I've been using the GH2 the last few years. Before that, EX3, HD100, a bit of fS700,
Footage straight out of a GH2 is glorious, BMPCC footage is awful. And wow do I love it! As far as I'm concerned, the bmpcc gives you a film negatve. Even ProRes is unbreakable in my NLE (sony vegaspro). And the BMPCC destroys the GH2 in terms of latitude. I still love my GH2s and keep using them, especially because of the efficient file sizes, but for special footage, the BMPCC is badass.
The battery life is a joke, but so what? for $50 I bought 5 bm batteries. I'm using the 32 gig cards which hold about 20 minutes. So fill a card, change your battery. This is a film workflow IMO and I'm stoked.
Unlike, EX3's and other such cams, the BMPCC's menu is almost nonexistent. Love it, Going into an EX3 menu was like going past the event horizon of a black hole. Jeez, did I really need all those setting? I still don't know what "Knee" is. Again, the BMPCC emulates film. Ingest your negative into your NLE, calibrate your monitor, and you're now in control instead of stressing through endless camera menus on most pro cams.
The LCD. Okay, it's not great. In fact it kind of sucks. There are a lot of options though from Cineroid to Zacuto loops, I'm sure I'll work it out, and I'll be bugging you guys here for idea and tips.
My biggest concern right now is wide angle lensing. Hope to get up to speed on that. These speedboosters seem promising.
#1 gripe is mounting. The cam's body is 1/2" wide. I haven't been able to get a mounting that's satisfactory yet. I like using kwik disconnects. Probably going to need to upgrade. I'm starting to think a cage is the way to go, too bad because I think cages are stupid and turn camera's into erector sets. But with the thin profile, I may have a cage in my future, the Wooden Cam half cage looks the least obtrusive so far.
Davinci Resolve has been a big headache, lots are having trouble with video card compatibility. All I know is it doesn't work and lots of others have the same complaint.
The camera is great through, it's probably not for everyone, but for people like me that love the 16mm film workflow, it's a dream.