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Everything posted by Cinegain

  1. V-LOG so far showed best skintones though. With well lit skin that is. You wouldn't really want to use it in lowlight though and doesn't make much sense to use on gloomy days either. So more of a specific than standard go-to profile. Always felt like Natural and dialing everything down quite a bit (just saturation not that much) looked great. But maybe you're a supertone person. 'Best settings' is something quite subjective. Depends on the scene, what you're willing to sacrifice to get a certain something and what look you're going for/like. I'm afraid there isn't really an universal setting. Best to try a couple of popular recommended profiles and find what works for you.
  2. Dang! You always manage to find some great deals up there. Too bad you are parting with the lenses. Looks like a cool bunch!
  3. And nobody stopped you? Aren't you afraid they're going to notice and call the cops?
  4. The Tango? I remember seeing the following video for the first time, I was blown away by it! Cool guy too. Sounds like some nice production work going there! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the PIX-E5, I think it's the monitor/recorder that I'm interested in the most.
  5. Yup. But to be fair. Mitch from Planet5D came across it already during NAB, I believe they had a booth and showed footage and everything; he was impressed. It wasn't so much a mere concept by the time the Kickstarter went online. They had already figured out what they were going to do hardware-wise, and haven't made any changes (I was terrified for the display quality... rightfully so). When they had the money they put focus on tooling and production of the cameras, the soft-/firmware side of things pushed forward till it was in the user's hands. Interesting approach. It's new and buggy, so I'll have some playtime with it and hopefully firmware can over time make it a somewhat reliable camera. That look! 'You better put me in the end credits!'
  6. Yeah. Hum. I think not. 'bout the Z cam. There's no exposure scale indication or anything and the TFT screen is too poor to eyeball it, so I'm hoping for next week's firmware update. Other than that, for the price it's acceptable, though quite a bit of moiré/aliasing and bad compression. It has a long way to go, I hope firmware will solve most issues though.
  7. We've been doing this on another forum. It's fun too see what others are getting. My own latest gear would include... the Olympus 75mm f/1.8. Then there's the Z Camera E1 by ImagineVision Tech as well as the Zhongyi/ZY Optics 25mm f/0.95 And of course, I'm not all about new gear, I do love me some vintage gems as well... so these are the ones that came in last month: Now I kinda have become obsessed with 'red lettered lenses'. Of course we know the Zeiss lenses with red 'T', but there's also red 'V' (Meyer Optik Görlitz) and red 'P' (Russian 'P') lenses. Also got in this Tokina, but it was sold as 'new - without issues' but came in looking like this (am working this out with the seller):
  8. Yeah, I can appreciate some fresh perspectives. Blackmagic hasn't been into building cinema cameras that long, but have been really pushing it. Was thinking of Apertus Axiom and Kinefinity too. Or Digital Bolex for that matter. Some cool visions and innovation, breaking away from the traditional mould of what a cinema camera should be. Also making it more accessible for people looking for a step up from their DSLR/mirrorless cameras. I'm rooting for it!
  9. Not sure, but I'm encouraging all efforts that provides us with more options. And perhaps they've seen what's out there and thought it could be better and cheaper. I think it's possible, so hopefully they got what it takes to pull it off. Worth keeping an eye on atleast. Or it's a social experiment just to gauge people's reaction to something vague like this. Or a scam to gather e-mail addresses to spam. Who knows, really.
  10. Sure. As you can call ultra-wide angle fisheye, small dimension lenses pancakes and the Sigma 200-500mm a rocket launcher. Don't see the harm in nicknaming stuff, personally.
  11. Well, you can consider 'nifty' to be 'fine', 'attractive' or 'smart'. And the 50mm f/1.8 is very attractive, because it offers fine quality for very little money. Which could be considered a smart buy. Nobody is claiming optical perfection from it. Just that getting it is a good deal. I suggest we keep it around a little longer!
  12. Wouldn't catch on with me because of its '1/2.84" sensor' and '1080p'. I like cinema camera like setups when it comes to filmmaking. So a body unit with the sensor tech. Then free choice of quality lenses for unique look depending on the style you need for the shoot. DSLR and mirrorless do a fine job without resorting to RED/ARRI/etc. But yeah, for out in the field-type shooting as all-in-one setup with flexible zoomrange, IS, XLR interface etc, it looks alright. I always kinda think 'YouTube' when I see these XA's though. Like for action-type stuff such as skateboarding videos using a wide angle adapter on there.
  13. I hope they bring a true successor to the BMPCC... Usually I'd be fan of something modular. But not if it makes things clunky. This doesn't feel much run-n-gun.
  14. Yeah, if you follow Nitsan Simantov, Alan Besedin and Simon Cade, you get some cool suggestions for gear, character and shooting skills. The Brits are great! The Pixapros look cool, but personally I'd rather look into these two options: Or... Of course depends on required mobility, output and what kind of light you're looking for. If you work with matteboxes in a studio setup, part of your shoot is taking stills, the Pixapros might be the more obvious choice.
  15. Cinegain


