This special “filmic” look… Give me a break. It is like with wine tasting. There are 2 kinds of film. The ones I like, and ones I don’t. And even if there really WAS this filmic look… Today, I would guess, 99,9% of all films are watched on TV or a monitor! And even in cinemas, there are digital projectors. So what’s the point, making the “ultimate” wine and mix it with cola? But honestly, I don’t believe in ultimate film quality. Not, if I don’t see it. In the cinema, I don’t see the difference between film-film and digital-film. On the monitor neither. It is also funny, this idea comes from Hollywood, which is more the “fast-food’ of the global film industry. I would guess, in the last successful Hollywood films more than half is animated computer effects… So taking care of Kodak’s film is like McDonalds wanted to protect the ancient wagyu cattle… :-) The Kobe-beef is premium, I can taste it. But I don’t see the difference between film and digital, furthermore, with the right software I can make a good digital image look like any kind of film. I do like music and I have a good Hi-fi system. Some years ago I sold all my LP-s, because they were not better than my CD-s. The person, who bought them, liked exactly the additional handling and caring with the LP-s, and found the scratches are a natural part of music. And I thought, what a wonderful word, everybody finds and pays for his preferences.