub, your rules'. But if a couple of drunks come in and go 'ah, finally my wife let me go with the boys' and you go 'she's a fat pig'... obviously you don't have to be surprised to have bar stools flying around in notime, lol. Unfortunately that's what politics end up like everytime...
  6. For all I care you did. I just came here back in the GH2 days. Not for your blog or your opinion, honestly, you're a bit of an outspoken person yourself with wild opinions of which some I'd probably wouldn't agree with, stirring up some trouble... but I just came here because you had the GH2 Hacks vault going on back in the day and EOSHD and Personal-View were about the only two places really helpful for getting the most out of that little camera. PV is a bit meh though in terms of how it has been set up and being run. The community here felt more at home and I stuck around. To see certain folks not frequenting here anymore is kinda sad because they offered a bunch of information and inspiration. They were either banned after quibbles or scared away? Dunno. I'm like a fella during the gold rush... I take a sieve and scoop up some dirt from the stream... I wiggle it around a little, filter out everything I would regard as dirt and rubbish and take away the gold. But hey... if you're a person that happens to like mud baths... that's your prerogative... but maybe look for the good and not the bad. Is better for the heart and mind.
  7. I steer clear of such discussions. Like my mom used to say to us 'oh stop it already before one of you ends up crying!', lol. With politics it's always someone who gets offended and goes 'ahw fuck this, this is bullshit, you are bullshit, fuck off already', especially when characters have a bit more ego, it's just bound to clash and end up badly. A good sum of people are already missing from today's forum shenanigans, which I really find a darn shame. That's actual wisdom, creativity and inspiration regarding filmmaking, techniques and gear flushed down the drain for no good reason. Which, you know, I believe a place like this should unite people with that passion for creation. Not a place to bicker about politics. Like, what's even the fucking use? You know it's gonna end up in disaster. Can't imagine anyone feeling good about that, so why do that to yourself? Don't have to get all hippie and go 'everyone human being is beautiful, only positive vibes allowed, lets all align our chakras', but live and let live, don't have to headbutt eachother when you don't agree on something, flippin' move on already and focus again on the things you do have in common... like else at this rate there won't be any forummembers left to have wholesome discussions with and to the outside world will look like a toxic wasteland. Please let us just get nerdy again, talk about great camera motion, the latest lenses and such, try to see past our differences and keep emotions in check... I know it's shitty times right now, but that's exactly when we should keep one another sane and be respectful. Oh well..
  8. Ooh, I'd be up for a GH6 or X-H2... when I finally dare spending money on new toys again...
  9. Few miles off then. xD Ouch. And I've been there too. Streets were a bit packed back then in comparison to that sight.
  10. @Mark Romero 2 Can't blame them. They do have excellent nutritional and medicinal qualities. Or wait... instead of toiletpapering homes, we're resorting to nettling homes? I bet that tickles someone's fancy. Scientist did btw have a breakthrough. I know GMO is being frowned upon, but early trials look promising:
  11. You know, Mikey Day from SNL used to have a YouTube channel with Andrew Friedman back in the day called ThoseLilRabbits. Those two socks yelling at eachother reminded me of one of their short sketches...
  12. For all I care it's called Peter. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But I'll let WHO, CDC etc be the judge of that.
  13. Yeah! Good thinking. My PL to EF mount just came in earlier today for my IGA VLEV HELIOS 44-2 58mm f/2 cinehoused puppy that had already come in. I need to work my way through some moving boxes to find the Viltrox EF-M2 and see if I missed any of those more recent firmware updates (GH5/G9), looks like weather's getting sunnier this weekend, so hopefully I can get a beach/dunes hike in and grab a few shots. With the Sirui as well. * officially moved here last month, not too shabby (pica from my balcony with my Huawei P30 Pro 2 days ago) Otherwise, indeed, seeing what else is lurking in the boxes and see if I can't sell a couple things... time for these 'investments' to pay out, lol.
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