    I'm pretty sure it has to do with your adapter set-up. I had a problem recently with Jupiters in M39 mount. The dedicated M39 to M43 mount didn't work, it wouldn't let me focus closer than 3m away or so. The M39 adapter was almost C-mount adapter-like thin. What I did to solve is put a M42 thread on the M39 lens mount and use the M42 to M43 adapter. So somewhere in your adapter arrangement something's going wrong.
  16. We're talking about 800 euros, mate. And myself in particular, I was referring to the A7S color channel clipping that could occur when it's faced with stage lights. Really think the 5DmkII was an honest to god decent option. It's great for stills and you get fullframe lowlight performance. People have used it for years, it's not suddenly a throw-away-camera. But you got to have realistic expectations if you're only spending 800 bucks. If you're big on stills and lowlight, you can't take anything M43 over it I think, really. I'm with you on the BMPCC, I can't see how you'd want that to work for 'good results in poor light (concerts, theatre, ballet,etc) for video and stills'. Best mentioned option though might be the one suggested by Ebrahim. Nikon D5300/D5500. Stills. Check. Video. Check. Lowlight. Fair enough. Handling, mweh, but you'll manage.
  17. AliExpress for example. Today (11.11) is a special day over there too. Gotta love China indeed. Even visited the Hong Kong Electronics Fair and Shenzhen around this time last year, because they just amaze me what things are possible for such low prices. - Though, fair warning, I'd say possibly 90% of the stuff out there is actually that cheap for a reason. Stuff can be good for cheap, if they put in the effort to get it right. Doesn't mean this is always the case. Most of the times it's just something half-assed to look the bizz, but in all actuality is far from it. So you got to know your stuff/read into it or be adventurous and trust your own good judgement. I'm a fan of Chinese brands though. It usually means something if they're willing to put their name on it. But still, for stuff like batteries or so, better buy something legit (don't have to buy original, but you can get a good B-brand (I like Patona for example)) than to fry your expensive gear looking to save a few pennies (almost lost my GH2 on a Chinese DSTE battery).
  18. Ehm. Concerts usually have bright colored lights. You know what the A7S does to stuff like that, right?
  19. Cinegain


    Well, if you want to stick around 14mm, there is that Panasonic/Leica Objektiv DG Summilux 15mm 1.7: http://www.panasonic.com/uk/consumer/cameras-camcorders/lumix-g-lenses/h-x015e.html ... the one DJI reworked as kitlens for their X5. Could be worth checking out. Follow focus... did you take a look at Kamerar's FF-3 yet? Might just suit your needs: http://kamerar.com/products/kamerar-ff-1-follow-focus-w-15mm-quick-release-rods-clamp .
  20. If you can keep ISO below ISO1600 (like ISO1250 or lower) that is. And for 'concerts, theatre, ballet' I bet the zoom doesn't quite cut it. Also, this shouldn't matter, but it might, the appearance of you shooting with a compact camera... especially if it's a paid gig...
  21. What does a 5DmkII runs for these days?
  22. I've opted for becoming a human stabilizer, so I'm currently enrolled in ninja training and I take salsa class.
  23. I am very aware of all of that. That's the reason that well before my post I had already liked your share and backed the project. I like it. Quite a lot actually. But basicly... it's sort of an advanced table dolly. You've got one of them converted egg timers for single axis panoramas as well. Which really doesn't have to cost much either. That's why I said that 'it sounds quite the up in price', just to add some perspective. Not saying it isn't a good price, especially in this specialized market where things get quite costly quickly anyways. You've got something that combines concepts, uniquely and with a twist, with great dura- and portability. That's worth something. Just thought to mention that if you didn't care much about something polished, you'd still have some possibilities, but I guess you could say I'm fighting in the wrong corner here.
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