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Everything posted by Cinegain

  1. Cinegain

    Sony a6300 4k

    Well, I'm a sucker for candy.
  2. Cinegain

    Sony a6300 4k

    Saw you mention them a couple of times before, I guess together with Japan Photo? I just looked on Yelp to find stores in Stockholm and tried a few hits. I guess I have too much energy. Price is still high here in Central and Western Europe. They do run that cashback in the UK, but last time it was double the cashback and it applied to the body only as well, now it's single casback only on kits. So, buying it up north might not be such a bad idea.
  3. Cinegain

    Sony a6300 4k

    Well, none of the major electronic stores it seems, they're around the 600~700 USD... I guess you mean specific camera stores? But I don't even see you beloved Scandinavian Photo with those kind of prices. - oh wait, got to take that back, looks like I've found something close... http://www.fotokungen.com/panasonic/digital-system/panasonic-lumix-dmc-g7-kamerahus-svart | http://www.rajalaproshop.se/panasonic-lumix-dmc-g7-kamerahus-svart.html , I guess I'll need to pay 'em a visit later this month.
  4. Haha, ok, got a point there. I should have something like that lying around here somewhere that never worked with my laptop.
  5. What about like these, though? http://www.amazon.com/Aukey-18000mah-Multi-voltage-External-Motorola/dp/B00NBI1GQK/ http://www.amazon.com/Anker-20000mAh-Multi-Voltage-Technology-Smartphones/dp/B005NGLTZQ/ or http://www.amazon.com/Anker-Generation-AK-79AN7905-BA-Technology-Smartphones/dp/B005NGKR54/ http://www.amazon.com/RAVPower-23000mAh-Portable-Charger-External/dp/B00HFMUBYG/
  6. The general range 28, 35 and 45mm f/2.8's for now. Already have the 45mm in. Couldn't mount it. But today I'd gotten the K&F Concept dumb adapter in as well, so I can start some testing. Kinda blows they don't fair well on a Nikon Metabones XL. But I ain't looking to buy the expensive Canon smart Speedbooster which I then will never adapt an EF smart lens to. -- mmmkay, extended the range with the 50mm f/1.4 and 85 + 135mm f/2.8 now... , so it's 50mm f/1.4 then f/2.8 28, 35, 45, 85 and 135mm. Pricing on the 21, 25 and 100mm makes them quite a bit less interesting. ---
  7. https://translate.google.com/translate?depth=1&hl=en&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=ja&tl=en&u=http://dc.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/review/special/20140416_644431.html RJ seems to have the BAVEyes beat. Metabones still king. But resolving wise the RJ seems to cope pretty well but seems to worsen chromatic aberration/purple fringing behaviour the most. Too bad they didn't include the Zhongyi in the test. But people seem to really appreciate the latest version from Zhongyi, so I'm going to give that a go and skip the BAVEyes. I'll get myself an EOS to m4/3 for my Contax Zeiss f/2.8 primes and then add the K&F Concept C/Y to EOS adapter (eBay; their stuff is great).
  8. Cinegain

    Sony a6300 4k

    Noise looks fine. But the whole motion to the footage is way off it seems
  9. Cinegain

    BM or Red?

    Ah ok, you need the RAWs. That would be... So yeah, nothing like that internally. True that.
  10. Haha, CSI at your heart out. 'Zoomify!', 'Now enhance!'. Finally the quality is there!
  11. Cinegain

    BM or Red?

    I was actually thinking of the other Sony FS, as the FS7 indeed is a little big. The one in the image showed above with the MOVI was a FS5. And what would keep you from using your Samyang EF lenses on a Sony FS5 (the smaller Sony) exactly? I don't get that bit. It has the flexible Sony E-mount.
  12. You're using the Yongnuo's, aren't you? Might want to give the Aputure Amaran range (also a lot of other rebrands out there) a go. CRI95+. Aputure has an awesome collection of panels. Nitsan has tried a lot of them out over on his channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/NitsanPictures/search?query=aputure and loves the AL-H160 rightfully so.
  13. Cinegain

    BM or Red?

    How serious business are these music videos and movies? If you can somehow manage to get the budget to buy... or well, you can always rent... this might just be the ultimate thing, the Alexa Mini: But yeah... that aside. I think for what you're trying to do the RED might be the better choice. Just curious as to why you wouldn't consider Sony?
  14. Interests me? Yes. It's flippin' awesome. I love to watch that stuff. Do I see myself shooting medium format? Nah. I don't even shoot fullframe. Perhaps some day far far away when that's the kinda thing I would be able to do on a project that would demand it... sure. But for now something like the BMPCC/BMMCC/GH4/G7/A6300 works for me. Atleast I don't have to worry how I'm going to cover that sensor with the appropriate image circle and can keep it really stupid bare essentials if need be.
  15. Cinegain

    Sony a6300 4k

    Yup, apparently 'the embargo just broke and plenty of reviewers published their Sony A6300 (p)reviews' @ http://www.sonyalpharumors.com/new-sony-a6300-reviews-cinema5d-cameralabs-engadget-dan-watson/ I had to kinda giggle when I read 'Coming from someone who’s used to the higher-end A7R II or A7S II models, the A6300 feels like an upgrade'. I do have to say... things aren't looking so bad at all! Excited for it!
  16. Ah! Alright. Sweet set-up. That's what I'm talking about. For the shortest while Ginirigs had an even more budget friendly daughter company called ABCRig. That's when I snapped up the GH4 cage kit, that quickly transforms into a basic rig. And then for some more elaborate stuff a proper but basic Ginirigs (Custom 7). Both for close to nothing. From their eBay store, where little to nothing happens these days unfortunately... but yeah, solid stuff at fair prices indeed! - Just one quick question perhaps: why do you have the handle offset like that?
  17. Those look like the cheap generic and multi-rebranded DSLR (Canon 5D) ones... Just go to your Amazon site of choice and look for 'DSLR Cage 5D'. E.g. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Goliton®-Portable-Camcorder-Handheld-Stabilizer/dp/B00FVRX41E/ But you can get one custom fitted like this for example: ~ http://kamerar.com/collections/popular-products/products/fhugen-gh3-video-cage
  18. Cinegain

    Sony a6300 4k

    Great to hear! OT: Did you know that the new Samsung Galaxy S7 line features liquid cooling? http://www.phonearena.com/news/First-Galaxy-S7-teardown-reveals-the-liquid-cooling-system_id78671 That's the kind of stuff they need to put in digital cameras too!
  19. Yeah, Caleb is a nice dude, but he isn't really a gear tester and reviewer, so he has very limited experience with these kind of things. He doesn't really compare things, just tells you about the stuff he's come across and uses himself. From what I've gathered he has a generic one sold by Roxsen: http://www.ebay.com.au/sch/m.html?_odkw=&_ssn=roxsen&_armrs=1&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_nkw=focal+reducer&_sacat=0 . But like I said 'Then there are some brandless or alternatives ones that are not quite mainstream, these can be found anywhere on eBay. But I'd say the three above are decent options'.
  20. Thanks for the feedback.
  21. Seems he just wanted to know: But, I guess that 2011 brochure cleared up the fact that the person he talked to was right. So yes, he can use one of those cheap 10bit 4:2:2 recorders and does not have to upgrade it first.
  22. The FZ-mount is regarded as a highly adaptable mount. I saw RJ did some: http://www.rjcamera.com/ocart/index.php?route=product/category&path=20_67
  23. Did you read this? https://pro.sony.com/bbsccms/ext/eblasts/streamline/0312/0312_10bit_SLogStandardweb.html
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